Bouncing Zabaglione Bros.
Trying out Team Fortress 2 (free weekend this weekend), and I'm disappointed to say it isn't grabbing me. Heresy, I know.
Looks great and the visuals have tons of personality, but it's got a very stop-start feel to it where you spend more time running across the map into combat than you do fighting, and get killed in a couple of second. It's all frantic activity, but little sense of accomplishment for me. I also feel the class system is kind of limiting, with few weapons and not much in the way of secondary fire modes. Even supposedly accurate weapons are very inaccurate, or nerfed in other ways, so it's just a spam-fest.
I'll give it some more hours over the weekend, but initially it's not rocking my world.
Looks great and the visuals have tons of personality, but it's got a very stop-start feel to it where you spend more time running across the map into combat than you do fighting, and get killed in a couple of second. It's all frantic activity, but little sense of accomplishment for me. I also feel the class system is kind of limiting, with few weapons and not much in the way of secondary fire modes. Even supposedly accurate weapons are very inaccurate, or nerfed in other ways, so it's just a spam-fest.
I'll give it some more hours over the weekend, but initially it's not rocking my world.