[360, PS3] Crysis 2

I'll add to above post that they mentioned it being vsynced on PS360 though no confirmation if double or triple buffering was used.

Cryteks 3D mode is called "Screen Space Re-Projection Stereo".

Wrong section!

"Das Spiel wird bei vergleichbarer Grafik deutlich flüssiger laufen als der bzw. die Vorgänger auf CE2-Basis. Die Präsentation erfolgte auf einem Core i7-920 samt 6 GiB RAM und einer Geforce GTX 260 unter DirectX 9, die Demo lief subjektiv sehr flüssig - trotz diverser Effekt-Spielereien im Editor."

"The game at comparable settings to CE2/predecessor runs much smoother. Presentation was made on an i7-920 (CPU), 6GB RAM and a Geforce GTX260 in DX9 API mode. The demo was very smooth despite multiple effects in editor."

Other bits,

Ce3/Crysis 2 will support DX9, DX10 and DX11 API. Main use of DX11 API will be compute shaders which will speed up deffered lighting and post processing. Tesselation is in experimentation phase.

Bei den cineastischen Effekten fährt die Cryengine 3 das volle Programm von Ambient Occlusion, über Depth of Field, (Objekt) Motion Blur, Depth of Field oder auch Bokeh-Filter auf.

Mention of effects used and DOF effect or bokeh DOF (I assume speculation from article writer).

Asked about a higher texture resolution Sean commented with a grinning shrug - we interpret this as a "Yes". The same goes for DirectX11.

8 cores/thread support. Ai, physics, audio, rendering is threaded.

"Sean ließ durchblicken, dass die Cryengine 3 bei änhlicher Grafikqualität fast doppelt so viele Fps darstellt wie die Cryengine 2."

"Sean hinted that CE3 is almost twice as fast as CE2 at comparable graphic settings."
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What?No AA?What was their latest paper on AA about than?Their hybrid solution...they said they are not going to implant MLAA cus of computation costs so I assumed its on consoles.
I mean...give me AA for dynamic GI anyday in console game...
Maybe they meant MSAA. Anwyay if it aint got their AAA solution then they should atleast have something akin to the Crysis/CE2 edge AA type 2 which has minimal perfomance impact even on a 7900GT GPU. It sure is a lot better than nothing and much better than most other edge blur AA solutions I've seen and does not blur whole image (tiny, tiny bit perhaps).
Maybe they meant MSAA. Anwyay if it aint got their AAA solution then they should atleast have something akin to the Crysis/CE2 edge AA type 2 which has minimal perfomance impact even on a 7900GT GPU. It sure is a lot better than nothing and much better than most other edge blur AA solutions I've seen and does not blur whole image (tiny, tiny bit perhaps).

Yeah i typed that wrong but there's no MSAA support on consoles.

Edit:nvm article says no anti aliasing.
New video. This one is by EA and official promo video for Crysis 2. Unlike the GC stage demo (which seemed staged) this one actually shows quite nice flow. Surprised to see a soldier water slide onto nearby building. :LOL:

Wow nice that we can get some more complex fps mechanics on consoles.
I like all those movement option.
I saw a little bit of Brink SMART system,sliding from bulletstorm of course the world famous cod:mw unlock system color me hyped now i just want real console footage
because gttv had shitty draw distance compared to this.
New video. This one is by EA and official promo video for Crysis 2. Unlike the GC stage demo (which seemed staged) this one actually shows quite nice flow. Surprised to see a soldier water slide onto nearby building. :LOL:

Did they say if that is PC or 360 footage? I assume PC since the af seems high at some points.
New video. This one is by EA and official promo video for Crysis 2. Unlike the GC stage demo (which seemed staged) this one actually shows quite nice flow. Surprised to see a soldier water slide onto nearby building. :LOL:

It is still staged with everyone at the same preset positions :LOL: ! Graphics are looking good though.
It says "12 NYC locations" , which pretty much confirms the whole game will be set in NYC. No more beautiful exotic jungles in the lap of nature :( !
Graphics are great looking, I hope that I can check it out in person tomorrow ;-)

But, what really shocks me: the animations are hopefully placeholder animations!!
Looks very stiff, some enemies when killed fall down like a stiff wooden stick - looks unintenional amusing! Hit reaction is somewhat limited as well...

hm, I like the graphics but due to the animation the whole MP stuff looks a little bit 'old fashioned' and frumpy...I hope that this is something they improve, as in one of their tech demos they mentioned hit reaction+animation being something they focus on!
Did they say if that is PC or 360 footage? I assume PC since the af seems high at some points.

They haven't mentioned what platform they used for promo.

It is still staged with everyone at the same preset positions :LOL: !

Yes I know but execution is way better here and does a far better job at showcasing the gameplay in MP. :)

Graphics are great looking, I hope that I can check it out in person tomorrow ;-)

But, what really shocks me: the animations are hopefully placeholder animations!!
Looks very stiff, some enemies when killed fall down like a stiff wooden stick - looks unintenional amusing! Hit reaction is somewhat limited as well...

hm, I like the graphics but due to the animation the whole MP stuff looks a little bit 'old fashioned' and frumpy...I hope that this is something they improve, as in one of their tech demos they mentioned hit reaction+animation being something they focus on!

Probably buggy (seemed to jump around like if lag was present). Saw a gameplay video with body surfing down the stairs instead of deforming according to chairs shape. Cant think of it being like that for final version as that would be far worse than previous Crysis games which had decent to good ragdoll (once on ground ragdoll was off to please German laws but you could still throw stuff or walk on them to make the ragdoll active).
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I expect to see some better animations at pax in two weeks unless crysis 2 isnt there of course.
Any normal footage off multiplayer on youtube?
New video. This one is by EA and official promo video for Crysis 2. Unlike the GC stage demo (which seemed staged) this one actually shows quite nice flow. Surprised to see a soldier water slide onto nearby building. :LOL:

This looked amazing and run silky smooth but I doubt it's the 360 version...IQ was too good and the frame-rate was flawless.

Is there any off-screen videos of the multiplayer gamescom demo of the 360 version? :/
I assume this video is 360 or at least 360 settings cus one of the devs said it on incrysis.com for one footage...i just cant find where,but it says 360 it is...

I mean i think all the versions,PC and 360 at GC look the same...its just that it looks a bit to good for 360...