SO got the 3ds, first bad deal of my life: the damn main screen is full of scratches and the guy refuses to take it back -_- ! ig uess never buying a used product again. The damn scratches float over the 3d image when i turn the 3d on. on 2d they are manageable.
Anyways, have to live with it now, goddamnnit though, he was supposed to be a trusted guy. I should have just bought that cute little 2ds. But whats done is done. I just hope the scratches dont interfere too much in my games.
First impressions: what a shitty device
I mean the damn 3d screen has suge huge pixels that u can see each and every one of them making the 3d objects have sharp cutting edges! Whatever its a repeat of my first experience with VR, could unsee those dmaned pixels for weeks !
3d looks good and is enjoyable but after I had played 30 mins of Super Mario and Zelda:ALBW my daughter looked at me and said "Pa! Your eyes are all red ! " Its pretty but damn tiring to me. Switching to 2d makes th emagic go away but I instantly feel as if my eyes are cooling down or something. Such a relief ! So, I guess that 3d slider is going to stay all the way down for the sake of actually playing the games and not just oggling at the 3d effect. Zelda does make good use of it though. Firs time I entered the dark area, the 3d looked so cool. Doesn't look that cool to me in fully lit areas but objects look really palpable when underlit in stereo!
But it makes me so tired. ...and anyways those scratches float on the damned screen
So, 3d off and I am enjoying Super MArio 3d land actually ! Considering I have never liked any of the side scrolling Mario, I am surprised I like running around here.
Looking forward to my time with Zelda.
But can't shake off the bad taste of a bad deal. Could have had a brand new 2ds. Well, life is strange ! Atleast I got a bigger screena nd access to all zeldas, even if they will always appear scratched !