Unreal Engine 5, [UE5 Developer Availability 2022-04-05]

For those power consumption folks...

This is neat, makes you wonder what the XSX would be able to pull off if MS went with a similar design as PS5, targeting a fixed max TDP and adjusting clocks on the fly :smile:

XSX wins in efficiency but they both produce similar looking results.
There is a whole industry of graphic artists in korea and asia in general. I look forward to seeing how this translates over to something like UE5.

Yeah, for the past 10-20 years, Korean PC developers have pushed PC hardware harder than pretty much any other developer in any other country, IMO. Unfortunately, most of it never makes it out of the country and the few that do generally arrive in Western markets 3-5 years after initial release in Korea. However, they often make different design choices than Western developers. For example, they place more resources on Character fidelity and customization and historically don't mind sacrificing long distance rendering in order to boost near to camera rendering. That last bit seems to have shifted in the past few years, however, as many are now also focusing on distance rendering as well as close to the camera rendering.

That was both interesting to see what the console were drawing and also left me feeling like I never need to watch a power consumption video again. :)
yeah that was made really bad, why not have a linegraph showing the change over time. Also they should show the FPS on the same graph

Amazing what people are creating in UE5 visually. I hate the DOF/blur, but it still looks good. I would love to see State of Decay 3 set in a city location like this. The first 2 games were set in rural locations but UE5 seems to be perfect for creating very dense city locations. That would seem to be a match made in heaven ... or a zombie apocalypse. :p

There is something I am trying to understand about Unreal Engine 5's nanite.
The engine over triangulates even flat or simple surfaces. While it is efficient in rendering exactly whats on screen and by having its own kind of "tessellation", it seems to lose efficiency by over triangulating simple surfaces at the same time.
There is something I am trying to understand about Unreal Engine 5's nanite.
The engine over triangulates even flat or simple surfaces. While it is efficient in rendering exactly whats on screen and by having its own kind of "tessellation", it seems to lose efficiency by over triangulating simple surfaces at the same time.

Is that really the case? when people turn on polygon nanite visualization on the matrix demo, I see a lot of very large polies in flat walls and ground...

Either way, its not obvious which is worse dor performance. Larger triangles save on vertex processing, but are less granular for culling, potentially causing more overdraw.
There is something I am trying to understand about Unreal Engine 5's nanite.
The engine over triangulates even flat or simple surfaces. While it is efficient in rendering exactly whats on screen and by having its own kind of "tessellation", it seems to lose efficiency by over triangulating simple surfaces at the same time.
All squares are represented as triangles. Otherwise you’re working with quads which is rare.