[360, PS3] Crysis 2

I believe the video up loader also said it's the pre alpha version so lets keep on wishful thinking they can fix the pop ups and texture streaming.
Dunno if posted. Some info/links posted from different users from Incrysis.

Ooh just spotted Crysis2 on PC (as well as console) - thanks to Nvidia!

EA and Crytek also announced today a closed multiplayer beta for Xbox 360® videogame and entertainment system starting this fall.

2 multiplayer map layouts (showcased multiplayer maps).

Supposedly PC Crysis 2 singleplayer footage though it is played with gamepad(!?). -> http://www.vg247.com/2010/10/01/eurogamer-expo-2010-crysis-2-pc-gets-videoed/
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I guess that was the same as the E3 build. So yeah pretty much a gamepad with 360 (hopefully!) settings.
Wow...thats some notorious pop ins Im seeing :LOL: Poor Crytek...press were very hard on Crysis 2 360 version because of technical issues,hope they fix it.

None the less...it looks amazing no doubt,especially nice OMB :oops:
From a post at Incrysis (Crysuki). Some first hand impressions from EG show.


Crysis 2 should have been a major attraction on the show floor given its predecessor's reputation as a graphical showcase. Conversely, it put in a very disappointing showing thanks to a highly unstable Xbox 360 build featuring an extremely jerky frame rate and a heinous amount of short-range texture pop-in. While you'd expect a great developer like Crytek to have these issues ironed out by release, it begs the question of why preview the game in such a state?


Other impressions. Most people talk same thing.

Crysis 2 is a bit of a disappointment. Stiff response with controls. Frame rate is poor. Graphics have been choked majorly.

Crysis on 360 looked hilariously bad. Mind you, it was funny counting how many of the PC version crashed. Two of the GodisaGeek.com guys were playing the PC version, both frustrated by the popups saying "Press X to etc" or "Hold RT to...." when there was no equivalent in the menus. Both of the guys had it crash more than once as well. The 360 version though looked like a different game, whilst the PC version looked (when it was running properly) stunning, the 360 looked like a cheap FEAR knockoff!

Crysis 2 was really good looking but the frame rate to slow down and even stutter in more open areas on Xbox 360.

Well where do I start with this one. The first machine I went too with this playing was sat at a black screen seemingly having frozen. Not a good start, although I did later find out that if I had pressed Y I would have been able to play good job marking that one guys. When I did get to finally play I was shocked, not with how good with the graphics were or how good it was. Quite the opposite in fact. It looked like total crap, ran so badly it looked like it was running at about 5fps and after 2 minutes it managed to kill the xbox it was running on. In fact the crysis 2 stand had at one point 3 xboxs with the RroD.

I wasn't impressed by the Crysis 2 PC build either. Definitely a more stable frame rate than the 360 but the engine didn't impress hugely- certainly not the same big leaps we're used to. The game itself wasn't up to much either - gone are the wide, open, anything-goes gameplay of old and replaced by more corridors with skies and turgid set-pieces.

Crysis 2 was a bit of a let down. The environments and effects look nice, but the human models looked a bit naff and the framerates were a bit choppy.
This comment below... leftover from faking platform running build? :LOL:
Crysis 2 was great but for some stupid reason the PC build had Xbox control hints. 'Press the Y button to interact' or 'press the x button to switch weapons' had me mashing the keyboard to find the right keys.
From a post at Incrysis (Crysuki). Some first hand impressions from EG show.


This comment below... leftover from faking platform running build? :LOL:

probably the same stuff shown at gamescom, I hope that they use the remaining time efficiently.

EDIT: just realised: again no sign of the PS3 version - if the Xbox version has so much problems, I propably have to lower my expectations about the PS3 version...
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Hmm, those comments sure dont match up to the same game as that video. I think they were playing something else by mistake.
It is? Any way to sign up?

It seems you need to sign up at there forum or something not a lot of info given only that there is a beta this fall.

Not sure i think cryteck kinda made expectation extremely high by saying that the console version would look better then crysis 1.
And perhaps EA pr people made mistakes with configurations heard horror stories about pc version using 360 button layouts and stuff.
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Hmm, those comments sure dont match up to the same game as that video. I think they were playing something else by mistake.

Dunno but it seems consistent across first hand impressions from lots of people that where there (besides commetns in quote). In other forums there is some talk.

Anyway it doesn't look bad and I hope they dont compare to PC version but instead to other console games as it should be for it to be fair.

Anyway here is 360 gameplay footage from EG show.

Another video of some version.
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I heaven't seen any postive comment about 360 version of the game.
I have seen couple of them...there was one sniff of positiveness after long read about frame rate,tearing and pop ups :LOL:
It said that Crytek has to polish it and optimize it further and that it could than even be the next big thing(graphically) on consoles.Im sure as hell that video looked good(aside from terrible technical glitches).