Unreal Engine 5, [UE5 Developer Availability 2022-04-05]

Epic is well setup for success due to the revenue structure. Both Unity and Epic only need to work on the engine and they do so without the need to stop and develop a game on the side.

The demo is impressive. I keep finding myself just driving back in to play about - almost like I don't believe my own recollection or how good it was the last time! :runaway:

But the biggest question is what it can deliver at 60fps. The marginally-smaller question, is why isn't their a PC version. :-|
When they release the assets feel free to just go drop some of your own in the scene

Hey Andrew, would love to ask you a question. We know that the matrix demo without Neo and Trinity will be released in Spring at/around UE5 official release.

Are there any indication that the PS5 2020 demo will also be released?
Again you don't have to speak for Epic or confirm anything with certainty.
Just in your opinion and from what you have seen/heard and activities around the special project team.

Are there indications that the demo will be released? Yes...no?
The demo is impressive. I keep finding myself just driving back in to play about - almost like I don't believe my own recollection or how good it was the last time! :runaway:

But the biggest question is what it can deliver at 60fps. The marginally-smaller question, is why isn't their a PC version. :-|
I think the answer may come down to scope and costs. They wanted to showcase it would run on consoles and decided to stop there. Releasing it on PC could come back with a lot of problems without a lot more investment.
The meta human faces are incredible. What I didn’t really like about the npcs is their movement and maybe something different about how the lighting and shadows play off of them in the environment. I don’t know what it is exactly but they don’t look as realistic as the environment around them.
I think the answer may come down to scope and costs. They wanted to showcase it would run on consoles and decided to stop there. Releasing it on PC could come back with a lot of problems without a lot more investment.

Indeed. It seems that much of the point of this demo is to say, "look what we can do on the next gen consoles". They're not bringing in any revenue directly from this and since it's a given high end PC's will be able to run it if the consoles can, there's no incentive to put the effort in for that platform. Very sad if we don't get something comparable though when the engine releases next Spring.
Yeah I don't get the complaints about how the NPCs look. Sure they're not photorealistic or movie quality but they're probably at least as good as the main character models from the absolute best last gen games, if not even better. And then the hero characters are a clear generation above last gen or even cross gen counterparts IMO.
It's largely the animation, especially against how the main characters are animated. But yeah, in most instances the metahumans look good - was surprised to see that the third character in the back seat of the car is a metahuman as well, no actor was facescanned (helps perhaps that they're wearing sunglasses).
It's largely the animation, especially against how the main characters are animated. But yeah, in most instances the metahumans look good - was surprised to see that the third character in the back seat of the car is a metahuman as well, no actor was facescanned (helps perhaps that they're wearing sunglasses).

Sunglasses and cornrows.
The marginally-smaller question, is why isn't their a PC version. :-|

Any assets associated with The Matrix Awakens. It's hard for a person to take those out of the console demo and re-use them, while on PC it would be quite easy. Warner Bros. are probably not keen on something like that happening, hence no PC version at the moment.

LoD popin is too hard to notice, but you can definitely see the shadows pop on characters, maybe because they are not nanite ?
Yeah there's a distance where they turn off shadow casting from the NPCs in sandbox. I'm not entirely sure if that distance/decision was revisited later in the project though; it may not be as necessary as it was earlier on. That said, the NPCs are indeed non-Nanite (skinned, etc) and thus they are a lot more expensive to render into the virtual shadow map than the Nanite stuff.
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Outside of hardware RT Pascal supports most of the features DX12 ultimate requires though no? BTW has it ever been clarified what hardware bits are required for mesh shaders?

No. Mesh shaders are on RDNA2, Turing and Ampere. AFAIK Mesh shaders are not used for Nanite.

Yeah there's a distance where they turn off shadow casting from the NPCs in sandbox. I'm not entirely sure if that distance/decision was revisited later in the project though; it may not be as necessary as it was earlier on. That said, the NPCs are indeed non-Nanite (skinned, etc) and thus they are a lot more expensive to render into the virtual shadow map than the Nanite stuff.

Do you have any plans to integrate crucial DX12U features like Sampler Feedback and Mesh Shaders into the engine? Mesh shaders for example could also be used in tandem with Nanite for deformable meshes.