But you know why happens that?. Because in U4 you see the game from all perspectives. From a hand in first plane to an aereal vista of a jeep in the sabana. They engine isn´t corseted to its most beautiful dress, it isn´t afraid of showing you everything nakedNot all. Some games favour dynamic, computed solutions, like LBP2 and TTC. These provide a completely unified lighting model with no hacks, so look the same in all cases. At their best they don't look as good as the best choreographed solutions like UC4's, but at their worst they don't look any worse than their best whereas a choreographed solution can miss out on a specific case and be remarkably inconsistent. Again, the paper holding is pretty gobsmacking for UC4. It's a common enough occurence, they should have faked a contact shadow solution. There are too many elements (in the first four chapters) of glowing objects because the dynamic solutions can't match the quality of the baked. It's like a cartoon where the parts that are going to move are drawn completely differently (and simply) from the beautifully painted backdrops - you can see the ledge is going to crumble as the character walks on it because it's flatly drawn rather than painted and sticks out like a sore thumb.
Dont sure i made myself understood...