[360, PS3] Mass Effect 2 *(Spoiler Warning)

Guys, clarify first:
The PS3 version of Mass Effect 2 has just been announced.

How's the balance gameplay vs drama on this? I keep giving Bioware the benefit of the doubt, even though they let me down time and again with their combat systems/skill trees/other assorted mechanics choices. Seems to me they spend most of their resources on the character dialogue and story stuff, which just doesn't do much for me either way.

The main focus for the sequel was to be as like an FPS as they could possibly make it. Both character developement and storyline take a backseat to that.

Whereas ME1 gave you some control over influencing how your teamates felt about you (from adoration to apathy to possibly hate an alienation), ME2 has conversation trees where nothing you says matters. Whether you praise a teammate or call them a piss drinking whore of a dog, they'll still love you and stand by you at the end as long as you did their loyalty mission.

But that's a consequence of the rather simplistic plot in this one. Gather teammates -> do loyalty mission
(so they don't die at the end)
-> Win! Everything is streamlined with the only player choice that actually affects the story basically coming at the end of the game.

Character developement and customization also goes back to the dark ages. Extremely simplistic character modifiers (limited range of generic skills), no inventory of items to pick and choose to customize either roll/damage or more importantly for some character appearance. And if it's that limited for the main character it's almost a non-entity for the NPCs on the team. Pre and post loyalty mission uniforms. No developement of character through conversation as ME1. Limited skill developement.

Bleh, I should stop. I could go on and on and on about all the ways in which ME2 is inferior to the first. There's whole paragraphs about limited adventure/exploration zones in ME2 compared to the first. But at least they made elevator rides faster. /sarcasm.

Although if you're looking for an FPS with a bit of story rather than a RPG with a strong story and a hint of FPS, it might be just your thing.

Does RPG's usual little problem effect ME2? Where you'll spend more time going through menu's, selecting skills, comparing very equipment item you pick up to everything else to see if it's not slightly better, which hundreds of items to sell or hold on to, ect, then you'll spend in actual combat. Is this an RPG, or one those those inventory management simulators?

Mass Effect 2 is very streamlined, a bit too much if you ask me. It's definitely not a inventory management simulator! The first one was a bit more like that, but even that was very far from some other heavier RPGs.

Edit: If I remember correctly ME 2 didn't even have an inventory...
Mass Effect 2 is very streamlined, a bit too much if you ask me. It's definitely not a inventory management simulator! The first one was a bit more like that, but even that was very far from some other heavier RPGs.

That's good to hear. Too much spend in menu's is often one the reasons I don't finish RPG's. It starts to feel too much like a chore after a while.
Can they not just republish Mass Effect 1 as different name on PS3? I know there is this MGS mark on xbox ones but surely IP is on Bioware's side?
May check out YouTube and spoiler sites to get a quick guide on what has transpired in ME1.

BioWare/EA actually put out a demo on XBL a little while back and it included a brief recap of the ME1 story. Check it out:

Actually, this user put together some of the more important events during the game (including characters). Might be worth checking out if you have an 30min. :p Of course, some of the dialogue might be different depending on what the player chose... so... It'll be interesting to see what EA does with the port.

There are also a number of character class trailers to show off some of the powers in action as well.
Thanks for the responses y'all.
The main focus for the sequel was to be as like an FPS as they could possibly make it. Both character developement and storyline take a backseat to that.

That actually sounds encouraging.
Silent_Buddha said:
Although if you're looking for an FPS with a bit of story rather than a RPG with a strong story and a hint of FPS, it might be just your thing.
It's not that I dislike RPGs, I've just found that Bioware's priorities aren't placed on aspects that are essential to me. I like tinkering with party composition, skill trees and equipment, but there has to be a payoff in the end. If there's no satisfying combat experience, I don't see the point in building up characters. Well okay, stealth and conversation skills may still retain their meaning outside of combat, for pure "adventuring", but that's not the primary thing I'm looking for in RPGs either.

But who am I kidding? This afternoon I've taken another look over my list of games bought so far this gen, and have to conclude that I'm going to get this one anyway, eventually, just maybe not at full price. I've bought three Untold Legends games, Sacred 2, two Tri-ace RPGs, that awful Tales Of Symphonia sequel/spinoff for the Wii, White Knight Chrabonicles and two Dynasty Warriors games. I even caved in and bought Cross Edge, of all things. Ergo I am a hopeless sucker for anything with even RPG elements. Better judgement or not, when the time comes, I will be all giddy and as happy to buy as ever.
Just name it Mass Effect Sigma.
Maybe the rumored Mass Effect Genesis?

It'd be cool if Bioware could make like an interactive cuscenes that allows you to make all the choices in ME1. I don't feel like playing that game multiple times just to see how it changes in ME2.
So basically I'm asking: is the combat/skill progression fun? Can the mechanics alone carry the game?
I love all the Bioware games, but I found ME2 a bit lacking in story and RPG elements. Then again, I hate medal of honor and call of duty because it's _purely_ mechanics, no real story at all. If you think story and dialog trees are boring, you'd be better off playing something not made by Bioware.
I definitely hope EA hasn't copy protected the saves on the PS3. If so I may have to pass on this game having already been burnt by both NFS Shift and Dragon Age: Origins.
Why? How did it effect you? (Just curious, I have no idea what copy protecting the game saves implies)
Why? How did it effect you? (Just curious, I have no idea what copy protecting the game saves implies)

Protected game saves are locked to the hardware. You need a second PS3 to transfer the saves to.

I believe the regular backup utility cannot restore it to a different PS3 properly.

... which begs the question why PS+ doesn't include a cloud save feature. :mad:

Bioware made Knight of the Old Republic on Xbox right ? I played that game and liked it. I didn't really think hard about dialog choices, but the overall game story and experiences were rewarding anyway.

I reckon ME2 should be around the same ballpark. I don't remember fumbling with the inventory or skill trees in KotOR too much either. :)
Why? How did it effect you? (Just curious, I have no idea what copy protecting the game saves implies)

I bought a new PS3 slim a little while back which unfortunately was suffering from some sort of hardware issue that did not become apparent until after I had transferred all of my data to it from my 40GB fat using the data transfer utility. Part of the troubleshooting process required formatting the drive so I lost my saves for DA:O and NFS Shift out of the deal (amongst others like Demon Souls and Killzone 2). That sucks pretty hard considering how many hours it takes to get your level built up in these games.

So I am now leery of buying any game that locks saves. Besides the straight up data loss potential, it also means that these games do not let me play them where I want to as the save is locked to a single machine. So I am forced to choose whether to *always* play the game in front room or *always* play it in the bedroom for example.

Totally stupid and unnecessary as they could have trivially locked the save to the PSN account when playing online (the only legitimate time you might need to lock a save I can think of and even then, it is iffy).

It is a straight up anti-user misfeature that should never have been allowed by Sony (in its current form at least).

Here are some games to avoid if own two PS3s or are worried your current one might be on the way out:


Didn't see this coming to the PS3 ! Hmmm.......Will I buy it? Don't know, will depend onthe demo they spew out before the release(if they do). Of course, I can play it on my pC too, but lately all games are made keeping the controller in mind and KB+mouse controls end up twisting ur fingers in to Yogic postitions mid-game ! Lets see if Bioware can get my money finally :) !
Mass Effect is one of my favorite game series!
Both are phantastic games, although I agree with the majority that the story in 1 was better, whereas I liked the gun fighting in 2 much better!

Personally, I liked ME2 much better than ME1...it is one of my favorite games overall! The only thing I did not like so much: you spend 98% of the time recruiting you team, then use them only for one mission...which was still a good mission and lots of fun...but the end felt rather rushed somehow.

The problem: what is the motivation for the people who already played ME1+2 to get the PS3 version....nothing it seems!

Just finished ME1 and started ME2, closing to ACT2 (both on PC)

I also have to say, ME1 better story (at least now) and RPG mechanics, ME2 better shooter lousy RPG mechanics, better dialog choices from start.

Really enjoyed ME1 story. Recommended playing for Sci-Fi RPG fanatics!
Pretty vague. It could be as disappointing as the video introduction included in the 360 demo that was meant to get new players up to speed. :???:
That's all they can say right now:

“So even though it’s Mass Effect 2 specifically, we’re making sure there’s a nice introduction experience, that provides the back-story and the things that have happened up to that point in the universe, and makes it a really seamless introduction.”He added: “We haven’t revealed what that is yet. It’ll be something that provides a good introduction and provides a lot of the back-story and introduces you well to the story-arc, and kind of makes you feel like you’re part of it all. And then you can jump right into the action in Mass Effect 2.”