Viewtiful Joe DS cleans up in IGN E3 awards


From IGN's E3 2005 DS awards:

DS Game of E3

Viewtiful Joe DS

Developer: Clover
Publisher: Capcom
Release Date: Fall 2005

Why we picked it: Of all the games that were on display for the Nintendo DS, Capcom's touch-screen rendition of Viewtiful Joe absolutely floored us with its amazing dual-screen and touch screen concepts as well as its accurate portrayal of the cell-shading 3D graphical environments on the DS hardware. The team is really putting a lot of effort into creating an original design for Nintendo DS owners, going all the way to produce special VFX powers that could only be pulled off on the touch screen. We'll hold off on judging the concept until it's finished, but at least in its current state Viewtiful Joe DS shows that the Nintendo DS can offer some really clever, original and amazing gameplay elements in an already familiar franchise.

Best Action Game

Viewtiful Joe DS

Developer: Clover
Publisher: Capcom
Release Date: Fall 2005

Why we picked it: The original Viewtiful Joe and its sequel brought some seriously nifty kick-kick-punch brawler action to the console, revisiting an old-school concept in a brand new current generation environment. Viewtiful Joe DS brings that same action to the handheld, but changes things up by offering unique action elements that could only be done on the touch screen. Split the environment in half to affect the surroundings, or bring the close-up view down to the touch screen in order to shake and slide items out of the way. You have to experience it to understand it, but hopefully it all comes together in final form when the game's completed...because the E3 demo really showed off some awesome stuff.

Best Graphics

Viewtiful Joe DS

Developer: Clover
Publisher: Capcom
Release Date: Fall 2005

Why we picked it: Even though Nintendo cautiously claimed that the Nintendo DS could do 3D on one screen, companies have been pushing this limit on the handheld, some moreso than others. Capcom's Viewtiful Joe for the Nintendo DS puts independent 3D environments on both screens, all the while retaining a competent 30 frames per second rate during the action. And the game looks incredibly good on the portable screens, as the development studio is pulling off the same 3D cel-shaded effect that the series is known for. Slowdown was a bit of a problem when the going got a little tough, but the game still has a ways to go into development, where hopefully the little graphical quirks will be ironed out. But in its early form, Viewtiful Joe DS looked brilliant.
Most Innovative Design

Viewtiful Joe DS

Developer: Clover
Publisher: Capcom
Release Date: Fall 2005

Why we picked it: Of all the "innovation" going on with the Nintendo DS (voice recognition with Nintendogs, Voice over IP with DSpeak, Interactive Music in Electroplankton) no game floored us in concept than Capcom's own Viewtiful Joe DS. For the Nintendo DS version, Capcom has created a whole set of VFX powers that utilize the two-screen and touch screen concept of the handheld system, and in many ways you've never experienced anything like them. A "slide" power gives you the ability to split the scene into two parts, enabling you to create new paths or have remote items interact with each other. The "Switch" move brings the close-up screen down to the touch-screen, where players can tap enemies away or rub items to make them move around the environment. We'll see where Capcom takes this concept, because the demo showed off a whole lot of gameplay potential.

IMO even a straight port of the GC version would be a brilliant game for a handheld, its got such pick up and play apeal. But it sounds like Capcom have really used DS's features to add loads of extra stuff to the DS version, so IMO this is going to be an amazing game.

BTW the other 5 awards went to Mario Kart, Castlevania, Touch Golf and Sonic Rush (can't wait for Sonic Rush either, it looks great).
It's all about the games baby. ;)

I predicted VJ would be a must buy for myself, but didn't think it would kick major booty for game reviewers too and maybe even the average Joe. :LOL:

It's cool that Capcom took a simple home console platformer/fighter and turned it into a great creative and unique experience on the DS using its dual screens and touch screen. These are the types of games that I really look forward to. Hopefully SEGA adds some unique features into Sonic Rush too instead of being just a straight port of a Genesis game. BTW where's Namco's Pac-Pix?