It's a tragedy. I remember in 2002 when all the hype started surrounding CELL and it's revolutionary design through scalability that was going to set the market on fire. CELL chips for [Sony] mobile phones, for [Sony] TVs, the next PlayStation, heck, why not in a Walkman. The company best suited for world domination, having a strong foothold in music [Sony music], movies [Columbia etc), entertainment [TVs, Hifi, walkmans, PlayStation]. Not many companies can trounce with being at the center of all things entertainment. Not only are they at the forefront as content creators and publishers (films, music and games), they also make the devices to consume them.
With all these trump cards and aces firmly within their reach, there's no other word than to say that they seriously fucked up. I think the biggest problem with Sony is that they are not acting as one central company, but as multiple entities that are more worried about their own little world than the big picture. So we end up with a seriously castrated media device; A PlayStation or TVs that can't even play widely excepted media files (because it might encourage piracy which would hurt Sony music and pictures) on their own. And while Sony (as others did too) continued to daydream, Apple, who did (and is) acting as a singular entity is taking over the world. One brand at the forefront of everything; From media consumption through AppleTV, tablets, ipods, iphones and computers. It's only a matter of time until they will start producing TVs too - possibly with inbuilt AppleTV. And people will buy them. Why? Because everything works as one and people trust the brand.
If this sounds like a Apple love post - it isn't. I don't even own a single Apple device - and yet, they are right on track. Sony seriously fucked up if you consider what potential they had. Just think about it; They had the perfect image, infrastructure and position to offer all the content - from their produced movies to music all through the devices they buid and sell from TVs to Hifis to PlayStations. If they had the product synergy Apple has going, it would have been one hell of a combo to beat and there are few other companies that were better equiped to pull it off. Alas, now in 2014, things are too late, even if they start doing it (which there are still no signs of): The PS4, sadly, still lacks any sophisticated features to offer even 1% of the content it could. Same goes for their TVs. What the hell are they doing?
Not as if I care anymore. I've moved on long ago, to something called XBMC - and I advice anyone to look at it. XBMC (now Kodi is what should be inside the PS4. And hand in hand with that, Sony should have their direct interface to the content they publish/create. What wasted potential.