[360, PS3] Crysis 2

I know, I know a lot of people like Warhead. I knew that when I wrote my opinion......and I know my Crysis very well too.
I HATE Warhead. it was a boring grind through shoved levels. it was that for me. If it was amazing for you, very well, you spent your money well, to me it is one of my worst spent money. Your telling me that you enjoyed it simply means a case of different tastes.
For Example, I hated the last boss of Crysis, it was rushed attempt at ending the game halfway with a bang. It was stupid and looked like it came out of Contra-world or something and I once met a man on the internet who said it was the best part of Crysis ! :oops: :oops:
To me Crysis gameplay >>>>>>>Warhead whole package. A lot of people repeatedly tell me that Crysis has minimal gameplay and it is considered cool only because it looks cool. I differ everytime, as the best part of Crysis for me is the gunplay, it feels so unique, so unlike other shooters out there. I replay Crysis for the gameplay, people try to tell me that I should re-play Crysis for the Graphics ! Sorry, my brain tells me different.

I love Crysis, for what appeals to me. I find it is different from what the majority likes about Crysis. Big Deal ! To me Warhead is Crap ! Doesn't look as good as Crysis either , has some really ugly geometry and textures on some trees and is aesthetically unsound.

@Nebula: I know you are a great gamer, but I also know that we have different tastes. You like Fallout3, I don't ;) ! You like Warhead, I don't ! To me it feels like Forced "action". Action so that they could say "More Action" than Crysis on the box. Its all fluff and no substance for me, like a VFX laden movie with no soul.

From what I have seen about Crysis 2, they seem to be hitting a vibe with the gameplay. Thats good, as everything else feels so alienated from Crysis that its hardly recognizable.
But, yes, when it hits, we'll be there ready to fry our graphics cards to get it running beyond Ultra high :D ! Won't we Nebula ?
Crytek is intentionally dodging the "which version is it" issue...from twitter


@Crysis Was the "Be the Weapon" trailer captured from the #Xbox or PC version of the game? Either way I want it NOW!!! 12:01 PM Dec 21st via TweetDeck

@iiStryker you'll need to wait and see :)

The smileyface almost makes me think it's the console version and they're being smug about it (ie, it's so great people think it's PC) but the fact one of the screens was 900p throws a wrench in there. But maybe PC at Xbox settings again or something. Anyways tired of talking about that.
I'd say the PS3 shot is quite indicative of the trailer quality. The lighting, textures and geometry all seem on par, trailer might be touched up a bit with AA, better shadows and downsampled res, but it is console quality to me.
The smileyface almost makes me think it's the console version and they're being smug about it (ie, it's so great people think it's PC) but the fact one of the screens was 900p throws a wrench in there. But maybe PC at Xbox settings again or something. Anyways tired of talking about that.

Well, keep in mind the screenshot was heavily compressed and may be subject to debate with their custom AA solution. I don't get why they're being so coy about it though. :s
Kinda funny that he corrected himself.
Because i believe he first said 720p then quickly said 760p.
Or im just becoming deaf.:LOL:

He also said "how many resolution?" :LOL: Too be fair english probably not his first language.

Anyways vid looks promising, what little can be seen (and the 3D blur of course). Not sure why nobody seems to be able to take a clear offscreen vid of Crysis 2 yet. That appeared to be from "GDC Shanghai" so who knows maybe even other vids may surface from that event.

I still note there is a PC sitting right next to the Xbox. But that's probably running the monitor to the right.

Don't know if this was posted before. This guy walks around the whole Beta level to show it nicely. I am downloading the 720p version to watch closely.
Something is off in stress test mp videos in comparison with SP.I dunno if its complete lack of motion blur or stiff animations that look like Quake 2 but something is...Lighting and reflections look great though.
Something is off in stress test mp videos in comparison with SP.I dunno if its complete lack of motion blur or stiff animations that look like Quake 2 but something is...Lighting and reflections look great though.

I agree. But there are still certain effects in the stress test that look quite un-console like and hint at greater things to come.

We even got a (horrible quality) video of another MP level called ambush, and from what I could tell even it looked a lot better than rooftops (stress test map).

Anyway Crytek twitters are hinting for more media soon and still hyping March launch, so good news.

Also the game will be running on stations in 3D at CES, so perhaps more obnoxious blurrified 3D handycam footage.

@crysisjake Our producer Peter is in Las Vegas at #CES this week to show official 3D footage. There are five/six boothes that show #Crysis2.
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Hope the AO isn't as ugly in the full game as in that video. There it looks like a "hey look at this expensive effect" rather than subtle like it should be. Large grimey blobs around everything is distracting.

Gonna have a tough choice on what platform to get this on. Don't know how a mobility 5650 would handle it.
The screens in some of their presentations make me think my PC is going to bruise its knees again :LOL: ! I have a 4850 ! Crysis runs fine, but with realtime light bounce and my monitors native res being 1920X1080, I think I will have to sacrifice the AA ......I don't like playing without AA.......T_T !

Buying th PC version is given, but I was thinking yesterday whether I might end up with a ps3 version too if the gameplay is solid. Need a demo on the consoles Crytek. Can't turn into a believer without that.
Even I hope Crytek releases a demo.
Anyways you can try turning the AA off and use the ingame command to downsample from 1080p.
Even I hope Crytek releases a demo.
Anyways you can try turning the AA off and use the ingame command to downsample from 1080p.

I think they have to ! Its a new IP on the consoles and even KZ2 had to get a demo out. These days its a given for a new IP to Have a demo to prove itself worthy of customer's money. Its not just about the graphics, one needs to know if the game is to one's liking or not.
I grow impatient with Crytek these days. With only two months to go and not a single HD direct feed console footage or even screenshot to the public, what is Crytek thinking, let along licensing the engine? Why can't they just say "Be the weapon" trailer was all console footage?