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*waits for a mention of the crashes that certain people have in Metroid Prime*
Blade said:*waits for a mention of the crashes that certain people have in Metroid Prime*
Unlike the other two times though (which occurred within 20 minutes of each other, BTW) the game actually gave me a message saying that I've encountered an error and that I should consult the GameCube manual.
The second they give me the titles for free I will. As long as I have to pay $50, I sure as hell won't. You ignore the patch issue I notice
As far as doing it myself, would you tell me how the hell that relates to anything in the slightest way imaginable?
You are going on record right now saying that Fable will not work then? Stop being an apologist for a minute Quincy and think of what you are saying. Because Bethesda displayed new levels of ineptness on a console title doesn't mean that noone else could handle it.
Or are you saying that the XBox hardware is so flawed it doesn't allow games of that nature to work? True Crime isn't going to be playable? KOTOR will crash constantly? Star Wars Galaxies is doomed to failure? MS seriously screwed up releasing the pre alpha POS that is Morrowind, and they did it again by releasing a game that now needs a patch. You try and claim this is the same company that wouldn't let a game with slowdown problems through QC?
Really? Could you locate someone with more the thirty hours in that didn't have the problems? Last time we had this discussion there were posters who hadn't run into the problems yet, but they did run into them(they posted to say so). Go to Bethesda's forums and check out the amount of people that have the same problem, or better yet, go to Bethesda's page where they explain why this is a normal issue for Morrowind. This isn't isolated.
A single game? What about the patch for Ghost Recon? Microsoft has lowered the standards for console gaming tollerance levels in terms of bugs a staggering amount in just over a year. Far more then any other company since prior to the NES. I actually save my game receipts now for all XBox titles I purchase(the only system I do it for) and don't buy them until I have time to play them so I can return them if they are horribly broken and don't work.
Microsoft has lowered the standards for console gaming tollerance levels in terms of bugs a staggering amount in just over a year. Far more then any other company since prior to the NES.
I only have an issue with you claiming that MS testing dosen't have standards based on the experience with one game that has never been attempted on a console before.
Obviously unless you've worked on a game title that is large and or tried to test one that is large you can't fully understand how difficult it is to actually complete.
If you're going to use a single game as an example of all of the Xbox game testing performed during the approval process, you should at least understand how different this game is compared to all other games released on all the consoles.
You don't know anything about fable honestly, certainly not enough to know if the game is nearly as open ended or large as morrowind.
I'm saying it's completely foolish to say that "they have no standards based on one incredibly large game. bethesda deserves what they get for releasing a game like that, however that doesn't mean it's due to MS's shoddy testing or anything like that.
Star wars galaxies hasn't been annouced for any console AFAIK.
SAN RAFAEL, Calif. -- May 20, 2002 -- LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC today announced its intent to develop versions of the company's highly anticipated first game of its Star Wars® Galaxies™ online series for Xbox Live and PlayStation 2. Specific release dates for the Star Wars Galaxies-branded massively multiplayer games for the two next generation console platforms will be announced at a later time. This December LucasArts will release a Windows PC version of the game, developed by Sony Online Entertainment, titled Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided™.
Blame bethesda for all you want, I bet they knew about bugs that MS had never found. let me put it this way, if MS found a single crash the game would NOT get approved.
I've seen plenty of people that claimed to complete the game without seeing one crash
You've sighted two games that have been pathched in some way, and one of them is fixing an issue on a internet game, you see that, and internet game!
BenSkywalker said:*waits for a mention of the crashes that certain people have in Metroid Prime*
Can anyone explain how to reproduce it? I've only played through the game 2 1/2 times, my wife once and my son about half way through, but I haven't been able to get it to crash yet.
To crash Morrowind, play the game for more then thirty hours actually doing things, or go to Vivec/Ebonheart at any point when you are more then half way through the game and walk around for a bit, or create a high power levitate spell and then try to use dispell on yourself(I could keep going). At several points in the game it would seriously crash every five minutes. I've heard of some people having crashes in MP, I've tried to get the game to crash but noone can seem to list a repeatable way of doing it(which actually leads me to believe that they have hardware that is going to shit).
That's just plains foolish. based on problems with a single game? Pure fanboee talk imo.
What bugs me is when people start saying idotic wide sweeping statements like this.
You are bordering on raving lunatic apologist.
Errr, Halo was never attempted on a console, nor was MetroidPrime, nor SuperMarioSunshine, nor pretty much every single game ever released for a console. As far as the type of game, Ultimas used to be on consoles, dating back to the 80s.
You go buy a new car. Everything is fine for three years. Then, the computer in your car starts misreading the air/fuel ratio invoking a yet unseen flaw in the logic advanging your timing by twenty degrees and it ends up causing serious internal damage to your engine. You bring the car in and they tell you, paraphrasing 'go screw yourself'.
Are you going to care in the slightest way how complex an internal combustion is in relation to the computer and how it needs to modify thousands of variables a second? No, and you shouldn't.
The only people that would say you should are the most rabid apologists for the manufacturer you can find. It is none of my concern nor should it ever be what they need to do to qualify a product.
Creating a situation that will cause Morrowind to crash is very easy and repeatable. We aren't talking about obscure bugs that you have to complete a series of events to invoke. The caching scheme for the game is entirely fubared.
Again, they packaged and sold it as a working product. They obviously could not pull it off, they should have never tried it or at the very least cancelled the project when they realized they were nowhere near competent enough to do the task.
So you are saying Lionhead is full of liars. I wouldn't be shocked given their track record, although Fable is supposed to be under development by a different group then Black&White. There has been a slew of articles written on Fable and exactly how open ended it is, Morrowind isn't even close.
The game should have never been released, period. Thousands and thousands of end users can repeatedly recreate exactly what causes the game to crash, and MS's professionals can't? Obviously they are not up to the task at hand.
There are these sites scattered across the web that cover gaming news for not only PCs, but also consoles. When a company announces a major title that was for the PC and is coming to the consoles all of the sites cover it, it will be everywhere, anywhere you look. StarWars Galaxies was one of those games-
There is a total of ten previews of the console version for you to look at. It doesn't surprise me that you don't think someone could know much about Fable which has been covered quite extensively if you aren't even aware of Star Wars Galaxies being ported to the consoles(although they haven't had as much hype as Fable in terms of previews, missing the SWG announcement shows how closely you follow industry news).
If they didn't find a single crash then they clearly don't give the slightest rats ass about quality.
Point me to five. I can point you to hundreds/thousands of people who have hundreds/thousands of crashes.
Morrowind never got patched, I was talking about there being a patch at all. This is your most shining example of being an apologist. Tollerating a patch on a console. Perhaps you long for mediocricty being commonplace in terms of quality of code in the console world, I don't know anyone else who does.
Of which platform exactly am I supposed to possess anywhere near the pure lust you have for your XBox towards? I hear I'm a XBot from the Cubeites and I'm a Cubeite from the XBots. You think your ability to detect someone's leaning is anywhere near good?
You yourself swore up and down these things, buggy as hell PC ports, wouldn't be allowed back before the XBox launched. I was taking your side at the time, I didn't think there was a chance in hell that Microsoft would allow PC style problems on to the XBox. Quite obviously, I was wrong.
Pick the side of the fence. If the open ended game style can't work on consoles then these games will all fail. Either that or your assertion is wrong. If you are not an apologist then you will have no problem picking a side here.
Qroach, his main point is that Nintendo or SONY simply wouldn't have ALLOWED a game as buggy as Morrowind to be released for their console. They would've withheld the license until the bugs could be cleaned up (even if that ends up being indefinite).
I would say Morrowind has been a learning experience for both Bethesda and MS. If more games with as many problems/bugs are released on Xbox, then I would seriously start to question MS's standards of quality.