[360, PS3] Crysis 2

lol, Crytek giving the shaft to loyal customers again xD

It's just a stress test for 360, nothing more. Same shit we got for BFBC2 which I thought was a beta test but it was just stress test. Sure can stress test my PC with 360 stress test... lalalala..
The stress test is different, and seems pretty easy to get into right now if you know what to do.

I likely wont even be in the beta, unless all stress testers get the beta automatically or something.

But that's fine, I just wanted to check the game out.
Heres a vid of the stress test (not mine :p)


Same level we've seen before and not particularly impressive imo. But some seem to like it as reaction seem more positive than the vastly better looking SP stuff we've seen so far.

BTW that bloodspiller guy is leaking his Cryis stress test stuff left and right :p
I wish I knew about this when sign ups started, would love to test it out. :cry:

Yea it seems to run better than sp,it does look nice also but no OMB like in sp,maybe older build.Need better quality :p

I thought the console versions didn't have OMB :?: