That would only perpetuate PC to Xbox porting, which has been a fairly smooth and easy task, resulting in pretty good ports. There´s no use to XNA outside of that, IMO, since I think Sony and Nintendo would rather die than to allow XNA to be licensed to be used in their consoles.
of course they did .
Last i check ms is using an ibm chip. Last i check ms has almost no experiance with that type of chip in terms of os and development.
I would execpt that ibm is not playing favorites with regards to 2 extremly powerfull players .
It´s not about "playing favorites", there´s your attitude again, it´s about level of involvement. IBM basically gave MS what they already had, while they created an entirely new architecture and software tools for CELL. Does that sound like the same level of involvement? Be objective here.
I figured if someone wanted a pro sony post there is about 90% of the posters here that can provied that. I posted from a diffrent view point .
Which ammounts to useless rethoric, since your scenarios are 95% of the time as likely to happen as a meteor striking Earth in the next couple of minutes. Of what use are your "balancing" attempts, really? Why not just drop the attitude and present your own real views?
I don't want ms to be the leader. I don't want sony to be a leader. I would like a even split across the 3 or as close as we can get ti .
I don´t believe this and neither do you, your daily posts and attitudes reveal your true thoughts on the matter. State your real opinion for once.
Right and it kept a certian standard .
There are some things nintendo did that i don't agree on. But at least we didn't have some of the filth that we have now a days on these systems.
So might claim its simply adult entertainment. But kids still get a hold of it .
I´m sorry, I disagree with this notion that Nintendo´s rule was a golden age.
There was just as much filler and shovelware as there is nowadays, it´s nostalgia the one that makes it seem like it was different.
I have not modded one thing in this thread. I didn't even fix the bad quoting by everyone .
all i told him was he better not insult me as he wouldn't last long on this forum as it is breaking the rules .
What do u think i modded ?
Well, it seems to me like you threatened to ban him if he didn´t behave. To me, that´s modding.