A traditional console. I hope they focus less on gamepass and more on making something cheaper than Sony’s offering, which is how they won the last generation they did well in (PS360).
Beyond the specs of the plastic box, one thing they suck at compared to PS is the controller. They ought to add gyro and more detailed feedback a la DualSense. Give it TMR thumbsticks and I’ll say that’s a really good iteration on their controller, considering the Series controller is virtually identical to the One controller.
What I hope they don’t do is ‘chase butterflies’, as they have been doing. Trying to emulate the new hotness won’t win them the generation. I think focusing on the fundamentals, coming out with good games (easier said than done but they own half the studios out there by now lol) and beating Sony on either price or performance will get them there though.
Oh, and tbh contrary to popular beliefs I do believe the series S was a success, most console gamers don’t care about top tier performance so they will buy the cheaper box that promises next generation-ish games (especially considering this generation has barely iterated on graphical tech).