Non-linear RPGs exclusive to PS3 confirmed.
Oblivion, Mass Effect, Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon are what exactly? Both BD and LO have airships which allow free traversal of the gameworld. Oblivion and Mass Effect are extremely non-linear, especially ME where it extends to the main narrative as well.
Obviously, there may have to be some tradeoffs, or reduced content, but non-linear RPG's are possible. In fact, 360 is superior in both JRPG and WRPG's right now.
On the disc switching issues, Alstrong pretty much covered all the points.
The only real downside to DVD for 360 owners, is that they may miss out on a handful of games which decide that DVD is too limiting for their concept.
I'm sure they're either more than happy with having their games be DVD limited, forced into linearity, shorter than they could have been, having worse textures than they could have had, sometimes having very limited multi-language options (if any), and so on.
Im just happy to have games.
Seriously though, there is asbolutely no shortage on 360 of non-linear, 30+ hour RPG's with excellent textures. You're just conjuring up some situation that doesn't actually exist. As an RPG owner, I've been beyond satisfied with the RPG offering over the initial 24 months. Probably the best console ever in that regard.
I still haven't gotten around to renting Trusty Bell, have a whole wack of end-game missions in Blue Dragon to complete before fighting the final boss, am only about halfway through my 2nd play of Mass Effect....and Lost Odyssey comes out next month! Why would anyone complain?