I have a couple friends who got Wii at midnight at EB Games. We stayed up until 4 AM playing. Impressions:
- Overall system: It took longer than it should (IMO) to actually start playing. It took about 15 minutes to set the system up, download two different software updates, and actually get into a game.
The Mii feature is awesome. We created Mii versions of all of us. Apparrently they can wander to other friends' Wii over WiiConnect24. They all appear in a big crowd, and you can arrange them by a number of criteria, pick them up with the Wiimote and find out all their info, etc. Another awesome thing is that
you can actually save several Miis on the Wiimote and take them to whatever system you want!
The photo editing option is really cool! My friend put her SD card from her camera in and we had a blast. You can mess with photos and then post them on the message board, so any of your online friends can see. You can make puzzles out of photos and videos, which are surprisingly fun. You can also view your videos backwards, which makes for a good laugh.
- Wii Sports: Shallow but fun.
Boxing stinkss (there's seemingly no connection between your hand movements and what the characters do), but it is hilarious to watch, especially since your Mii characters appear in all the Wii sports games. We laughed our asses off seeing my 5'3" female Asian friend punch the crap out of my 6'2" Black friend.
Baseball is pretty boring too, because all you have to do is swing at the right time. The best part was waving the bat around and watching the Mii mimick your movements.
Tennis is a lot of fun because you actually have to aim, and the on-screen characters do a great job of mimicking your hand movements.
Bowling was the best out of the ones I've tried. It surprisingly feels a lot like real bowling because you have to put spin on the ball by twisting your hand the right way.
- Monkey Ball: Unfortunately we didn't play much of this. The single player mode is decent but pretty touchy. It takes a while to get used to. I'm hoping to dig into the 50 minigames today
- Red Steel: Feels better than playing an FPS with a control pad, but still nowhere near as good as mouse + keyboard. 2 player deathmatch reminded me a lot of Goldeneye but with better controls. If you still think Goldeneye is fun, give it a shot. I hear single player kind of stinks, though.
- Zelda: TP: Well, what can I say? We played this game for about 45 minutes and we didn't even get a sword yet. All we did was herd goats and try to catch this cat for the shopowner lady so she would sell us stuff. I'm sure it gets better but man, why do we have to do this dumb crap first?
I can't wait to get back to the Wii today and play some more! I sincerely recommend that anybody who gets a Wii should make sure to experience it with friends first. It was such a fun time discovering all the features and seeing everybody learn and explore the controls. Now I just have to track one down for myself. . .