What are you playing now? [2023]

Ok everyone we need to all join Lord of the Rings Online so we can rescue Johnny
Finished Octopath Traveler 2. Well, I got to the final boss last phase and the game crashed, so I just considered it a win and watched the ending on Youtube.

It's a pretty good JRPG that I'd recommend. Still looks and plays and feels a lot like the first game, still a bit formulaic, but there's more effort in terms of the writing and scenario variety for sure. And I got a solid 100 hours out of it. Progression and combat systems are real highlights, along with the visuals and music, of course. I'd recommend turning off the voice acting, though. It's terrible. Watching the game on Youtube with people still using voices on was jarring, I forgot it even had voice acting.

I'd give it like a good 8.5/10.

I think now I'm gonna try and get back into Kingdom Come Deliverance. Frustrating game, but I'm now gonna use a 'Save Anytime' mod to help with that. This game does not respect your time with its normal save system, especially when it is prone to crashing and has missions with all kinds of unknowable failure parameters. Losing even one hour of progress is infuriating to me, and I also hate how many quests have timers and when you dont know what to do you can fail things and ruin future quests and whatnot and it's all so dumb. Just having a basic way to save whenever should make things much more tolerable.
Death Stranding (PC) , game premise very weird, in second chapter at present , hopefully there is more action and less walking as game progresses.
I bought Satisfactory last month and I've been having a great time building crazy, wonky, ugly factories. My little guy is really interested but he hasn't completely got it down just yet... I'm starting to think about starting a new game in a new starting point and going full-stupid with paving over the entire world and building vertical factory sections instead of the sprawling random machines all over the landscape. But then the landscape is so pretty, why would I want to pave over nature like that?!? :D
Still in Middle-Earth (Lord of the Rings Online) and playing with a regular Friday night group of 4 friends (22nd level Minstrel (healer)) and about 4 other toons, the highest is a 75th level Lore Master. About 25 hours per week right now.
I think now I'm gonna try and get back into Kingdom Come Deliverance. Frustrating game, but I'm now gonna use a 'Save Anytime' mod to help with that. This game does not respect your time with its normal save system, especially when it is prone to crashing and has missions with all kinds of unknowable failure parameters. Losing even one hour of progress is infuriating to me, and I also hate how many quests have timers and when you dont know what to do you can fail things and ruin future quests and whatnot and it's all so dumb. Just having a basic way to save whenever should make things much more tolerable.

I'm very much the same with that sort of thing. I think they main issue is the overall size of such games. I'm fine with not knowing fail conditions etc and being playful with it if each playthrough is 10-20 hours.

But 100 hour+ games with such mechanics will never see a moment of my time.

Death Stranding (PC) , game premise very weird, in second chapter at present , hopefully there is more action and less walking as game progresses.
It's been a while since I played it, but if the second chapter is when you access the second map, the game opens up. There's still a lot of walking, so it may not be your thing, but the broader mechanics make it a lot more interesting, particularly as you begin to familiarise yourself with the map and start plotting routes in your head.
I think now I'm gonna try and get back into Kingdom Come Deliverance. Frustrating game, but I'm now gonna use a 'Save Anytime' mod to help with that. This game does not respect your time with its normal save system, especially when it is prone to crashing and has missions with all kinds of unknowable failure parameters. Losing even one hour of progress is infuriating to me, and I also hate how many quests have timers and when you dont know what to do you can fail things and ruin future quests and whatnot and it's all so dumb. Just having a basic way to save whenever should make things much more tolerable.

I just picked this up on sale a few days ago but wish I had seen your post first. That mission system sounds terrible and not worth my time.
Decided to play Spec Ops - The Line since I just found out it's been delisted.
why, because it contains licensed music. They could have just kept selling it with different music. At least they didn't do a "Rockstar" and try to delete the songs from my hard drive.
Death Stranding (PC) , game premise very weird, in second chapter at present , hopefully there is more action and less walking as game progresses.

I started to really enjoy the game once the road building mechanic came into play. And after that the zipline mechanic just made it spectacular. I was literally getting from one end of the map to the other in about 60 seconds, but the work that had to be put in to build the network was the fun part.
I started to really enjoy the game once the road building mechanic came into play. And after that the zipline mechanic just made it spectacular. I was literally getting from one end of the map to the other in about 60 seconds, but the work that had to be put in to build the network was the fun part.
i built the full road around the mountain. some of those treks in the snow were perilous af
I bought Game Pass for XSX on May 21th. For 1 month I completed
Hellblade II
Halo Infinite
Callisto Protocol
Still Wakes the Deep
Starfield ~70% of main stroty
Played Forza Motorsport for ~ 1 hour and now I know I don't want to play this game, hope next will be really better
Tried Ark remake
Completed 15 levels in Doom II, before I completed only levels 1-5 without cheats

Great for 15 EUR to be honest
The value of GP is incredible.

I'm still trying to tear myself away from Lord of the Rings Online (playing about 30 hours per week) to play Hellblade 2 at some point.
Also I can say what I probably will not listen to any reviewers. Halo Infinite was amazing game, one of the best in series. Callisto Protocol is amazing game. At least on same level as Dead Space 2, but some moment were even better than some in first Dead Space. Starfield is great. One of the best Bethesda games, and I plan to complete it for 100%. And I highly recomend to play Still Wakes the Deep. Don't know about reviewers score for that game, because don't interrsted in those now, just saying that that game is worth to play.
P.S. When I played on XBox 360 and PS3 I also sometimes believed to reviewers and haven't played some games for long time, but later when I played those they was great. So only personal experience.
Halo Infinite reviewed pretty well, though(87 metacritic). Starfield, too(83 metacritic). Starfield's reviews were still seen as disappointing given the high expectations, but the scores were not bad. Pretty much no reviewers were calling it a bad game not worth playing.

Largely, it was gamers slamming these games, not reviewers.

I've also personally found professional reviews to be less useful to me nowadays, and if I really want a good idea of a game before buying, it usually means waiting a bit after release and reading more thorough impressions from people playing, and who aren't out to just immediately categorize a game as 'trash' or 'best thing ever'.

And yes, nobody should ever use Metacritic as a judge of what to buy anyways. It is not a measure of game quality, and does not speak to how much YOU will like a game. Nor should you place all your trust in any single reviewer/user review either, as nobody else in the world has the exact same preferences/tastes as you.
I just picked this up on sale a few days ago but wish I had seen your post first. That mission system sounds terrible and not worth my time.
Seriously, the Save Anytime mod for Kingdom Come Deliverance makes such a big difference and eliminates like 80% of the frustration. Doing a quick read online for certain quests can eliminate a lot of the rest as well.

For instance, in one quest I had to return to a town and talked to the wrong person first, and failed the quest. I still could have continued, but it would have been a less desirable outcome, and one I didn't intend. But with the mod, I could easily just revert to a recent save, lose no more than a couple minutes of time, and check online real quick to make sure I dont do anything else unintended. It turned what would have been a seriously annoying situation into a very minor inconvenience.

I'm having a much, much better time with the game now. Really enjoying it. Very much nothing else out there like it.