[360, PS3] Crysis 2

crysis 2 ps3 shot
That looks surprisingly smooth and not nearly a disaster which I was starting to think. The custom AA looks smooth and all but it's kinda blurring the IQ a fair bit, also aside from the god rays I really can't see anything special. Does anyone see GI in the shot and does the lighting precision seem lower than the trailer?
That looks surprisingly smooth and not nearly a disaster which I was starting to think. The custom AA looks smooth and all but it's kinda blurring the IQ a fair bit, also aside from the god rays I really can't see anything special. Does anyone see GI in the shot and does the lighting precision seem lower than the trailer?
I think this is a bit older shot,kinda doubt that Crytek would leave their AA to fuck up the IQ,at least judging by their improvements in GI and SSAO performance and their quality on console.In trailer it looks exactly as smooth but without any blurring/softening.Image by itself is not particularly impressive probably duo to settings and crappy TOD,but it seems to be indication that trailer is probably console version and it looks great non the less.With all those post processing effects turn on it should be beast...
I think this is a bit older shot,kinda doubt that Crytek would leave their AA to fuck up the IQ,at least judging by their improvements in GI and SSAO performance and their quality on console.In trailer it looks exactly as smooth but without any blurring/softening.Image by itself is not particularly impressive probably duo to settings and crappy TOD,but it seems to be indication that trailer is probably console version and it looks great non the less.With all those post processing effects turn on it should be beast...

Their AA effect is leaning more towards QAA judging from the shot but I don't mind it as long as it's not a jaggy mess. Now why can't Crytek just tell us which version was that trailer from, I mean come on nobody likes to play guessing games here. I'm holding my judgment till I see a direct capture of the ingame console shot from the latest build.
That looks surprisingly smooth and not nearly a disaster which I was starting to think. The custom AA looks smooth and all but it's kinda blurring the IQ a fair bit, also aside from the god rays I really can't see anything special. Does anyone see GI in the shot and does the lighting precision seem lower than the trailer?
Looks ok in that PS3 shot.but in the new videos you can see huge jaggies like the pole dead center in this shot nebula took.
Aaaah ! please stop the crap my gun is better than yours discussion :mad: ! These things lead nowhere ! KZ2 : best guns on consoles, Crysis: best guns on PC ! Or whatever suits you individually ! But let it freajing rest.

I came to find new stuff about the game, and the whole thread is full of this nonsensical crap.
Anyways, more than anything else, Nebby's shots remind us of what a masterpiece Crysis is even Now. it looks so damn good! even now its the Crysis shots that make you go "WoW !" instead of Crysis 2 ! What about that :mad: ? What say Crytek?
Maybe its just me but Crysis 2 seems like a very different game compared to Crysis one.

Considering the artwork style and to a certain part gameplay people should forget Crysis and use Warhead for comparision as they got more incommon. While Warhead still has huge levels they are more oval or narrow than Crysis levels. Pace in Warhead is faster, a bit more guided but it allows you to play with your own style at your pace.
Considering the artwork style and to a certain part gameplay people should forget Crysis and use Warhead for comparision as they got more incommon. While Warhead still has huge levels they are more oval or narrow than Crysis levels. Pace in Warhead is faster, a bit more guided but it allows you to play with your own style at your pace.

My 2 cents: Warhead was cringe worthy bad :mad: ! It was so freaking bad that I couldn't get myself to complete. It was just a joyride with big explosions. Unbalanced and overpowered. It was a disaster, gameplay wise. It was pathetic ! I don't understand why it sold better than Crysis. Maybe people had upgraded to better PCs by then and bought it thinking its newer. Its a bunch of hopskotch level stringed together so that they can be sold. No imagination, no testing of gameplay done and nobody checked if the bloody thing is fun at all. Crysis had a well tested campaign which you could enjoy at yOur own pace. Warhead was shit being forced down your throat just cos you bought it. I couldn't swallow it, I puked !

Back to topic: Yes Crysis 2 is a very different game from Crysis. To be honest, nothing much is common to Crysis other than the look of the nano suit ! They went for a total revamp. Lets just hope the new gameplay is equally fun ! Hope sustains life ;) !
My 2 cents: Warhead was cringe worthy bad :mad: ! It was so freaking bad that I couldn't get myself to complete. It was just a joyride with big explosions. Unbalanced and overpowered. It was a disaster, gameplay wise. It was pathetic ! I don't understand why it sold better than Crysis. Maybe people had upgraded to better PCs by then and bought it thinking its newer. Its a bunch of hopskotch level stringed together so that they can be sold. No imagination, no testing of gameplay done and nobody checked if the bloody thing is fun at all. Crysis had a well tested campaign which you could enjoy at yOur own pace. Warhead was shit being forced down your throat just cos you bought it. I couldn't swallow it, I puked !

Well thats your view though it certainly seems exaggerated. It's quite well balanced and your not really overpowered. Actually despite all ammo and nanosuit powers you would find yourself in cramped situations when you where facing 10, 20 or even upwards 40 enemies (I played on Delta, highest difficulty). It really puts your ability to handle the nanosuit powers and aiming aswell as using attachements and tactics to the test. I died a lot of times and I sure aint a slacker, my BFBC2 profile can show I am really good. :D

Funwise it was actually better for me as it kept you more busy than Crysis yet almost anytime you could just turn down pace to your preference. For example you where never forced to be ontop of moving train. You could anytime just jump off and play it at your own pace and plan tactics and whenever you wanted just run ahead to train and jump right back onto it. Or just exit the hovercraft or jump out of vehicle (after defending your mate) and walk, sneak or other.

levels from a design point are excellent for levels of the 'snake' and 'oval' type and still where quite wide/big with well designed routes, palcement of obstacles, protection and clutter. Though Crysis levels offered more freedom and they where seamless in the form that where one level ended the next began. Thus your route through the games levels and island was an unbroken line. That said Warheads levels progress is quiet coherent.

Dont know about sales but Crysis sold over 1m copies in about 2 moths or less and over 2m years ago. Never heared of Warhead sales except it was a financial success and Crysis broke even for Crysis and CryEngine 2 development.

But each to their won.
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I LOVE warhead, that game was a blast to play with perfect pacing...and all that without even forcing you to move on, you could practically play it at snail's pace and do whatever you want but the game still did a better job at making you engaged. It was my 2nd favorite game of 2008 after MGS4. :p
Aaaah ! please stop the crap my gun is better than yours discussion :mad: ! These things lead nowhere ! KZ2 : best guns on consoles, Crysis: best guns on PC ! Or whatever suits you individually ! But let it freajing rest.

I came to find new stuff about the game, and the whole thread is full of this nonsensical crap.
Anyways, more than anything else, Nebby's shots remind us of what a masterpiece Crysis is even Now. it looks so damn good! even now its the Crysis shots that make you go "WoW !" instead of Crysis 2 ! What about that :mad: ? What say Crytek?

They probably say, it's on consoles now. Sort of, basic duh stuff there. In fact they have an interview basically stating as much (ie, consoles holding PC's back), if you are so interested in the game as you claim maybe you should have read a little about it.

Although much of Crysis 2 still looks leagues above Crysis 1 in that newest trailer, as an overall package, it is a new graphics high point. I am unable to delve into technical nitty gritty as I lack techincal chops, but I just go with what I see and what impression it makes on me. And that trailer was wow, although the quality is very uneven, and some parts definitely scream 512MB RAM.

They talked a little on the game in the latest weekend confirmed, just throwing it out there a few times. They seemed to think Bulletstorm has more hype. I'm wondering how it will sell. I tend to think graphics are a bigger driver of hardcore hype than people credit, I think it will do well, surprisingly well. I was also pretty intrigued by the beta...the whole cloaking thing Crysis has patented is just cool, for lack of a better term. It's just neat to turn "invisible" and stalk about, I think it is the game's signature hook and will help make C2 popular on console.

But again I'm mostly just thrilled with the media coming out suggesting March 22 is locked in.

I do wish Crytek would stop playing and tell us what versions we are looking at for sure. Or how about, a nice SP demo dropping on XBL anytime now! (Yeah right).
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Been looking at some Cryteks new 3D papers and comparing it to trailer since Crytek wont say a thing I am now quite sure that everything in trailer is console game play and not even played on PC but on console,with their own console AA method(my guess).
Here is PS3 shot from their 3D tech papers...So could we get a pixel counters in here to determine this one? :LOL:

Could you post a link to the 3D papers?
I LOVE warhead, that game was a blast to play with perfect pacing...and all that without even forcing you to move on, you could practically play it at snail's pace and do whatever you want but the game still did a better job at making you engaged. It was my 2nd favorite game of 2008 after MGS4. :p

The only part that I liked was the airfield at the end . But it took me half a year to get there , I barely played it because the rest was so boring.