24th november 2000 , 3 years since ps2 launched in EUROLAND


i have a monster
exactly 3 years ago the playstation 2 launched here in Europe,
it feels like i know the existance of it for 6 years or something....
strange eh?

i myself owned 3 of them till 7 months ago (dont ask why 3 )
I was happy till I met a friendly Xbox with a chip and a 120gig harddisk inside, A sucker I am for emulators and moviez, ........
Anyway, who here has a ps2 since launchday and are you happy with it since then?
Not really since launch day, but close. Pretty cool despite all the flaws, and i must say, although the first year or so was pretty dry on the games front, it surely picked up to then have one of the best libraries ever.

Technically, I never had a problem, except from some disc read errors here and there which then go away with a good old lens cleaner...
I'm a PS2 owner since launch day... ahh the memories! I remember, exactly 3 years and one day ago, I was walking through the streets of Zurich pretty depressed: My local store that had promised me a PS2 at launch day (I preordered one back in june, almost half a year in advance) had just given me the bad news that they had received no units for launch with most of the thousand units our country received heading to bigger retailers. Getting prepared to spend the night in front of one of our bigger shops (one that did not do preordering [Eschenmoser - for those from CH]), I then luckily found a small game store which had 3 unsold units left. It was a bundle including a second controller, a memory card, Ridge Racer V, SSX and Tekken TAG for 1200 CHF (which amounted to about $720 US). Of course I bought mine right on the spot and was ready to pick it up the next day. The 24th, being a friday, of course resulted in me pulling a sicky and spend the day playing through all my games (I got TimeSplitters before picking up my PS2)... that was really fun. Especially the thought of being one of the priviledged to have found a PS2 on launch day which was quite difficult in Zurich.

Since then, I have had more fun playing my PS2 than any console really. Can't say I was ever disappointed: enjoyed everything from the first batch on to current games, including some PSX games such as FFVII and a few others.
I've had my PS2 since launch day. It has worked fine, no problems.

People always complain about the first year, I don't know why?

At launch I got Timesplitters, SSX and Fantavision. Three excellent games.

For Christmas I got Dynasty Warrior 2.

In March ZOE with MGS2 demo turned up.

In May it was Onimusha.

In July is was GT3.

Then came 3Q 2001, and a mountain of quality software:

Pro Evo Soccer
Jak & Daxter
Devil May Cry
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance
World Rally Championship

Q1, 2002

Metal Gear Solid 2
Final Fantasy X

You cannot argue with a line-up like that for the first 15 months of a consoles life. A good balance between sequels and original titles.
yeah... well maybe "first year" is a bit too much, still the "first period" had very little.... i mean i didnt care, Tekken Tag sucked a whole lot of my life during the first year...
By the time GT3 came out, everything started rolling, and PS2 has had at least a VERY VERY good title out every month, sometimes 2 or 3 in a month. All the while with loads of good-but-not-as-good titles...