So I haven't been posting here for a while, but I have remained loyal to my PS4 and still occasionally play it despite being mostly quite busy...
My most recent games I've been playing;
- Trials Rising
Ugh. I was really looking forward to this, having been a huge fan of Trials Fusion and clocked hundreds of hours into it (almost Ninja skill level). So I bought this about a week ago and just can't get to like it. The menu stuff is just really cluttered, but looking beyond that, the game just isn't as smooth in gameplay, with heaps of short freezes here and there. If there is one thing about Trials that I've come to expect and love, it's that the focus has always been on rock-solid and smooth gameplay mechanics. Fusion delivered this, yet there is not a single level in Rising that I am yet to encounter that lives up to this. This puts a serious dent on the rest of game unfortunately. The level design is okay so far, not much a fan of the music/soundtrack (too nervous). I am quite disappointed.
- Detroit
Started playing this about a week ago too as I picked this one up at a discount. Very nice graphics so far and good plot. Still trying to get into it though, but so far, it's not bad.
- Soul Calibur VI
Awesome game, awesome fighting mechanics, just as the previous ones. Would have hoped for a bit more character creation variety (it's pretty much the same as the last one).
- Gran Turismo (just the last one)
Really like this one. Rock solid, beautiful graphics and the car mechanics are really good. Still find myself going back to this on a regular basis just for a blast around the Nordschleife in my Ferrari GR4 car. I also really like that they keep updating it with new tracks and cars. Really good value so far.
- Tomb Raider (the two last ones)
Oh I don't know. I just don't dig the dumbed down gameplay mechanics of these new reboots. The graphics are nice, the story telling is good, but man do I miss the old atmospheric feel of the old games. I just watched a fan remake of the Tomb Raider 2 intro the other day of the Great Wall of China level and that alone looks better and more true to what Tomb Raider used to be than this new reboots. Just can't get myself to really enjoy the new games. I guess I'm one of those gamers who just really miss what games used to be - you know, when the focus was on great gameplay mechanics and not just story-telling and graphics.
- Battlefield V
I bought it, but I haven't started playing it yet. Shame on me, I know.