How was Oblivion any more progressive than FFXII then? From what I saw and read, it's Morrowind with souped up graphics. The living world appears to be fundamentally broken to the point it's surreal/eerie how NPCs behave. I'd say FFXII was far more entrepreneurial, as it took a turn based series and made it realtime. It's very different from prior iterations of the franchise. Oblivion seems to be a standard progression of the series, and without really making major headway either. The gameplay is fundamentally broken it seems, and the living world aspect doesn't appear to amount to a great deal either.
I don't know what criteria was used to choose best RPG, but I would have thought it be 'best overall game experience' and the fact that Oblivion offers no challenge has to place it low in that respect.
Have you even played oblivion?
A) On default it's not that easy
b) There'a a difficulty slider, if you turn that up to even 3/4 you will get your ass absolutely whalloped.
Maybe it's a standard progression of the series, but Morrowind was so broken I couldn't play the game. The combat was fundamentally flawed, and the draw distance was pathetic. Oblivion actually made the open-ended world, hardcore RPG, completely accessible for all gamers, and I think that was it's biggest achievement.
FF12 going to realtime combat, so what? This isn't something new(mmo's and other RPG's have done it a long time ago), nor is it necessarily better, nor will it become the norm for the future series (I read that the FF13's dev said it will be more traditional)