What are you playing now? [2023]

Was playing Baldurs Gate 3 but needed a break from it something that didnt need me to think too much, a bit of run and gun so I chose Enemy Front since it was in my backlog. It's a competently made ww2 shooter that uses cry engine it's ok but very by the numbers but it lacks charm it does everything ok but nothing outstanding.
Ghost of Tsushima is gorgeous, and the amount of effort they put into having near 0 UI to get in the way of looking at it is commendable. But it's not as fun as I was hoping. The open world is mostly a waste, there's no exploration because some stupid bird comes and just points you directly at 99% of things to find and there's a bunch of Ubisoft style "liberate this thing" whatevers that are pointlessly boring.

The story is well written, if pretty standard "Samurai movie" fare, but there it's still just "follow this invisible line, kill these guys, ok you're done until you repeat the exact same thing next story mission". Considering there's like, 5 enemy types total, and while the combat might be fast and control well it just isn't that deep, I'm surprised to find myself just stopping with half the playtime I put into Forbidden West.

Maybe next game they can have stealth that's fun at all. Seriously I can't remember seeing enemy AI this dumb, it's worse than Skyrim, who thinks an arrow in their dead buddies head "must have been the wind".
Ocarina of Time
Mario 64
Crash Team Racing
Smackdown 2
Resi 2
Rouge Trip Vacation 2012

Been playing through Half Life:Alyx again, after having some friends over for a VR party and remembering how much fun it is.
Even with an OG HTC Vive, boy does it ever give the 3090 a workout.

Internal rendering resolution approaches 4k per eye at 90hz.
Apologies for the screenshot as it's a capture of the translucent fpsVR overlay, but the fun part is the 17.1GB of VRAM in use.

Been playing through Half Life:Alyx again, after having some friends over for a VR party and remembering how much fun it is.
Even with an OG HTC Vive, boy does it ever give the 3090 a workout.

Internal rendering resolution approaches 4k per eye at 90hz.
Apologies for the screenshot as it's a capture of the translucent fpsVR overlay, but the fun part is the 17.1GB of VRAM in use.

View attachment 11580
I really need to play this. I started it a few months back but only got an hour or so in. I do recall being very impressed by the immersiveness and detail though.

Interestingly I recently started TLOU on PC and given the 2 games have a very similar art style (I would go so far to say that TLOU is basically just HL2 in 3rd person with a little less sci-fi) then drawing of graphical comparisons came naturally.

This is only from memory mind you but by my reckoning Alyx is the more visually impressive game, but I couldn't say whether that is because its VR or despite it.
Just started The First Decendant.

So far so Warframe\Destiny\Outriders\Anthem - if it wasn't for the extreme monitisation and hard locking map progresss behind uber bosses it would be excellent. As it is it's fun until it isn't.
Just started The First Decendant.

So far so Warframe\Destiny\Outriders\Anthem - if it wasn't for the extreme monitisation and hard locking map progresss behind uber bosses it would be excellent. As it is it's fun until it isn't.
Much like Genshin Impact, a game that would probably be fantastic as a traditional title being ruined by the F2P model.
Much like Genshin Impact, a game that would probably be fantastic as a traditional title being ruined by the F2P model.

It's basically cloned Warframe mechanics btu it hasn't cloned the monitisation model. Fro example an Orokin Reactor (so you can double your mod capacity) in warframe costs pennies but, crucially, it's also easy to farm the components you need to build them if you don't want to pay. But the TFD equivalent, they cost ~£15 and you can't farm the components until much later in the game and to get to that point you need one anyway. Admittedly you a free(ish) one during the intro but it's still crazy.

And it's the same for most things.
It's basically cloned Warframe mechanics btu it hasn't cloned the monitisation model. Fro example an Orokin Reactor (so you can double your mod capacity) in warframe costs pennies but, crucially, it's also easy to farm the components you need to build them if you don't want to pay. But the TFD equivalent, they cost ~£15 and you can't farm the components until much later in the game and to get to that point you need one anyway. Admittedly you a free(ish) one during the intro but it's still crazy.

And it's the same for most things.
My whole thing is that I never want to have ANY of this stuff in the back of my mind at all. And especially when the game is online-only, and you're forced to face with the microtransaction pressures not just through the game design, but also through the menus and whatnot.

I just hate it so much. So much. And I hate it even more that it's so much more successful than a traditional financial model. Much like with democracy and whatnot, it feels like so much of our problems come down to 'the people' just enabling and accepting crap that we absolutely have the power to prevent.
Dungeons of Hinterberg: I'm sure some people will love this crossover of Zelda and Persona. But while the Persona story/life sim lite/etc. is fun and charming, the linear Zelda lite has puzzles that are just too damned basic, dungeons that are essentially linear, and combat that's too damned easy for me to care.
Cyberpunk 2077 (PC) , game is great and ohh the pleasures of adjustable (increased) FOV.
First person melee combat takes some getting used to.
Good voice acting, soundtrack is also great.
Graphics are good, but sometimes it feels as though the RT is turning off and on or something, on its own.
As the game progresses further and further , the quality feels uneven, though no crashes.
Good story and Keanu Reeves rocks.
Just finished Immortals of Aveum I enjoyed it, but being an unreal engine 5 game it's a bit of a resource hog it certainly wasn't happy with my 2070 when I was using one.
Does anyone know how to limit download rate for installing PC Game Pass games? I can't find an option for that.
Ryse Son Of Rome this is about the 5th time I've started it don't think I've ever got further than the first chapter because I always got distracted by something else

Not a what are you playing now but rather a what are you playing with now
Razer Tartarus Pro - Gaming-Keypad - Gamepad with analogue-optical buttons and Rapid-Trigger mode (32 programmable buttons, customisable trigger point, 8 profiles, Adjustable Actuation)

I've been meaning to buy one of these ever since it was originally the Belkin Nostromo Speedpad n52

I saw it in a local shop on sale for £35.99 and took that as a sign from the Gaming Gods
The FOMO was too much to bear so I finally gave Dark Souls 1 a try (and finished it). Fantastic game. Now I get the soulslike hype.

It's definitely not perfect but I haven't played anything like it before. Really unique gameplay loop. The constant sense of dread during the early game was really intense and revisiting those early areas as a much more experienced and powerful character is rewarding even though still not "easy". Anything can kill you in this game at any time. The level design and connectivity of the world is excellent. Boss design was hit or miss for me. Some were inspired others were pedestrian.

Graphics are very rough in 2024 but I stopped caring a few hours in. I don't really like that experiencing some interactions and content depends on hitting a very precise sequence of actions in the game. The order in which you visit / talk to / kill stuff can make some content inaccessible. The community is awesome though and a big part of that is discovery and sharing. There's no way I would've found the entrance to the DLC content without looking it up online.

If Elden Ring is more of the same but with updated graphics I definitely get why people are raving about it.
I don't really like that experiencing some interactions and content depends on hitting a very precise sequence of actions in the game. The order in which you visit / talk to / kill stuff can make some content inaccessible.
Dont fret about that too much. 97% of first time players will never complete any of the character 'sidequests' at all, because as you say, you really need to follow a guide for basically any of them or you're almost guaranteed to mess them up. This wont change in any of the future games either, just to let you know. It's just one of the weird quirks of the series. I've just learned to kind of not worry about it too much, as the games are perfectly good outside them, and I just treat the NPC's I do come across as flavor.