What are you playing now? (console edition) [2011 - 2017]

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Finally after a long gaming hiatus started playing Gears: Judgment campaign again. I never finished it originally.

I have to say the graphics are surprisingly nice, and it's delivering that good old Gears action.

Some issues: When the game tries to shoehorn you into PLACE DEFENSIVE TURRETS AND BARRIERS BEFORE THE ENEMY COMES and things like that. The fact there's just too many guns by this point in the series, and good old Lancer/Longshot/Torque bow is all I ever use, shields and the games attempt to use them are also annoying...

Still, I guess all those things do add some variety and the game is fun. The game works on sort of a challenge system before every level you're given a choice to increase difficulty in some way (say, add fog to the level, or complete it in 4 minutes, or only use certain weapons). If you do, you build up "stars" faster within that level. I'm not too sure the point of the stars, other than for completionists, they dont really gain you anything in game

But at any rate, the game is fun.
Which game is it? Dust: Elysian something something?

Yes, Dust: Tales of Elysian. It's free with Games with Gold on Xbox Live until the 15th...well worth the free price:smile:

I would've paid for this one, but free is always nice.
The credits listing is fairly small for a well made game.

Some slowdown in some areas, but nothing game breaking. I look forward to a sequel if it ever gets done.
Didn't realize my son had downloaded Tomb Raider via PS+ (PS3) so I started playing it last night, quite enjoyable and actually pretty nice looking.
Started playing Skullgirls again now that they've updated it with the "Encore" edition and 2 free DLC characters (with more to come). Surprisingly it plays a lot better than I remembered.
Child of Light is wonderful so far and I also tried a recent galaga or what's it called remake that is Vita, PS3 and PS4 cross-buy. It seems a bit easy so far (first game I was playing for over 30 minutes and not trying real hard, and basically had to die) but it's still well-done and I'd like to try it out.
Been plating more Infamous on PS4, and man is it looking prettier all the time! It needs more things in the world like animals, wind, but otherwise it is very pretty.
^especially hard to get back into it thanks to all the weird terminology. What's wrong with calling a status effect like poison, well, poison?
^especially hard to get back into it thanks to all the weird terminology. What's wrong with calling a status effect like poison, well, poison?

I'm not sure what you mean. The "poison" effect is called poison in the game.
Are you talking about the skill that inflicts poison? That has another name, but there's always a description of the effect when you select any skill.
I meant the spells. Stuff like Bufu. And while it's true that you always get a description of what you're about to cast, said descriptions aren't available when you're trying to fuse Personas as far as I recall. I thought this was really annoying.
Finished Tomb Raider over the long weekend. If there's a next gen sequel to this one, it's an insta-buy for me. Funny, I wouldn't have played this without PS+ and now I'm lining up for the next one.

Started Puppeteer, interesting, very pretty, but not sure how I feel about it yet.
Child of light. Interesting game. Very beautiful... lacks direction and excitement. Feels like a pastime rather than a "game"
Still playing Infamous: SS ... still really enjoying it. Together with Infamous: Festival of Blood this is probably my favorite.
WATCH_DOGS. Or DSoup batons anybody if they as much as look at him funny. And yes, I will be campaigning as Mayor of Chicago based soley on my gameplay videos :yep2:
Played some gta V after like 6 months and boy I had fun doing nothing :D ! My main goal was to get to the top of the mountain, the one with the cable car, and go down dirt biking at full speed. I fell halfway down and decided that I would get a vehicle and go back up on the same trail I was biking down on. So, I grabbed a off reader and tried my best to go uphill on the narrow ridge. Turns out a silly biker was on his way down and I ran over him with aplomb ! Guess what, police cars of all kinds and choppers decided to punish me for the crime: right on that ridge ! What ensued was so hilarious that I had my controller almost falling out my hands. All kinds of police cars were coming from above the mountain and below : all trying their best to drive as fast as possible on that narrow ridge :LOL: ! Cars were flying off the mountain right left and centre :LOL: ! It was super fun ! I played along with them and continued trying to drive uphill, slid off the mountain with the cars still giving chase, still flying off everywhere while also shooting relentlessly on me !

And then I continued trying to climb the mountain using different vehicles for the next two hours :D ! When I actually accomplished the feat, I realised the biggest philosophy of life: its the journey thats fun, not the destination ! Especially if u r accompanied by flying police cars :cool: !

I want this on my ps4 in flawless 1080p IQ please !
Super TIME Force. Great game, but very difficult at times. I play a bit of FIFA online. Downloaded the Titanfall DLC but haven't tried it yet. Some of the guys I was playing it with are on vacations since it came out.
The summer months haven't been kind to this thread. Nobody is playing anything.

Strange as it may sound, I'm currently working through Rage. After buying it for 99p a few years ago I thought I'd better actually play it, if only to find out for myself how bad the ending is.

It's OK.
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