What are you playing now? [2007-2018]

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Isn't the Doom mod for D3 only two levels? If it's the same mod I'm thinking of I guess they never planned on making more than that.

Well, according to the website it sounded like they did all the shareware levels and then stopped there.

The shareware was the 1st of 3 chapters/episodes for Doom. Can't remember how many levels it was but somewhere around 8-10?

Dead Space. I don't usually go in for these console-ported, third person, save at checkpoint, poor control kinds of games at all, but I'm really enjoying it, to the extent that I'm on the second play-through with the military suit and fully amped up gear.

It's a shame they had to do the console thing of giving you all the good stuff after you've already played the storyline through. It would have been more enjoyable with a better balance that allows you to get to the really good gear while you are still playing the main storyline the first time. And of course the mouse controls barely get to "tolerable", and obviously are a cheap trick to try and make the game last longer.

It might also have been nice to have the option of playing in first person, which I think would have made it a better, more immersive game.

I played a demo of it on my X360 last night, and it doesn't control well either. It's like a more awkward form of Resident Evil 4...
I thought about getting it when it came out for the PC but I heard it was painful to control (major mouse acceleration problems).

Yes, it's like it's got reverse acceleration - small movements are quite quick, but the larger you try to make the movement, the slower and less accurate it is. It's a real pain when you are tying to be quick (such as when you are up in the air or some enemy comes up behind you). It also has the usual third person camera issues from time to time (such as not being able to see things properly when you are in corners). There are no adjustments to the mouse settings that will make this anywhere near good.

I can only assume that the devs simply are trying to stretch the game out and make it some sort of relation to you being in an armoured engineering suit, but it's basically a cop-out. There's just nothing more frustrating than poor controls in any game, and I bet it's cost them a lot of sales.
X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Good graphics, very cinematic, some repetitive but fun gameplay as you power up your character with upgrades. My big gripe is the boss fights that can be somewhat tedious, and a few iffy camera angles, but generally it's all mindless violence and fun.

It's very gory if you're thinking of getting it for you kids, but for me that made the atmosphere closer to the comics (where Logan is actually a pretty nasty, unforgiving character who viciously kills a lot of people), but with the movie's visuals.
I actually really enjoyed Doom 3. And I enjoyed Retrun of Evil even more, and I only played that about 2 years ago so even the graphics weren't all that shiny (although suprisingly still impressiely nice). Its a game that needs to be played in the pitch dark on a big screen with the sound turned up though. Its completely about atmosphere rather than action.

Never liked painkiller but for modern old Doom style fun I love the Serious Sam games, especially 2 which looked gorgous at the time (and still looks pretty nice by todays standards).

I've currently just finished GTA4 after about 3 months. Superb game and definatly a 10/10 for me. Now playing through GEARS on the PC with a little CM: Dirt on the side. Once done with Gears I think i'll move on to Assassins Creed.
I know people tend to look down on the keycard game-play as some sort of distasteful relic form the past, but I miss the searching/mazey aspect of Doom that isn't in any of these 'new dooms'. Especially Doom2, some of those city levels were pretty open from memory (it has been a while though).

Been playing Plants vs Zombies....definetly one of those " midnight? But it was 10 o'clock 5 minutes ago :( " games. Too good.

Been playing the Dear Esther Halflife2 mod Rock Paper Shotgun posted about the other day, and I found it very effective. It's meant to be an experiment in narratives, definitely worth checking out for something different IMO. It's being re-made by an artist or level designer who worked on Mirrors Edge too.

Also been playing the Wallace and Gromit adventures. And a little bit of Sacred 2 which, despite thinking I liked it, bought it but found it got old fast (bugger). And also being playing around with The Path. Not sure this one does anything for me, for me it comes across as being obscure and artsy for the sake of being artsy.

And finally Assassins Creed. Fantastic, as long as you can overlook it's flaws. They certainly have the city roaming and city visuals/atmosphere/crowds down, they just need to tighten up everything else. The game structure was way too mechanical/obvious/repetitive. Just a personal pet peeve, but I don't understand why developers feel the need to put coin/flag/widget collecting in games obviously trying to take themselves 'seriously' either.
I got to the PC exclusive levels of GEARS last night. There's quite a lot of new content in there actually and all of it great. Haven't fought the Brumak yet but looking forward to taking him on :D

Really enjoying this game at the min, had played it on the 360 previously but glad I picked it up again for the PC.
Well, playing through Sacred slowly. Don't have a lot of time for games. And finally found out...

Sacred 2 suffers from Oblivion-itis. Meaning wherever you go, monsters are always your level or slightly higher. What a disappointment. /sigh. Waste of money.

At least Sacred 1 would only keep monsters within at your level for a certain level range for the area. So the starting area for example monsters would start at level 1 and eventually max out at 8 or something like that.

Made it fun to go back and have the little buggers run from you in fear. Or just run by and ignore the brave ones that whacked on you, or act like god and just destroy everything with the wave of your hand.

And on the opposite end of that going into an area you weren't yet powerful enough to handle and going, "Oh SNOT!" Before either running away quickly or getting splatted if you weren't paying attention.

Sacred 2? Bleh. Although the game itself is decent, this idiotic "all monsters have to be about your level of ability" thing is total crap and totally spoils what was otherwise and enjoyable game. I mean, what's the point of leveling up? If you never get more powerful in relation to SOMETHING - SOMEWHERE in the game.

What a waste of time and money, sigh.

I've recently completed Mafia again and I am going through the missions in Freeride Extreme at the moment. I found that one of the missions is impossible if you have a framerate over 30. The mission involves driving a sports car that has bombs exploding just behind it.

I tried to run the game in 4x4 supersampling mode, but it still ran at 60 FPS even at 1920x1200 with 16xAF forced in nhancer.

So I installed Fraps and made movies every 3 seconds or so, that brought the FPS down to 5-6 and I beat the mission.

Nice coding, guys! :D
Ha legendary has the same problem there is a level where you take a lift and if you dont limit the frame rate to 30 you fall through the floor and die (luckilly it uses the unreal engine 3 so you just edit an ini file)
Just bought Burnout Paradise from Direct2Drive, and must say I'm really happy. It'd probably be better with a X360 controller, but even with the keyboard it's good.

Got DemiGod, but not too happy with it. Feels a bit to sluggish, with too small maps. Still fun, but it feels slow to start, and towards the end you just walk all over the opposition...
My warrior in WoW is about to hit 50. I can't wait another ten levels until I get Titan's Grip, it's eating away at me the mere thought of it. I went full Fury and it's a pretty enjoyable spec to level with. People keep blabbing to me to go Arms. I figure once I have the money for a dual spec, I'll go Arms/Fury to make everyone happy. I keep seeing videos exploiting a bug that allowed Fury warriors to spec to Arms enabling both Titan's Grip AND Bladestorm, so they became these ungodly DPS powerhouses. I want to do that! I'm sure it's been addressed at this point, though.

I want a party thrown for me at 60. Getting TG is a big effing deal to me!
im considering going back to WOW, but only when/if i get laid off. People (management) are weird now. Went from "you're a shit" to "everything is fine" in an instant. I have 2 60 day cards at my disposal when/if that happens. im a level 64 rogue.
Just started Silent Hill homecoming :)

Im about 30mins into the game and so far im loving it. Its weird as most of the reviews ive seen dont rate it very highly and say its not a patch on the first 3 games but i would say it easily holds it own against then, heck id even say its above them in some respects.

Graphics : So far im impressed and dissapointed, the framerate is capped at 30fps, which for some reason drops to low 20's which is crap as i have a 260GTX Core 216 and while the game looks good i get a better framerate playing Crysis. Shadows add alot to the game and at times are very very nice although they could do with being slightly higher in resolution but i think thats caused by the games console roots. Textures while varied are also abit of a let down, again prolly caused by the consoles.

Now on the Biggie, NO AA SUPPORT, well ive found a way.

- Rename the silenthill.exe to oblivion.exe
- Chnage the oblivion.exe in the Nvidia control panel to run with 4xaa or whatever level of AA you want.
- Start the game and enjoy the smooth edges ;)

Sound : Now im playing this game with a crappy 99p set of head phones until i get my 5.1 system up and running but already this game excels in the sound department, the game uses sound better then SH2 & 3 and arguably better then SH1. The tension and atosphere its creates is second to none, i cant wait to play it in 5.1 as i know im just gonna shit myself :)

Gameplay : Only 30mins into the game so far but initional impressions are very very good, again has more in comman and stays true to the original game, basically its good old Silent Hill, Meening i've already had a couple of "WTF was that" and "shit my pants" moments :p

The bad : The controls!!!!!! Well they are not the worst but the default keyboard layout for action/movement and combat is terrible, i would advise to anyone to spend the first 10-20mins of the game altering the button layout to something you are happy with. But i have a USB-to-PS2 pad adaptor so im gonna load that up and play it on a pad :)

Ill keep you guys posted :)
I have finished Zeno Clash yesterday. Nice little game and hopefully it was successful, so the developers get a chance at producing a bigger game. The only problem I have with the game is its system of focusing on an enemy. It's so unlike fps games, and hurt me more than that it helped me.

I am currently at the start of Fallout 3, which is quite nice up until now.

And for the rest my 3 online games: Team Fortress 2, Left 4 Dead and World of Warcraft.
I have finished Zeno Clash yesterday. Nice little game and hopefully it was successful, so the developers get a chance at producing a bigger game. The only problem I have with the game is its system of focusing on an enemy. It's so unlike fps games, and hurt me more than that it helped me.

I am currently at the start of Fallout 3, which is quite nice up until now.

And for the rest my 3 online games: Team Fortress 2, Left 4 Dead and World of Warcraft.

They've already announced a sequel, so it must have been a success.
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