Err...buildings collapsing is obviously a canned sequence.
Do people still get impressed by those? :S
Do people still get impressed by those? :S
I'm impressed because its really really well done,very smooth and unlike bunch of boxes falling down.Here is bridge collapsing(second).Err...buildings collapsing is obviously a canned sequence.
Do people still get impressed by those? :S
Just wanted to get some details:
Campaign is roughly 10-15hrs? Seems so depending on difficulty level and play style.
Multiplayer is 6vs6 or more? 6vs6
360 version >>> ps3? I think it's more 360 = ps3 with some minimal differences. Haven't seen both versions to be honest.
Is the game any good, gameplay, story, etc? Gameplay is damn good, can't say much for the story since I'm not that far in the campaign.
Trying to decide if I should get it on 360, I currently don't have gold for Live.
Whats goin on with the blur/bloom around the HUD, thought that was supposedly not there on 360 verion? Maybe it was changed in retail?
Yea!They implanted story/info corridor part very well with open part of battle that you go through.Better than all time open or all time closed game design in my opinion.
Yeah it seems to be a bit of both. I do actually like Crysis 1's fully open style more though truth be told, but part 2 so far has kept some openeness in there, more than typical shooters, so I'm happy so far.
Complexity of the game is an order of magnitude lower than Crysis 1. I don't want to say it's been consoleified, so lets just say they did it to make it more accessible for more people. But the end result is that the suit use is far less satisfying. I miss some of the minor intricacies of the first game, like strength mode helping stabilise your aiming reticle to make long distance sniping easier.
Levels are smaller and broken into bite sized "chunks." I'm assuming this was done to make it easier to fit into the limited memory of the consoles. Thus I don't miss the "speed" nanosuit ability much.
To fix the ps3 blur just switch the ps3 settings from 1080p to 720p,the blur is due to the up scaling they did on the ps3 version. The 360 runs the game on 720p which makes it look the way it does,i have a friend who has crysis2 on both 360 and ps3 and when we made this change to 720 all was fixed the blur was gone and it looked great .
It's weird, even when the framerate drops, the controls still feel responsive so it's still very playable.
Console optimization really helped the pc version in that respect, so my hats off to consoles there.
, I wasn't happy about no dx11 support but at the end of the day I'm still having good fun with the game and it still looks damn nice!
I dont really care either way but if the majority thinks it is then most likely it is bro. If I wasn't so lazy right now I would quote Lucid_Dreamers "LOT vote majority has spoken" post and use it as my answer..
Also their DOF implantation is great looking and very smooth,without shimmering on edges.
Please don't downplay the game. Corridor shooter? Worse AI than Crysis? Really? You can do far better than that.Theres no magic code that they found when doing Crysis 2 for the consoles, it runs good because they made it a corridor shooter (it is easy to cull the geometry by not using big open levels), they made the shaders simple (for example the water), they made less particle effects and they do not react physically to the environment like they did on Crysis 1, theres less physics interaction in the levels, the textures in many places are low rez, the amount of polygons on screen is also much less them it was on Crysis 1 and the AI is simple (The AI was not very bright on Crysis 1 but compared to Crysis 2 they are genius).