X360-Maybe the best launch line-up ever?


In my opinion it will be hard to top the Dreamcast launch titles, but for the first time since then I can easily name 5+ games that have a chance to be good/great and I am struggling on which ones to "settle" with.

My top five:

Call of Duty 2
Project Gotham 3
Perfect Dark Zero
Dead or Alive 4

Not sure about but could be good:

Ridge Racer 6
Madden 06'
Ninety Nine Nights

Not too interested right now:

Dead Rising
Quake IV
Tiger Woods 06'
Frame City Killer
Test Drive
Need for Speed

I can't really think of any more, but looking at that alot of games have good potential. At least 3 of those I am pretty sure will be AAA. Oh the agony :???:
The question though is which oneof those are day one launch games. But sure, the xbox360 seems tp have some ppotentialy great game at launch or very near launch...
Master-Mold said:
In my opinion it will be hard to top the Dreamcast launch titles, but for the first time since then I can easily name 5+ games that have a chance to be good/great and I am struggling on which ones to "settle" with.

My top five:

Call of Duty 2
Project Gotham 3
Perfect Dark Zero
Dead or Alive 4

Not sure about but could be good:

Ridge Racer 6
Madden 06'
Ninety Nine Nights

Not too interested right now:

Dead Rising
Quake IV
Tiger Woods 06'
Frame City Killer
Test Drive
Need for Speed

I can't really think of any more, but looking at that alot of games have good potential. At least 3 of those I am pretty sure will be AAA. Oh the agony :???:

PGR3 is no launch title. Others in your list also not. And the lineup sucks imo big time. Lots of PC conversions and some not too good 1337 title.
Allright Launch Window titles, as MS puts it.

Plus, I don't see how getting a potentially great game thats has PC roots such as Oblivion or Call of Duty is a bad thing.

Good games are good games regardless of where they come from.
Nemo80 said:
PGR3 is no launch title. Others in your list also not. And the lineup sucks imo big time. Lots of PC conversions and some not too good 1337 title.
Must be Console Wars Sunday here at B3d. But I'll bite: of the 17 games he listed, 2 of them are PC ports (COD2 and Quake 4). Where's the "lots" parts?

And can you qualify the statement "some not too good 1337" titles? This would allow us to actually have a discourse about it, as opposed to a childish "yes-huh!" "nuh-uh!" thread.

Master-Mold said:
In my opinion it will be hard to top the Dreamcast launch titles, but for the first time since then I can easily name 5+ games that have a chance to be good/great and I am struggling on which ones to "settle" with.
It is a good lineup. I'm super excited for Kameo--I HOPE it plays as good as some of the demos I've seen.

Question for someone with better memory or search skills than me: What was the official launch lineup for the Dreamcast, particularly in NA? It'd be interesting to compare them.

Sis said:
Must be Console Wars Sunday here at B3d. But I'll bite: of the 17 games he listed, 2 of them are PC ports (COD2 and Quake 4). Where's the "lots" parts?

And can you qualify the statement "some not too good 1337" titles? This would allow us to actually have a discourse about it, as opposed to a childish "yes-huh!" "nuh-uh!" thread.


Actually no. Oblivion, Call of Duty 2, NBA 2K6, Madden 06, Dead Rising, Condemed, Quake IV, Tiger Woods 06,Need for Speed are Multiplatform which also come out on PC in parallel.
Master-Mold said:
In my opinion it will be hard to top the Dreamcast launch titles, but for the first time since then I can easily name 5+ games that have a chance to be good/great and I am struggling on which ones to "settle" with.

I wish I lived where you were, because the ONLY game I could get for my dreamcast was Blue Stinger...not what I considered a stellar launch lineup, maybe I'm getting old but I definitely remember, waiting and waiting and waiting for more games.

I have pre'd and paid for: Kameo, PGR3, PD0, Burnout Revenge (nothing special about this one, its for my son)
I will probably pickup/preorder another game or two or three on launch day (if available), those would be Oblivion, COD2, NBA2K6, maybe DOA4 maybe.

Even if we go by "launch window" I think this is the largest quantity of games ever for a console (at least in the U.S.).

Edit: emphasized quantity
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Master-Mold said:
Call of Duty 2
Project Gotham 3
Perfect Dark Zero
Dead or Alive 4

1. 2 of those games are PC ports, not a great for a new system to be relying on PC ports as AAA games
2. Is PGR3 a launch title????
3. PDZ, not interested...i expect a killzone with this one. Hyped up to hell only to play like crap
4. DOA games have never scored any good, and Tekken and especially VF games are alot better
Nemo80 said:
Actually no. Oblivion, Call of Duty 2, NBA 2K6, Madden 06, Dead Rising, Condemed, Quake IV, Tiger Woods 06,Need for Speed are Multiplatform which also come out on PC in parallel.
In your mind, as long as the game has come out on the PC at some other point in time, it's a PC port. That has to be the most liberal definition of "PC port" that I've ever seen. And by "liberal" I mean "incorrect".

scatteh316 said:
1. 2 of those games are PC ports, not a great for a new system to be relying on PC ports as AAA games
Please back up this post with some link where the developer said they were doing a port of Oblivion (I'm assuming that's what your post references). From all accounts, they are doing a simultaneous release and the Xbox 360 version is built from ground up for the console. This is not the definition of a port.

Sis said:
Please back up this post with some link where the developer said they were doing a port of Oblivion (I'm assuming that's what your post references). From all accounts, they are doing a simultaneous release and the Xbox 360 version is built from ground up for the console. This is not the definition of a port.


Its a PORT...how could they have built an exclusive 360 game engine when the game development started before 360 was ever revealed. Face it.
scatteh316 said:
Its a PORT...how could they have built an exclusive 360 game engine when the game development started before 360 was ever revealed. Face it.
Sorry, but the "face it" argument doesn't hold a lot of weight.

Note that I never said it can't be a port, just that every account I've read suggests that it isn't. This MAY be marketing hype by Bethesda but right now that's all we have to go on. And frankly, I'm more apt to believe them than you in this regards, seeing as how your argument boils down to lack of knowledge about their development.

scatteh316 said:
Its a PORT...how could they have built an exclusive 360 game engine when the game development started before 360 was ever revealed. Face it.

If it's released simultaneously, it's incorrect to call it port, and your comment's about PD0 were weird.
Sis said:
Question for someone with better memory or search skills than me: What was the official launch lineup for the Dreamcast, particularly in NA? It'd be interesting to compare them.


Hmmm. I know I bought and was very pleased with at DC launch:

Soul Calibur
Sonic Adventure
Power Stone
Ready 2 Rumble
Oblivion - PC port
Call of Duty 2 - PC port
NBA 2K6 - never has appeared on PC and this version was made for xbox 360.
Madden 06 -This version was made for xbox 360 and next gen consoles, it's not a PC port.
Dead Rising - Not a PC port. developed for console with a possible pC port later.
Condemed - PC port
Quake IV - I think console is the lead sku on this game. They will release a PC version afterwards.
Tiger Woods 06 - The version for xbox 360 is different then the version released for PC.
Need for Speed - xbox 360 is the lead sku on this game.

so you're not correct in your assumptions. you might have 4 solid PC ports out of that bunch. The rest you are stretching for.
Sis said:
Sorry, but the "face it" argument doesn't hold a lot of weight.

Note that I never said it can't be a port, just that every account I've read suggests that it isn't. This MAY be marketing hype by Bethesda but right now that's all we have to go on. And frankly, I'm more apt to believe them than you in this regards, seeing as how your argument boils down to lack of knowledge about their development.


The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion has been under development for well over three years as a next-generation title for PC and Xbox 360. While Bethesda has only recently transferred the game over to Microsoft’s new system, the jump in power to Xbox 360 has made the port from PC nearly flawless.

1. NOTE the 3 years development time, hence the game engine and levels are PORTED onto the 360
2. NOTE that the game has been in development for 3 years, way before 360 was ever revealed, Hence they could not create an 360 specific engine because they knew nothing about the harware 360 contain.
Dr Evil said:
If it's released simultaneously, it's incorrect to call it port, and your comment's about PD0 were weird.

What was weird about what i said about PDZ???

I think it'll be like killzone. Hyped to hell then play like crap and flop.

whats so hard to understand about that????????????????????
wouldnt a game have to already be out on pc for it to be considered a port.. in that case.. every multiplatform game ever released is a port.