Warhawk - Single player dropped

What about Unreal Tournament? Would you expect that to be cheaper too?

Or battlefield 2?

I think alot of people are recieving the impression that because its going to be single-player only it'll only be half a game?

I kinda don't blame them to be fair...

I wasn't all that impressed by the announcement to drop the single-player but in the end I guess I understad why they did it and provided they put enough content/substance in there i'm sure it'll turn out quite well in the end..

Heck at the very *least* it proves that incog are concerned about polish and quality over content and diversity which I think is great for a developer! Hats off to them that they care so much about the end result and how great of an experience it'll be. I know alot of devs really don't..

It's definitely is a shame we wont be seeing SP warhawk from the off (& unless the title sells like lindsay lohan porno I doubt we ever will see it..) but in truth, nobody is really to blame and if the funds aren't there for the devs to have the full potential of there dreams realised then what else can they do...?