PS4 sales increase would only seem to be indicative of the stock situation. But the fact that those sales are happening in the face of a cheaper XB1 and the launch of the most hyped game so far is a pretty strong statement of the general public's interest.
Err, PS4 is cheaper than X1
Percentages are useless if we don't know base sales numbers. What if week before Xbone sold 15k and PS4 65k?
96% boost following a price drop and bundled hyped game doesn't sound like much, especially considering how low the sales probably were the week before. Hopefully for MS it is sustained and not front loaded.
It was pointed out on GAF the X1 price drop was actually the week prior to these figures. So this 96% increase is probably on top of a already heft weekly increase.
I also find it a bit telling nobody with the numbers has come out and said (tweeted) "haha stupid Xbox, PS4 still outsold you last week in UK!". Perhaps it's nothing, but it could mean X1 was ahead.
Absolutely. "Doubled the previous week." Depends entirely what the previous week sales were as to whether these are good numbers or not. It's extremely hard to work out what's happening in any European country as we lack a public figures service.
It's really just making numbers up. Without evidence that UK console sales are tracking NA's, XB1 could be selling proportionately more or less. Could be anything from 2k a week to 20k a week.
Sure, I disclaimed all that already
Nintendo boost Wii U sales by 685% in the UK last week
Sure, a few people have brought up these gaudy past Wii U increases, but it's likely Wii U was selling almost nothing weeks prior, versus presumably reasonably healthy X1 sales prior.
Microsoft: Spend large sums of money on exclusivity rights for a 3rd party game, advertise and market the hell out of it, bundle it for free with Xbox One consoles, unofficial price drops of the console in many retailers = 96% increase in console sales
Sony: Make more PS4 stock available = 72% increase in console sales.
That's nice, but if it was stock limited, PS4 sales could have been near zero the week prior.