Was the minimum framerate in Halo single player <30?

This is hardly like making a linear RPG games and suddenly changing that by bringingout a RPG that is extremly open. So you're going back to the 80's to prove your point?

You can't even follow today's titles, I guess it shouldn't be surprising that you wouldn't know that open ended style games aren't new on consoles. I was going back twenty years to find an example, I was pointing out how long it had been done. Morrowind is simply the first to get it so terribly wrong.

Once you actually have the understanding of what happened to the car, are you foolish enough to say every single car made by ANY manufacturer is going to have to same problem or that this one car is ruining the entire automobile market? Simply because you FEEL you got a bum run? This started off to be a good analogy and rapidly switched to a bad one.

You keep one upping your rabid apologist examples. I never said all XBox games were buggy or anything remotely close to it, are you that blinded by your lust? Your first language is English isn't it?

"Microsoft has lowered the standards for console gaming tollerance levels in terms of bugs a staggering amount in just over a year. Far more then any other company since prior to the NES."

Where did I say Sega is making horribly buggy games? Where did I say Konami's offerings all crash constantly? Where did I say EA can't publish a single solid coded title? First we had Morrowind, which you seem to want to dismiss as a fluke. Then we have Ghost Recon which needs a patch to function properly. Obviously most publishers and developers have standards that are a staggering amount higher then MS's, unfortunately that obviously doesn't include all of them. I have my XBox and a total of six games and one of them has major problems. Three of the titles are Sega, so I still trust them and won't hesitate to pick up one of their games for the Box. I certainly don't have faith in MS's QC however. After Morrowind we see a game that requires a patch, and this doesn't show very clearly sliding standards?

where have you seen a game on a consle like morrowind. you can attempt to sight all of the games currently in development you want, but that doesn't change the fact there aren't any other games on consoles quite like it at this point.

You don't know much about gaming at all, do you? Open ended gaming where your actions have an impact on what goes on around you is your criteria? Animal Crossing, Doshin the Giant, Shenmue, ShenmueII(I figure there is a slim chance you have heard of that one) and to a lesser extent even GTA3 and GTA VC. If you want I'll put together a more comprehensive list of titles that are open ended that have come out over the last twenty years on consoles starting back with the NES and working up to the XBox.

Well, you using this as an example of another open ended game similar to morrowind show what you knwo abotu games period. it's a totally different beast deisgning a game that is a single player open ended adventure to developing a 4 -5 year MMORPG. If you can't see the difference, you don't quite know as much about games as you think you do.

First you aren't aware that it is coming to the consoles, now you are an expert on the title.... OK :rolleyes:

You asked for a massively open ended title which I listed, you want to give a bullet list of what the game needs to have and can't be, do it in advance. SWG is far more open ended then Morrowind. That is fact.

right... that's why every other game on the xbox has crash problems I bet, or wait a second, that's NOT true! I guess you're over reacting!

Are you delusional, or do you simply have severe reading comprehension problems? I was leaning towards the latter, but the more you type....

Go to IGN and start a thread about the game.

Any non locked forums? One of their editors at one point boasted he was able to play for ten hours straight with only a single crash, extremely impressive to be sure(unless, that was when he first started the game as I went longer then that without one).

The only way I'd tolerate any sort of patch was if it was for a online multiplayer game since those are incredibly hard to catch every problem out there, and I know alot about this working on internet based games for 4 years.

If you can't do it, don't release it. I see a whole bunch of other on line games that don't need patches. Obscure issues with rare synching problems or the like are one thing, not being able to join a game is critical.

I never saw such RANTS when Sony released patches/upgrades for Final fantasy online on the PS2 in japan

I ripped on FFXI for I don't even know how long about many different points, the thing was there wasn't anyone with such pure lust for the PS2 on these forums to try and deny the very obvious issues with the game.

Or how about the multiple releases of Phantasy Star to fix the problems with cheaters and bugs?

I do not own nor will I purchase PSO, nor FFXI at any point in time. They have bugs and are not acceptable. Difference, I don't see the Nintendo and Sony loyalists up at arms when these problems are pointed out although their respective company wasn't even close to shipping software in nearly as poor of state as Morrowind or Ghost Recon.

As I said before, you're over reacting.

When Microsoft issues a formal apology, along with Bethesda, and my money is refunded I'll stop bitshing about it. Until those three things happen, they blatantly lied and sold a product under false promises. If this happens in the automotive world the manufacturer is forced to recall their product. They sold over 200K copies, that's over $10Million they stole from people, that is well into felony territory.

you can keep using SWG and FABLE to try and support your point, but both of thos title are a while away and could "almost" end up coming 2 years after morrowind. despite that you dont' usually see open ended games on a console for a reason. that's why you can't give any examples of current game IMO.

I already listed examples above of open ended games that are relatively current(+ or - a couple of years of Morrowind) and I will list more if you need to be beaten over the head with it.

I'm not calling you a fanboi because I think you're a cubite, i'm calling you a fanboi becuase you're not acting logical

I am acting logical, you are not reading properly. You claimed that a game with framerate issues couldn't make it through MS QC and I'm acting illogical? :rolleyes:

Blaming MS for bugs in all xbox games, ro saying that they don't care is pure fanboi talk.

If a game ships for the XBox licensed by MS and it has game killing bugs they are responsible. Same applies for Nintendo and Sony. Of course the developer and publisher hold blame, but the big reason for buying a console is to avoid dealing with the headaches of PC gaming. It has already been demonstrated that MS is certainly willing to let far more slide then their competitors.

Console games on all platforms make it out with crash bugs. try not ignoring the other people in this threa that have experienced crashes in other games if want proof.

You worried about me ignoring it? Reread the thread, I brought up crashes that I have had with other games. Thing is, with those games I saw less then a single crash per five times through the game versus a crash every five minutes. And for the record, when I heard RL crashed once in a while I refused to buy it, it was given to me as a gift. I actually was extremely interested in picking up Morrowind so I figured I could tollerate an occasional crash, after all, it was a console title and no way MS would allow a truly horrendous POS through QC..... doh! :eek:

As I said above, show me more games like this on xbox that have the same problems. there's a reason why bugs in xbox games don't occur like this on a regular basis.

Good developers and publishers is why. I've never really had any problems with any id title on the PC, and besides some issues due to not enough RAM, Mafia never gave me any real headaches either. SeriousSam, both chapters, played through start to finish without a hitch for me on my PC too. Obviously, developers and publishers can get it right on their own, and console developers are more used to having to do it this way then PC devs not to mention how much easier they have it with a fixed platform.

So are you going to still claim that MS is lowering the quality level of consoel games, or whatever foolish rant next?

One more time for you-

"Microsoft has lowered the standards for console gaming tollerance levels in terms of bugs a staggering amount in just over a year. Far more then any other company since prior to the NES."

Read it closely.

I'm sure it sounds open ended right now but I can guarentee you it's a much more controlled adventure then morrowind since this game is 100% designed only for the consle and isn't a port from PC (no PC version will exsist). Good games, give the impression of open endedness without really needing to be designed like that. There's far too many problems develioping as game like that (from what you can see no I'm sure).

What the hell are you rambling about? You are the deity deeming what will be designed on which platform becuse You say it is so now? What next? :rolleyes:
I have 16 Xbox games. None of them have major bugs. I used to have Morrowind and managed to play through it 1.5 times without any major problems. It crashed about 10 times over roughly 100 hours of play. Sure this is unacceptable, but it's an isolated incident involving one game. Ben's statement is still over the top. My friends Playstations crashed about 10 times as often as my Xbox does. I've had more problems with N64 in the limited time I've used it.

Morrowind &amp; Bethesda = unacceptable.

Microsoft = just like Sony, Nintendo, Sega.

Metroid Prime &amp; Rogue Leader have bugs. FFXI was a total disaster when it launched in Japan. There are plenty of examples to draw from that don't have MS associated with them...
My friends Playstations crashed about 10 times as often as my Xbox does.

And you know how I feel about Sony hardware, it isn't coincidental :)

Sure this is unacceptable, but it's an isolated incident involving one game.

Ghost Recon needs a patch and has one available. It isn't isolated to one title. I had dropped the subject prior to MS's latest QC embarassment.

At one poitn I respected thing you said, even though I didn't always agree with them. lately i think you'd just NOT the same. You get in to these huge drawn out arguments and in this case are seeing thing logically.

You keep one upping your rabid apologist examples. I never said all XBox games were buggy or anything remotely close to it, are you that blinded by your lust? Your first language is English isn't it?

Did you NOT say:

I actually save my game receipts now for all XBox titles I purchase(the only system I do it for) and don't buy them until I have time to play them so I can return them if they are horribly broken and don't work.

I don't know about you, but that seems to show you think all xbox games are buggy and you save the recepts just incase they are broken or don't work. Hmmm, and you try to tell me that you didn say anything remotely close to what I've been saying?

"Microsoft has lowered the standards for console gaming tollerance levels in terms of bugs a staggering amount in just over a year. Far more then any other company since prior to the NES."

Where did I say Sega is making horribly buggy games? Where did I say Konami's offerings all crash constantly? Where did I say EA can't publish a single solid coded title?

Where did you say, that, you didn't and that's just my point. Square can release a game to the public as abeta on a console and it has TONS of bugs, yet I don't see you claiming that Square is in some way lowering the standards in terms of bugs. Sega releases multipler version of phantasy star to stop hcackers and fix numerous bugs not caught in teh first fersion and I don't see you saying that sega is lowering the standards of console gaming. i think this goes a little beyond just being unhappy with a single game an dyou have an axe to grind.

First we had Morrowind, which you seem to want to dismiss as a fluke.

Then we have Ghost Recon which needs a patch to function properly.

What part of this do you understand. All the patch is to address from what I understand is that servers aren't always listed when you search for them. You have to hit retry a few times. That's hardly the type of problem we've seen from other online games on other systems, yet you're singling this out as MS having horrible quality control? let me tell you something. Get used to seeing problems and fixes with online games, because just adding that feature increases the complexity of development.

Obviously most publishers and developers have standards that are a staggering amount higher then MS's, unfortunately that obviously doesn't include all of them. I have my XBox and a total of six games and one of them has major problems. Three of the titles are Sega, so I still trust them and won't hesitate to pick up one of their games for the Box. I certainly don't have faith in MS's QC however. After Morrowind we see a game that requires a patch, and this doesn't show very clearly sliding standards?

As I said before, are you going to blame MS for the updates/bugfixes to phantasy star online? or final fantasy online? What about all the server problems socom had, where peope routinely got kicked off and couldn't connect. You're not making anysense with your argument.

You have 6 games and only one has a problem, you say you're not worried about sega's games even though ALL of those goe through MS QC. To answer your question above, NO this doesn't show sliding standards. Online games on all platforms have issues when they launch, that a reality of online gaming. you can go on blaming MS all you want, and pointintg out the same issues that happen on other consoles. morrowind was a isolated game with problems. Online games on all platforms are a different story.

Some people here can actually look at this sensibly.

And you know how I feel about Sony hardware, it isn't coincidental

Oh boy hear we go, what's wrong with sony hardware exactly?

Ghost Recon needs a patch and has one available. It isn't isolated to one title. I had dropped the subject prior to MS's latest QC embarassment.

I see how you convienently ignore the fact other online games on other platforms also have patches and updates. yet you don't bother to claim ANYTHING about thier QC standards. Not only that, this patch to fix a server problem is so minor, I have no idea how you can use this as any sort of valid example, but if you want to go ahead. it looks foolish IMO.

Metroid Prime &amp; Rogue Leader have bugs. FFXI was a total disaster when it launched in Japan. There are plenty of examples to draw from that don't have MS associated with them...

That's a good point, but I think he's just going to ignore any other examples to strengthen his opinion. I'm not going to bother arguing if he's just ignoring points people bring up.
I don't know about you, but that seems to show you think all xbox games are buggy and you save the recepts just incase they are broken or don't work. Hmmm, and you try to tell me that you didn say anything remotely close to what I've been saying?

If you wear a seatbelt, that means you crash your car every time you drive it, right? :rolleyes: Do you know what a precaution is? Do you understand why people take precautions? MS has given me a reason to take a precaution when I purchase software for their platform.

Square can release a game to the public as abeta on a console and it has TONS of bugs, yet I don't see you claiming that Square is in some way lowering the standards in terms of bugs. Sega releases multipler version of phantasy star to stop hcackers and fix numerous bugs not caught in teh first fersion and I don't see you saying that sega is lowering the standards of console gaming.

You don't read the forums overly thoroughly do you? I went on quite a rant about all the problems Square was going to have, and then was having regarding FinalFantasyXI. I also slam them regularly for pretty much any misstep they take(ask Vince, it's usually him I'm arguing with on that one :) ).

That's hardly the type of problem we've seen from other online games on other systems, yet you're singling this out as MS having horrible quality control?

This is to get on to a game, and is a common problem. What does it say about QC if they can't even bother to be thorough with what amounts to a menu screen.

As I said before, are you going to blame MS for the updates/bugfixes to phantasy star online?

I will not buy the game because of it for sure. Will I buy a Sega online title? No.

or final fantasy online?

I ripped on them heavily actually. I also spent quite a bit of time talking about the huge failure they would have trying to launch the game, how miserable it would do in sales and how hard it was going to be to launch it in the US. I was correct on all accounts. Of course, that wasn't a XBox title so you weren't around to defend it(surprise, surprise).

What about all the server problems socom had, where peope routinely got kicked off and couldn't connect.

Sony has an extremely poor network, again, a point I've already made numerous times. You don't seem to notice when people have bad things to say about consoles other then the XBox.

Oh boy hear we go, what's wrong with sony hardware exactly?

Besides the weak optical drive you have the extremely poor durability of the hardware(I can pull up quotes from some Capcom big wigs if you want to see backing to this) and they even managed to ship a dead AV cable to me with my latest purchase(again, things that have all been covered, but they weren't bashing the XBox so you didn't take offense).

I see how you convienently ignore the fact other online games on other platforms also have patches

Where? FFXI? I've said my bit about that, more then once.

yet you don't bother to claim ANYTHING about thier QC standards.

Sony of Japan I have more QC complaints with then any company in any country in any industry in the world. SCEA's software validation I don't have a problem with.

That's a good point, but I think he's just going to ignore any other examples to strengthen his opinion. I'm not going to bother arguing if he's just ignoring points people bring up.

Any game that crashes has serious problems. Obviously any title getting by is an issue, that is a given. Now list any title on a console that will crash once every hour. I'll give you the chance to name a title that crashes one twelth of what Morrowind does and let your point stand as valid that MS has not lowered the bar.
Anyone here play rachet and clank? Sony jut sent me a copy, and I'm abotu to try it out. looks like a fun game!

You don't get it, do you? Quincy will argue with you forever. That's what he does! That's all he does! You can't stop him! He'll wade through your logic, reach down your throat, and pull your fucking heart out!

Listen! And understand! Quincy is out there. He can't be bargained with! He can't be reasoned with! He doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And he absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead!

teasy, hahaha, now that was funny :LOL:

..... I'll be back ;)

... or you could say this cybernetic organsim has the worse spelling I've ever seen. My excuse is that I was programmed that way.
Hehe, I'm glad you liked it :)

I nearly didn't post it though, as I was worried it might be taken the wrong way.
BenSkywalker said:
Open ended gaming where your actions have an impact on what goes on around you is your criteria? Animal Crossing, Doshin the Giant, Shenmue, ShenmueII(I figure there is a slim chance you have heard of that one) and to a lesser extent even GTA3 and GTA VC.

This is a little off-topic, but there was a bug in the original Shenmue that would make you unable to progress. I saved after that point, and ruined my game... I was so pissed I didn't actually play through the game again for another 6 months.

Major bugs in console games are unacceptable :devilish: I'm tempted to play some Morrowind today, but I don't feel like wrestling with crashes and all that.
Qroach said:
And you know how I feel about Sony hardware, it isn't coincidental

Oh boy hear we go, what's wrong with sony hardware exactly?

Hah. I can answer that one.

Almost all of the earliest PSX's (100x) have failed, as have numerous 333x models, and my friend's 7501 almost failed a short while ago. That 7501 was saved by - of all things - a Mod Plug. It was refusing to spin up, something in the mod plug's code apparently forced it to do so. Opening the thing up, blahblahblah, simply wouldn't work.

When I received the said PSX it had no video cable, so I bought two - an RF (for an older TV that doesn't have any other plugs) and an S-Video. The RF cable sounds completely blown out on any TV it's plugged into - the sound is absolutely trashed. For reference my GCN sounds flawless. :rolleyes:

The S-Video cable deteriorated VERY quickly. At first it looked great, then after about a week and a half the visual quality noticeably faded. After I stopped playing for a while and came back, leaving the cable straight left the image BLACK AND WHITE. I had to wind the cable around the PSX to lift the cable up behind the connector, so it would retain colour, and for a while that got a perfect display, but within two weeks even that started degrading.

Both were official SONY cables.

I bought a new S-Video, what with being sick of trying to get decent quality out of the Sony POS, made by Interact and the visual quality is GREAT, better even than the SONY cable at its peak.

And.. TRUE STORY. At a local Babbage's, early in the PS2's life cycle, they of course had demo units set up, and I decided I'd play one out of sheer boredom... so I grabbed the controller, selected the Fantavision or wtf demo (I was bored, sue me), and watched a black screen. So I jiggled the little lever set up to hit RESET, and the console shut off. I asked the clerk, he came over, opened it up, fiddled with it, and pronounced it dead. Blah. And he said it wasn't the first (he wouldn't give me a number though).

I still have an original-model PSX. It still works, most of the time. Actually, it outlasted our DualShock PSX :LOL:

Of course, my Ps2 only works with CD-ROM games on its side, so I'm not disagreeing about the quality of Sony's hardware :LOL:
This is a little off-topic, but there was a bug in the original Shenmue that would make you unable to progress.

There are dozens, if not hundreds of those bugs in Morrowind. Some people even had problems with quest giving NPCs falling through the floor and ceasing to exist in their game. There is a 'back door' way to beat the game, but it is far from obvious on exactly how you do it(not to mention you miss the entire storyline of the game).
BenSkywalker said:
There are dozens, if not hundreds of those bugs in Morrowind. Some people even had problems with quest giving NPCs falling through the floor and ceasing to exist in their game. There is a 'back door' way to beat the game, but it is far from obvious on exactly how you do it(not to mention you miss the entire storyline of the game).


Bugginess in console games is a cardinal sin.

I guess I'm not going to be wasting my time on Morrowind any time soon then. That's ok. I really don't have the time to take on a new RPG now, and my sister was the one that bought the game so it's no great loss :p
interesting, I just found out that the server finding problem in ghost recon is going to be fixed in an update to the xbox live software and not the actually the game. So scratch that "patched game" off your list ben.