[360, PS3] Crysis 2

So, this guy is playing in a different map:

Yeah that level looks much better, but I'll reserve judgement until I can play it on my tv. I'm just too suspicious of game videos and screen shots to make a call either way, gotta see it and play it in person. I did play the demo in a different room this time, so instead of 12 feet from a 65" inch screen, it was 16 feet from a 50" screen. The blur was definitely not as bad this time, hence I played it for a while.

The game itself is pretty fun and runs solid. The main flaws that scream out are the usual complete lack of af on textures but that's console for you I guess, pop in which seems pretty severe on the decorative objects, and shadows which almost look like they aren't using cascaded shadow maps at all, or if they are maybe just two, hence shadow pop in is pretty bad. The other thing that kept kicking me in the face was the though that while the game seemed fun, it didn't seem like it was advancing the genre at all, it was cod deja vu all over again. Then again maybe first time Crysis players will feel different about that. I did lament that the speed powerup was gone, and my gut tells me that it was removed for technical reasons. In other words the poor machine wouldn't be able to stream and/or pop in level details quickly enough during a speed burst and would look like ass, hence chop it. Then again the lack of speed powerup would make it much easier to make levels that work in multiplayer.

Game seems fine over all, I personally can't see this dethroning Halo or MW2 in any way shape or form, but who knows. I think it would have been infinitely more interesting as a game if cross platform online was available so pc guys could play with 360 guys, or pc guys with ps3 guys. Now that would be cool, but one can dream. Otherwise seems like yet another solid shooter in a sea filled with solid shooters, so I'm curious to see how well it will do.
Here's LOT first look.

The game itself is pretty fun and runs solid. The main flaws that scream out are the usual complete lack of af on textures but that's console for you I guess, pop in which seems pretty severe on the decorative objects, and shadows which almost look like they aren't using cascaded shadow maps at all, or if they are maybe just two, hence shadow pop in is pretty bad.

Though it looks like shadows keep quite decent quality at distance having shadow sillhouette well defined based on the view from ebfore match starts... or perhaps that was PC with "360" specs again (the EA trailer yesterday)?

The other thing that kept kicking me in the face was the though that while the game seemed fun, it didn't seem like it was advancing the genre at all, it was cod deja vu all over again. Then again maybe first time Crysis players will feel different about that. I did lament that the speed powerup was gone, and my gut tells me that it was removed for technical reasons. In other words the poor machine wouldn't be able to stream and/or pop in level details quickly enough during a speed burst and would look like ass, hence chop it. Then again the lack of speed powerup would make it much easier to make levels that work in multiplayer.

After watching several videos of people playing it sure looks like COD deja vu. Lots from COD, a bit from BFBC2, Halo 3 etc etc. I get the feeling they tried to take the best "ingredients" from each games multiplayer part and make a soup out of that. But results seems average to me so far. Sure many on consoles dont know nanosuit functions that well and gamepad makes it look quite stiff but still hit response, animations, weapon recoil, weapon effects, ambient sounds, ambient voice taunts just seems to me very average and way to flashy. Well below previous Crysis multiplayer.

I think it would have been infinitely more interesting as a game if cross platform online was available so pc guys could play with 360 guys, or pc guys with ps3 guys. Now that would be cool, but one can dream.

That would be great, easy frags to warm up! :LOL: :p
I still can't believe they took out speed mode! - my favorite mode. Nanosuit 2 is like the bigger roided out version of nanosuit 1. He's stronger but in return he lost his agility and he huffs and puffs just normal sprinting (uses energy). In fact, they basically just downgraded the suit and tied two modes together. I'm hoping the upgrades will allow some major modifications to the powers.

Yeah a shame. It was great not only to gain momentum but also to move fast on battlefield and making you less prone to being spot due to your speed moving from cover to cover. Dont really like how they made the suit power function for Crysis 2. Seems adapted and limited for slow controls.
im more intersted in SP aspect of this game but still imo Mp is very solid. I played about 6 games yesterday and had fun with it. matchmaking was quick for me and lag free.
Sure it feels like mix of reach and cod but after big dissapointed reach and black ops was for me im looking forward to finally change mw2 to something new.
And i dont have modern PC at home so gfx wise it looks pretty to me (comparing to other console titles thats it).
Maybe that is in the demo but not unlocked. Just speculations though when thinking about demo size.
Can't be an unlockable; the guy playing is on the lowest rank.

I'm just confused as to how it gets selected. I've played about 15 games, and I haven't seen it once.
Ahh the old "take crappy quality shots and judge the game". What is the compression turned up to on those jpegs 400%? 171 KB for a 720P shot?

I still remember when you guys did that with a low quality flash video months ago...too which then I showed every game looks bad on LQ flash video stills.

I'm going to say any game looks bad in direct feed.

The best looking game on console.

Anyways Skyline is not the best looking C2 level. But it still looks awesome.

Do people really think this is sub HD?

But I just dont get it, it's the EXACT SAME GAME as all those videos people were raving about two pages ago, but suddenly it's trash?

Ok... for one.... BREATHE!

Noone said this was garbage... I said the lighting and character models look amazing and also i'm not simply saying that from the pics on this forum but after playing the demo myself ;)

Finally, all i said was that the AA method being used ganks up the IQ, which for me spoils the overall look because the lighting, models and some of the textures are so good that they deserved to be viewed through a "clean lens" IMO.

If other people's opinions differ from your own then you know what, they're actually entitled to their own opinions... if you think it's still teh best looking game ever made ever on the earth then that's great for you bro... more power to you ;-)
Well judging by Neogaf (a very dangerous idea anyway) Crysis is getting a lot of pub. It has like 3 times the pages/views of the Bulletstorm demo thread.

Part of me honestly hopes this can be the game to topple COD in the MP space (a absolutely enormous order, to be sure). I really enjoyed the beta despite it's terrible bugginess and this is better because it's more polished.

I really think this will be the first MP game since Gears 1 I will be putting significant time into when it comes out.

It seems Crytek was smart and fully copied the COD upgrades rat race formula, hopefully even deeper. Even though I suck at the game I've been earning steady upgrades and thats fun.
If you are coming from Crysis/Wars the MP will be utterly disappointing.....loved Power Struggle mode in Mesa and Frost (especially with Day/Night transition). :love:

A pity that they probably won't be having Day/night transition in MP (can't say about SP)...infact I never understood the fuss about doing each and everything in real time on consoles if the TOD is going to be the same everytime you play a particular map/level.
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