Top Ten Of Beerdrinking Nations


meandering Velosoph


1. Czech Republic
2. Germany
3. Austria
4. Ireland
5. GB
6. Belgium
7. Denmark
8. Australia
9. Finland
10. Slovakia
11. USA

in litres

How much do you drink in a year?
hupfinsgack said:
How much do you drink in a year?

Not that much beer, but wine and cocktails. Although I'd make the first place in that list alone with my ~10 beers every weekend (i drink beer only on weekends).
What? WTH is Canada on that list? I drink on average, 2-3 pints per 2 weeks. Used to be higher, now I have to save money....
I reckon I'm probably around the 400-500 litres per year (of beer) plus a hundred bottles of wine or so.
nutball said:
I reckon I'm probably around the 400-500 litres per year (of beer) plus a hundred bottles of wine or so.

That's almost 1000 pints, isn't it? That's 3 beers a day from the pub, plus 1-2 glasses of wine.

How do you manage?
I don't drink nearly as much as I did just a few years ago. Probably down to around 300-400 litres of beer a year now - the odd pint here and there during the week then a skinful at least one night each weekend (the great British binge!). Around 30 bottles of wine a year, 1 bottle of Gin and 1 bottle of Whisky I'd guess.

Back in my twenties we used to visit the pub a lot more frequently and probably got through at least 600-700 litres a year. A lot of my friends are settling down and having kids now which reduces their number of nights out to about once every six months! As an example of how things have changed, myself and most of my friends would have gone to the pub virtually every night from 20th December to 1st January - this was when we were in our early to late twenties. The past few years however, just a few of us have been out for maybe 3 or 4 nights during the same period and the numbers continue to dwindle.

I remember a couple of years ago reading an article in a paper about some fella in his 80s who had drunk over 100,000 pints in his local pub! He'd been visiting the same pub every day since he was about 20 and drank 5 pints each visit for around 60 years! That's a lot of beer! :smile:
i'm shocked , 5th behind ireland!!

hmm wonder what that would look like if it was 'cost' rather than by volume :)
Our student union takes between £25,000 and £30,000 a night at the start of term. That's mostly at £1/drink! Really quite scary.
davefb said:
i'm shocked , 5th behind ireland!!

Well yeah, but I'm sure Britain would be ahead in the "quantity of rancid beer drunk" per capita stakes! At least the other countries listed sell decent beer as opposed to the standard crap people drink here such as Carling/Stones/Smiths/etc. Even the Stella, Carlsberg and Kronenbourg brewed and sold here is chemical-filled piss compared to the proper stuff on the continent. The main problem being that lots of people in Britain will drink any old shit as long as it's alcoholic!
I'm sure the Irish would argue they drink stout and not beer :)

Having said that, the Czech's brew some damn fine beers (the original Budweiser Budvar being one of my very favourites) so I don't blame 'em for drinking so much
nutball said:
I reckon I'm probably around the 400-500 litres per year (of beer) plus a hundred bottles of wine or so.
With that level of consumption in mind, I'd get in line for a liver transplant now if I were you.

This post here's a great argument why health insurance should not cover entirely self-inflicted afflictions...
Guden Oden said:
With that level of consumption in mind, I'd get in line for a liver transplant now if I were you.

This post here's a great argument why health insurance should not cover entirely self-inflicted afflictions...

just wow tho, 500 liters
that's around 1100 lbs


and you manage this in 12 months

41.6 Liters a month
roughly 1.38 Liters a day
roughly 0.05 Liters an hour

5/100ths of a liter an hour, every hour, for 12 months
that's a lotta beer
davefb said:
i'm shocked , 5th behind ireland!!

hmm wonder what that would look like if it was 'cost' rather than by volume :)

I trust that Finland would take that one pretty easily. Normal price for decent 0.5l beer is 4-5€ in bars.
hupfinsgack said:
How much do you drink in a year?
I used to be one of those raising the average german consumption, but as a student that's practically a given. Probably somewhere around 3-4l a week, which is easy to reach without even getting tipsy. At the moment I'm somewhere between 1-2l, though. That said, I'm going to add 0.5l to it right now...

But keeping in mind that many people drink (almost) no beer, there must be lots of those drinking 300l and more, too.
Heh, I see my country still tops the list....for plenty consecutive years now. Bah, I don't like beer - must be one of the few who don't drink it around here :)
Mariner said:
The main problem being that lots of people in Britain will drink any old shit as long as it's alcoholic!

It's not only in Britain, trust me :)

Anyway, after I had five or so, I couldn't tell the difference anyway...