Xbox 360 team at work on portable - Takahashi

RancidLunchmeat said:
You start adding in phone, pda, ipod, video, etc.. into a movie/game player and you end up with a huge ugly device that nobody wants.
Well, I'd kill for one as long as it's well designed and a good price. The Samsung Q1 was a bit too pricy without enough battery life, but maybe the other UMPC models will pick up the slack.

Personally, I'd never buy a pure cellphone device. In Canada, the rates they charge are ridiculous, as in $8/MB and $.30/min. On top of that, it's a model of DRM madness and confusing as hell. Maybe if the situation improved, I'd think about it. However, that isn't likely to happen for another 5 years or so.
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Further information regarding the rumored Xbox line of portable entertainment devices has emerged online, with technology site Engadget detailing a new possible name for the device, the Zune, and giving further hints as to the project's video game compatibility.
Shifty Geezer said:
It certainly succeeds at both. How much portable video watching is has yet to be seen, but I think PSP does what it does fairly well, and it's certainly doing what it does well enough to attract millions of customers. Personally I feel for portable gaming you don't want any smaller. There's no need to make it large to accomodate extra functionality as you suggest. A PSP type device, that size, with touch screen for PDA and extra functionality would probably be the ideal device for larger functions. For smaller functions, MP3 playback, mobile phone, you'd be better of with as small as possible?

IMO, its a terrible video player mainly because of its storage options. The UMD drive real-estate would have been much better served for an HD.

For example, a 2G memory stick will add $100 to the cost fo your PSP and even thats woefully inadequate for videos and any kind of a music collection. Having owned one, i think the PSP only succeeds as a game machine and i find the DS better than for that purpose.

The PSP seems to be selling well enough (i wonder though if that all-in-one niche market will become saturated) but i think its on the strength of its gaming ability. I dont believe MS is shooting for the PSP though, they are taking aim at the ipod ...
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Microsoft has confirmed the development of a range of portable entertainment devices similar to Apple's iPod, finally putting an end to at least one aspect of the recent rumour and speculation.
I think the unit will end up playing games but only the variety that one would find on the better cell phones or maybe next gen's cell phones. So the mobile version of Zuma you saw in the E3 presentation would be an example of something you would see on this device. The mobile games are really the only type that seem to fit in with the control scheme of the mock-ups we've seen.