A good honest answer. I like it.
I dont. They weren't willing to stretch their extremely aggressive silence/heat goals for a little bit more performance. Only delivering an upclock if it didn't budge thermals/noise *at all*. Doesn't sit well with me. They likely left performance on the table. Maybe they could have easily got to say, 950, a meaningful increase, if they were willing to accept just a little more noise and heat.
I had forget that with mandatory installs all around, these systems wont be spinning the optical drives too much. They should be really quiet.
BTW, with an upclock now reality, we can say B3D vindicated, other forums shamed
LATER EDIT Penello addresses my concerns later
What bothers me is that decibel figures take precedence over performance.
Penello's reply
That's an interesting point, let me say two things.
First - I wouldn't jump directly to that conclusion. I said these things had to be in balance. There are other ways to get good acoustic performance.
I'm not saying you don't make tradeoffs against those things, but it wouldn't be correct in assuming we made noise a priority.
Second (and you corrected yourself) people use the box for a lot of media functions. I think it would take a beating if we were even close to the noise level of the 2005 360.
As I remind people sometimes. We have a console that is roughly 8x - 10x the performance of last gen, depending on how you define it. It's in a case that is only ~ 10% larger than the launch 360. And yet it's quieter than the 3rd major revision we did 7 years in.
I'm not sure what he meant, could be typical all things to all people damage control, but it makes me feel slightly better.
"There are other ways to get good acoustic performance". Maybe they beefed up the heatsink in order to do the upclock?
Also, "wouldn't be correct in assuming we made noise a priority" is unfortunate wording I'm sure. Of course it's SOME priority, I'm sure he meant more like "not the only priority".
And I disagree with his second point. I'd certainly be willing to accept a box say, "only", lets say, 25% quieter than 2005 Xbox for more performance. You would still be significantly quieter than launch last gen launch.
And the way I see it, later revisions can always focus more on the quiet aspect. Just as this gen.