So, I've played the game more now. Boss robot kicked my...cock-pit.
Biggest gripe I have so far (and it's a pretty big one) is the mother-CAMERA.
Who programmed this piece of ? I want to bash him over the head with an iron skillet for doing such a piss-poor job. Didn't anyone NOTICE during playtesting how bad the camera is?
Some complained about the camera in Mario Sunshine, well it is a masterwork in comparison to this thing.
Okay, it works pretty well during battles whenever you have an enemy locked, but when it's time to move around between battles (especially amongst girders or other narrow places) the weird camera behavior becomes utterly annoying.
Second biggest gripe is basically irrelevant, because who cares about
THAT in a robot shooter game?
What am I talking about? The plot, of course.
This game has what I consider to be some of the LAMEST DIALOG I HAVE EVER HEARD. The exchange between the first and second runners is just amazingly bad really. "Give me back Jehuty or else!" "No." "Okay then, you keep it." ...?
Stuff like the second runner is upset by ADA blowing up Jehuty in a suicide attack, not because he'd die too, but because IT would "die" just makes me go
all over again, doesn't this guy have any sense of self-preservation? There are some other truly corny moments before this as well.
Who wrote this ? Is it this bad in the Japanese original also, or is it just a really horrible translation?
Oh yeah. The lipsynching's pretty awful too, but I guess that's to be expected. Anyway, the plot is really entirely irrelevant. Did Ikaruga need a plot?!? You control a big giant robot that blows stuff up for crying out loud.
Slowdown isn't bad in the PAL version, and when it does happen the game doesn't really SLOW DOWN, the framerate dips, but the responsiveness is still there. It's not as if everything lurches over into slow-motion mode. However, most of the time it's perfectly smooth and fluid.
Had the camera not been as GOD-AWFUL, this game would have been a lot more enjoyable between battles. I suppose you're not just MEANT to fly around and have fun...
*Cough* Searching for that lost guy hiding in a cargo container is more like torture actually since the camera frequently makes me face looking AWAY from the direction I'm travelling in...
Oh well. Still enjoing myself overall, and the graphics are totally kick-butt!
This game should exercise even VU0 fairly well I guess.
Edit: so there's auto-censoring in place on this board now? What's up with that, we're adults, right? (Anyway, even assuming we weren't, would swearing turn a kid into a bloody murderer?). Censorship is wrong, and an expression of moral panic. As if anything in this world would get better from me not being able to type the F-word.
Heck, the board even censored "W T F", what's up with that? I can't even PRETEND to swear now? That's the silliest thing I ever saw.
Can I say fcuk then? In case it was censored, I just typed Foxtrot Charlie Uniform Kilo. ...Hmmm. Now THERE'S an idea...! Phonetic spelling!
I'll get around this stupid commie censorship one way or another!