What are you playing now? [2007-2018]

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Oooh, were they able to also keep the masses of enemies that were in Doom I. That would rock.

Finally a mod that makes Doom III into the game it could have been.

I may actually have to see if I actually kept my disc of Doom III. Unfortunately, I think I took it out to the field and used it for target practice after seeing what a PoS it was.

Really getting into Clive Barkers Jericho at the moment, guess i have about an hour or 2 left before i finish it.

The game engine is really impressive for an in-house one :)
try remapping you movement keys to wsqe instead of wsad and watch the mini games break :(
ps: Clive Barkers Undying was better
Just finished Clive Barkers Jericho, Solid FPS i give it 8/10

Graphics were maxxed at 1280x1024 with 4xMSAA and ran with V-sync enabled at a rock solid 60fps on a single 260GTX Core 216.
try remapping you movement keys to wsqe instead of wsad and watch the mini games break :(
ps: Clive Barkers Undying was better

Ack, I was just thinking of picking this up. The mini games don't use the remapped controls? Because I always use rdfg for my controls. Gives more customizable buttons around the control cluster. :)

I'm playing Dawn of War 2 on Ladder, but the lack of balance and bugs are really making the experience extremely upsetting at times :(

Competitive games shouldn't be released when so blatantly unbalanced...

Oh, and patchs introducing changes that aren't in the patchnotes are really naughty, I wonder whether they think we can't notice it or that we don't deserve being told what's being changed in the competitive game we play...

Very nice single/coop player campaign, and nice overall, but 3/6 months of balance wouldn't have been a luxury.
Dead Space. I don't usually go in for these console-ported, third person, save at checkpoint, poor control kinds of games at all, but I'm really enjoying it, to the extent that I'm on the second play-through with the military suit and fully amped up gear.

It's a shame they had to do the console thing of giving you all the good stuff after you've already played the storyline through. It would have been more enjoyable with a better balance that allows you to get to the really good gear while you are still playing the main storyline the first time. And of course the mouse controls barely get to "tolerable", and obviously are a cheap trick to try and make the game last longer.

It might also have been nice to have the option of playing in first person, which I think would have made it a better, more immersive game.
Really getting into Clive Barkers Jericho at the moment, guess i have about an hour or 2 left before i finish it.

The game engine is really impressive for an in-house one :)

While we're at it with Barker, if you haven't played Undying, do so. Graphically it shows its age now, but it has many quite nice moments. (EDIT: Davros was faster with the recommendation, heh)

As for the Doom mod for D3, it's not quite like the old Doom, but still way more fun than Doom 3. From what I remember last time I played it, it doesn't have all the maps, but there are also mods with Doom 2 maps etc. so it should be enough for a nice retro session. there are also some hi-res texture packs etc. available, makes it all look much better than the original D3.
Just bought Quantum of Solace (for £6) now wait for this, infact sit down
its a movie based game and it doesnt suck......
its actually quite good
I liked deadspace
I thought about getting it when it came out for the PC but I heard it was painful to control (major mouse acceleration problems).
As for the Doom mod for D3, it's not quite like the old Doom, but still way more fun than Doom 3. From what I remember last time I played it, it doesn't have all the maps, but there are also mods with Doom 2 maps etc. so it should be enough for a nice retro session. there are also some hi-res texture packs etc. available, makes it all look much better than the original D3.

Isn't the Doom mod for D3 only two levels? If it's the same mod I'm thinking of I guess they never planned on making more than that.
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