I want Raiden IV! Someone give me some news on that!
For us Sega Genesis fans, it looks like Ecco the Dolphin and Sonic are coming our way soon too. http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/788/788423p1.html
Bomberman LIVE Backbone Entertainment/Hudson Summer 2007
Band of Bugs, in typical NinjaBee fashion, pushes the boundaries of Xbox Live Arcade.
Chief among their challenges and innovations in Band of Bugs was allowing user created maps into online multiplayer matches. BoB will be the first XBLA title to allow this.
Also, once I create a map it is stamped with my gamertag. So, if I trade my map to someone and they trade it to someone else, the map will always remember that I was the original creator. Hopefully that will encourage people to message the creator of a fun map with a “Thanks†or even a “Got anymore cool maps I can have?†message.
Mad Tracks looks like a Micro Machines clone. However, I am sooooo there!
Mad Tracks
I've tried the PC version of this a couple of times, so I knew basically what to expect. The game has certainly made the jump to the 360 with grace. Playing a four player split screen race is certainly going to be worth the 800 points alone. Add the fact that this game will support multiplayer over Xbox Live, and it becomes a must get title. If you don't have this on your day one purchase list, stop reading this right now and get yourself a pen.
An interesting thing to note is that I was able to give this game a go with the Microsoft Wheel. While it does work with it, and provide some resistance to turns, there is no feedback provided when slamming into walls. While some people there had issues with how sensitive the control with the wheel is, with a little practice you should be fine.
attention attention, the new packman rocks!
i repeat pacman :championship edition rocks!