All purpose sales and sales rumors/anecdotes thread next gen+

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The drop in spending is a reality.

It's not surprising that it's a reality in the month the increase was introduced, because it was a pre-known situation. Off course it will guide the spending disproportionally in the short term in that scenario, but any long term effect by this alone should be fairly small.

Did you look at the numbers behind your link? it says spending dropped 4.6% compared to previous April. It dropped 13.3% compared to March, but that's hardly that big of a number during the month the change took effect and neither off those numbers are in reality a valid excuse for the low performance of consoles in Japan. The market for them has shrunk immensely over a longer period of time.
There was a one week effect-I can believe that. Console purchases were higher the week prior to the tax, then dropped substantially the week the tax went into effect. That already happened a few weeks ago and there was discussion of it on Neogaf.

But Japan's market has been in the overall doldrums for a long time and this VAT wont have a long term effect like that. It's not exactly an option to stop buying things forever, especially over 3%.

It is, however, an option to stop buying luxury goods or stop buying new clothing as often or stop buying higher priced foods as often or at all, etc. If you've been tracking what's been happening in Japan over the past 20 years, there's been a general trend downward, yes. As well as an upward trend in used product stores (very rare in the 80's while very common in the 2000's).

That increase in taxes means there is now 3% less to spend on everything. Since you can't stop buying food, paying rent, utilities, basic everyday living expenses, that means it's going to have to come from the portion going to "luxury goods" like consoles, new cars, new clothes, etc. And for many Japanese people that was already relatively low to begin with compared to the late 80's early 90's. While rent, utilities, taxes (all, not just sales tax), food, and overall cost of living was relatively high.

It's not surprising that it's a reality in the month the increase was introduced, because it was a pre-known situation. Off course it will guide the spending disproportionally in the short term in that scenario, but any long term effect by this alone should be fairly small.

Did you look at the numbers behind your link? it says spending dropped 4.6% compared to previous April. It dropped 13.3% compared to March, but that's hardly that big of a number during the month the change took effect and neither off those numbers are in reality a valid excuse for the low performance of consoles in Japan. The market for them has shrunk immensely over a longer period of time.

Yes, it's been on a general downward trend. However, the increase in the sales tax prompted a significantly larger decrease than can be accounted for by historical trends. Hence, why economists all missed the boat in predicting how much of an effect the sales tax might have and how many economists were shocked by how much of a drop there was in reality. A key failing of many Keynesian economists in underestimating the effects of taxation in attempting to control a region's economic performance.

As an individuals spendable wealth starts to suffer more and more pressure on one end via increased cost of living for basic daily/monthly required spending and commensurate pressure on the other end by increasingly heavy taxation, there has to come a breaking point at which people's spending habits must change. It's quite likely that innocuous 3% hike in Sales Tax represents one of those moments as everything has immediately gotten 3% more expensive. Versus corporate taxes which are hidden from the consumer and take time to filter down in the form of more expensive goods and services. Or even versus an increase in income tax which directly reduces a person's buying power but doesn't make what they buy more expensive and thus takes longer to filter down and effect a person's spending habits.

It's not surprising that it's a reality in the month the increase was introduced, because it was a pre-known situation. Off course it will guide the spending disproportionally in the short term in that scenario, but any long term effect by this alone should be fairly small.

Did you look at the numbers behind your link? it says spending dropped 4.6% compared to previous April. It dropped 13.3% compared to March, but that's hardly that big of a number during the month the change took effect and neither off those numbers are in reality a valid excuse for the low performance of consoles in Japan. The market for them has shrunk immensely over a longer period of time.
Yes I read the article; I only implied the bolded, you seem to have misunderstood my comments.
Yes I read the article; I only implied the bolded, you seem to have misunderstood my comments.

If you agree that the negative effect is mainly only short term, then calling the tax increase "a terrible idea" in this context is bad wording on your part imo. One also has to remember that the tax increase not only caused less sales after it, but also more sales just before it.

I don't want to take this thread in to a tax conversation. The arguments in those discussion are often the same regardless off the underlying situation (current economic state/tax level, buying power etc.) One side emphasizes the negative effects and vice versa in any scenario.
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US Amazon End Of The Month Numbers

Current US Amazon Best Sellers 100 list (05/31/14), as of 11pm Est.

#1 PlayStation Store Card
#2 Mario Cart 8 Wii U
#6 Watch Dogs PS4
#9 Xbox Gift Card
#10 PS4 Game System (one left in stock)
#13 Watch Dogs XB1
#30 Infamous Second Son Standard Edition PS4
#39 FIFA 14 PS4
#47 Infamous Second Son Limited Edition PS4
#49 Titanfall XB1 Bundle (>999 available)
#51 Super Mario 3D World Wii U
#59 Wii U 32GB Mario & Luigi Console Bundle
#74 Wolfenstein: New Order PS4
#75 Call of Duty Ghost PS4
#84 Wolfenstein: New Order XB1
#94 Battlefield 4 PS4
#100 Assassins Creed Black Flag PS4

Previous Numbers:
Current US Amazon Best Sellers 100 List (5/19/2014 9:50 Est.)

#1 Playstation Gift Card
#4 Mario Cart 8 Wii U
#5 Watch Dogs PS4
#8 PS4 Console
#9 Wolfenstein: New Order PS4
#11 Watch Dogs XB1
#12 Wolfenstein: New Order XB1
#32 FIFA PS4
#41 Titanfall XB1 Bundle
#44 MLB 14: The Show PS4
#46 Titanfall XB1
#53 FarCry 4 PS4
#62 Destiny PS4
#67 Infamous Second Son PS4
#68 Call of Duty Ghost PS4
#69 Battlefield PS4
#70 Assassins Creed Black Flag PS4
#72 Diablo 3 Ultimate Evil PS4
#88 NBA 2K14 PS4

I doubled checked but there are only three (3) XB1 games in the top 100... I believe there are more Wii U games, than XB1 games, in the top 100. Weird...
UK news for this week

- Watch Dogs managed to easily snatch largest debut for new IP in UK [almost 50% better sales than previous record holder LA Noire]
- PS4 got majority of WD sales, PS4 hardware sales 94% better than last week
- Mario Kart 9 #2 spot
- WiiU hardware rise for unholy 666%
- Wolfenstein #3 sale spot :D :D

edit -

WD breakdown:
PS4 49%
Xbone 27%
X360 13%
PS3 9%
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^It would appear so. The majority of PC sales were probably digital. And the rest of the user base probably got a pirated copy.

That's a nice bump in PS4 hardware sales. And wow at almost 50% of WD sales.
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Yup, impressive for PS4. MS better hope 399 has a big effect. If not, better get more cuts ready. Skimping a few bucks on the GPU, it only costs billions.

Also, amazingly fast gen transition continues. It already appears last gen versions of WD could have been done without. I'd say this clinches 2014 as the last year of big cross gen titles imo.

Also, good to see WD success, for core gaming's future at least.
WD breakdown:
PS4 49%
Xbone 27%
X360 13%
PS3 9%

So accounting to this 76% of their sales have been made on AMD GCN GPUs and 2% on PC which is AMD+Nvidia GPUs.

I assume the world wide situation will be similar -> 3/4 sales (at worse 1/2) on AMD GCN GPUs. By the way people are massively buying digital on PS4 & XB1 too.

Yet the game has been developed mainly on Nvidia GPUs + big PC CPUs (nvidia GPUs are favored, particules/physics are CPU computed) which account for maybe 2% (maybe 5% worldwide max?) of their sales. That doesn't make any sense at all. What a waste of opportunity.

Rockstar has perfectly understood this; money is on the 2 big players, PC gamers don't buy many games at full price (or hack them), no point of ever developing for PC first. Development should be exclusive on the 2 main consoles.
So accounting to this 76% of their sales have been made on AMD GCN GPUs and 2% on PC which is AMD+Nvidia GPUs.

I assume the world wide situation will be similar -> 3/4 sales (at worse 1/2) on AMD GCN GPUs. By the way people are massively buying digital on PS4 & XB1 too.

Yet the game has been developed mainly on Nvidia GPUs + big PC CPUs (nvidia GPUs are favored, particules/physics are CPU computed) which account for maybe 2% (maybe 5% worldwide max?) of their sales. That doesn't make any sense at all. What a waste of opportunity.

Rockstar has perfectly understood this; money is on the 2 big players, PC gamers don't buy many games at full price (or hack them), no point of ever developing for PC first. Development should be exclusive on the 2 main consoles.

These figures don't really account for online sales. Most paid versions of PC software (certainly more than >75%) is from online sales / digital distribution. So the figures are a little more complex than that.
These figures don't really account for online sales. Most paid versions of PC software (certainly more than >75%) is from online sales / digital distribution. So the figures are a little more complex than that.

Like I said, PS4 and XB1 gamers also massively buy digital nowadays, maybe not as much, but it would reduce your "complex" factor.

What is sure is the hacking of this game which is massive and maybe even unprecedented for a new IP. Have you checked the charts of any torrent trackers during the last week?
What is sure is the hacking of this game which is massive and maybe even unprecedented for a new IP. Have you checked the charts of any torrent trackers during the last week?
It's a hacking game, so I guess that fits.

To be fair to the torrenters, the legitimate user load was apparently sufficient to exceed what Uplay's servers could handle, so why not count that as a tacit admission on Ubisoft's part that it didn't want more sales than it got? ;)
And most of those would never have payed for it in the first place.
Wrong thread for that discussion.

Globalisateur has a significant point though. The importance of optimising for GCN in the PC space is clearly leapt up. It's probably more a discussion for the PC forum. The relevance here is that cross-platform development should begin with AMD based PCs, or at least have a significant representation of AMD within the development PCs.
These figures don't really account for online sales. Most paid versions of PC software (certainly more than >75%) is from online sales / digital distribution. So the figures are a little more complex than that.

You ever looked at the financial statements from majors? When you look at companies like EA and Activision and their breakdowns of the revenue, you will see revenue generated through PC full game downloads pale in comparison to just about everything else.

EA generated $730 in net revenue from packaged goods and $450 from digital distribution last quarter. PC/Browser segment generated $252 million in net revenue. Looks all fine and dandy until you see that EA only generated $55 million from full game downloads. Most of EA's digital revenue is generated through DLC add ons, mobile/handheld, subscriptions and online adverts.

Activision generated $340 million in PC revenue in Q4 2013 not accounting for online subscriptions. Consoles generated $2.4 billion in the same quarter.

Full PC AAA game downloads sales probably do not come anywhere near console unit sales.
You ever looked at the financial statements from majors?
Yes I've pointed this out a few times.
As much as the PC defense force refuses to believe, console revenue still dominates PC revenue in the first world
Activision generated $340 million in PC revenue in Q4 2013 not accounting for online subscriptions. Consoles generated $2.4 billion in the same quarter.

Not that I disagree that console games generate more revenue, but out of curiosity how much of that 2.4 billion figure comes from 1 or 2 franchises?
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