All purpose sales and sales rumors/anecdotes thread next gen+

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The graph is displaying actual sales not shipped through numbers. Which is probably why the XB1 is showing up less.
I see whats up

from MS press release as one of the bullet points
Xbox One continues selling at a strong pace with 311,000 units sold in the U.S. in the month of March, surpassing Xbox 360 sales by more than 60 percent at the same point in time.
i.e. it reads like its 60% > that 360 in NPD

but if you also read in that same MS press release in the text at the start
The new generation is off to a strong start, with global Xbox One sales outpacing Xbox 360 by more than 60 percent at the same point in time

So we've just got to find out globals sales of xbox and xb360 5 months after launch.

OK I can find out the xbox360 shipped 3.2 million worldwide in its first 2 quarters
So It would of sold no more than 5.12 million worldwide (3.2*1.6), thats if the 360 sold every unit it shipped
@Shortbread; For a second there i thought you linked to that garbage Time "article".

Microsoft should cut to $450 with a bonus game and then focus on reducing costs and becoming profitable.
Attaining 30-50Mil LTD sales while making profits on every console.

$450 with Kinect sports rivals and Forza or titan fall (make 2 packs)

That's a good value and sports rivals shows off the Kinect pretty well and of course free fitness for the rest of the year and when the holidays hit add it in for 6 months
My kids watched TV for the first time ever (they're 5 and 6) a couple of weeks ago. A few minutes after they'd sat down the eldest came running in to say the TV was broken. I went to look and it turned out the adverts had come on!

They are so used to TV being Netflix or Amazon or streamed from our NAS that regular TV is a drag. Though they do appreciate the ability to record Scooby Doo! Other than that TV is where you get to play Skylanders or Lego games.

Even my partner and myself don't really watch anymore. We record the odd series but most of our consumption is from iPlayer or Netflix or other on Demand services.

TV is one of those technologies that has had its day, it's no longer a requirement for media consumption which is probably one of the reasons that the TV functionality of the XB1, outside of the States, has been met with a generally disinterested reception.

The XB1 lets me control the TV. So does my phone. What else is there?

I feel bad , my friends and I still get together to watch certain series like how I met your mother and man what a crazy night that was . Five minute after the finale facebook , twitter and other social media ruined the plot twists of a show running for 9 years. I don't even know how you'd be able to wait for it to go to on demand or website which is normaly 2-3 days later , let alone Netflix which is months later.

Its great that your kids don't understand the adverts but sadly for most of us , unless we want to watch old shows or don't care about episodes being spoiled watching it day of or the next day is as long as you can wait.

I like the xbox one tv features , they work well , just pissed they don't have media center on it.
Nice global chart for last two generations

That chart is NPD only.
Yep. And yet we are forced to pay for TV license - at least in the UK - to fund the BBC. And we are heavily prosecuted if we don't. Talk about being stuck in the 90's.

I would rather pay a TV license for something that is (on paper) free of commercial and political interest.
Instead of being a product sold and bought by commercial run channels that only has one political view and uses their power to press that on everyone who watches their crap.

and for electricity too!

I would rather pay a TV license for something that is (on paper) free of commercial and political interest.
It should be optional though. People should choose to subscribe to whatever channel styles they like. And the BBC is far from independent, meaning I am forced to pay for them to express their views with their own political agenda.

With consoles, you have the choice not to buy the console, but that's not true of television in the UK which is plain bonkers! Can you imagine if every console came with a £50 a year console license that went to pay for EA to make games even if you didn't play EA games? There' d be outrage. There isn't even a subscription to pay the console company to make games. We instead buy their products piecemeal (although they should probably think about a subscription model, pay £5 per month or whatever and get access to the latest, greatest games as they're made).
If it were not for my wife I would throw the TV out of my place to not pay the French TV taxes, last time I was in situation to pay it amounted to ~120 Euros.
I mostly don't watch tv... I don't need it. For the past years they have been trying to extend the taxe to computer displays.
It should be optional though.


I should be paid directly via Tax, i consider it a duty of any free democracy to provide unbiased news and entertainment, as unbiased as possible of course.

How much it should cost is a different subject but imho and from working in the business i know there is so much power in private commercial TV that it's terrifying if there were no real alternative. Italy and the USA are great examples.

Man.. this is OT to the 9th degree :)

I should be paid directly via Tax, i consider it a duty of any free democracy to provide unbiased news and entertainment, as unbiased as possible of course.

How much it should cost is a different subject but imho and from working in the business i know there is so much power in private commercial TV that it's terrifying if there were no real alternative. Italy and the USA are great examples.

Man.. this is OT to the 9th degree :)
I strongly disagree any real strong democracy relies on citizens. There is no such a thing as unbiased, etc. You have to deal with diversity in opinions. It should be the purpose of a constitution to set the conditions so journalism can operate in the best conditions (free of taxes, independant from any big business, from the state's pov too, absolute freedom of speech, etc.).
The state is here to make sure the constitution is respected, and the state has to be under constant scrutiny of the citizens.
we are no citizens but electors, and truth be told most of us are too lazy to do what it takes to qualify as a citizen anyway.
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Let's end this here. I'm tempted to nuke the past page - don't really think it warrants a spawn. Let's just move on instead.
Today (the 24th) MS announces results. So we should get a couple ship numbers of interest.

Unfortunately we pretty much already know X1 will be in the .8 to 1.1m range due to them already announcing 5m shipped (was 3.9m after Dec).

Maybe they'll say something else of interest as well.
Quietly, I noticed all US retailers seem to have reverted to the 499 price for X1. Probably a rough April NPD in store...

It wouldn't surprise me if they ran another deal in May to create another spike in sales. I imagine people that are interested in the X1 will be waiting for another sales now.
It wouldn't surprise me if they ran another deal in May to create another spike in sales. I imagine people that are interested in the X1 will be waiting for another sales now.

Titanfall has come and gone, they are going to be hard pressed to find people who want want who haven't already bought it even at $450.
MS results in. Besides the usual gaudy profits, they report 1.2m X1's and .8m 360's shipped, total of 2.0m. Total of 5.1m X1's now shipped.

Little higher than I expected on the X1 figure.

360's first two quarters were 1.5 and 1.7, total of 3.2. So gen over gen they were down this Q, but healthily ahead overall.

Next Q (Apr-June 2006) 360 shipped 1.8, so MS should continue to lose some of that gen over gen lead next quarter, but still easily retain it overall, unless they do something drastic with X1's price. Beyond that it gets more difficult to predict, but 360's Jul-Sep 2006 Q was only 1.0, so they'll have an easy comparison there.

For Sony, coming up in a couple weeks, if we assume they roughly sold every PS4 they make, at 1m per month they've roughly been reporting, that should be 3.0-3.5 PS4's. PS3 should be about even with 360, so we might see Sony announce 3.5-4.5 total PS3+PS4 for Jan-Mar. Sony doesn't break down the totals anymore. However as 360 and PS3 sales drop off, it will become more and more a X1 vs PS4 comparison only anyway, which is good for our visibility.

Last Q the combined current+last gen totals was 7.8 vs 7.4. Even if Sony comes in at the high end of my prediction, the total consoles shipped since current gen began will sit at 7.8+4.5=12.3 for Sony vs 7.4+2.0=9.4 for MS. So not as bad a blowout as people make it out, with the MS total at ~3/4+ of Sony.

To look just at the current Q, we know Sony is selling about ~1m PS4's per month, MS shipped 1.2, so they're selling ostensibly 400k/month X1. So currently more than 2-1 lead for PS4. However, I think MS overshipped X1 last Q (where they shipped 3.9 and announced 3.0 sold) so those figures might not be entirely accurate as to end user sales (which is always the problem with shipped, they dont correlate 1:1 with sales any given Q) imo. But anyway you slice it Sony likely with a ~2:1 current sales lead with PS4 currently.

Total lifetime 360 shipments now sit at 83.7m. I think they might be able to limp over 90 million. Maybe. My guess is at the end of 2014 they should sit at about 87m.

You would think the prior gen would sell better. At WM yesterday I noticed the 499 X1 sitting next to recently reduced $249 X360 with 2 games, or 179 4GB unit. At any rate, I think MS has done a good job keeping 360 going. They recently did that temporary price cut or whatever on 360, (to 249/179) packed in 2 games, etc.

It' surprising the so called "long tail" in emerging markets for last gen consoles really doesn't exist as much as people think it does. Not for any console. The nature of core gaming is people want the newest.
MS results in. Besides the usual gaudy profits, they report 1.2m X1's and .8m 360's shipped, total of 2.0m. Total of 5.1m X1's now shipped.
Thank you for using "shipped". :D
I hate how MS are using terminology that is easily misunderstood by people, they are doing that shit on purpose. :devilish:
Err both manufacturers historically use both kinds of numbers at different times...

This last time MS may have well been being disingenuous. It probably worked. "7 million to 5 million, not that much difference".

As a practical matter I imagine it's easier to use sold in. You'll have easy internal access to those numbers. Sold numbers, I am not sure how complete or up to date a picture they necessarily have. There's not even trackers in many of the smallest markets I assume.

I should or could also have said "sold in". As it's a stricter definition than "shipped". Shipped can be anything off the assembly line, sold-in is sold to retailers. Sony used to use the looser definition, but a few years back they all aligned to the sold-in definition, which is good for comparison purposes.
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