Today's my second birthday, had a hefty crash!


Just coming back from the hospital, nothing happened besides a minor trauma. My car was almost cut in half, the back is just a pulp now. I'm only still alive thanks to the windowbag, which cought my head on its way towards the left window.

I was about 70 kmh on a completely straight piece of the road which was unfortunately covered with fresh snow and an ice plate below it. Suddenly the car started sliding for no reason and I started spinning. I tried to catch it but had no chance. So I came with undiminished speed 90° to the road and the car in the opposite lane (driving about the same speed) got frontally hit with my rear left, about where the wheel is (which could be called a "middle wheel" now :( ). Ironically, it was one of my company's cars as well. Fortunately, nothing happened to the guy in there either.

So I'm alive and well, but my car is a wrack. About 6.000€ for the repairs, but what the hell. At least I'm still here and able to earn them :)
I believe this warrants an exclamation of "omigosh!" :)

Glad to hear you're all in one piece, even though the car might not be. :) Surely that one's got insurance tho?

If they allowed studded tires in germany, this would probably not have happened. Un-studded tires are crap on icy surfaces... Weird, you get quite a lot of snow in the winter, at least in some parts of the country I believe.

Anyway, best of luck in the future & safe driving and stuff. :)
I drive (drove? :?: ) a BMW 320d, but yes, the safety is top-notch in both. It all comes from the same suppliers anyway, just in a different package.

It happened so damn fast, I found my glasses on the rear seat and haven't even noticed that I lost them as the airbag slapped me in the face. Just like getting a punch from a heavy-weight boxer :LOL:

EDIT: unfortunately, my insurance only covers my opponent's damages, not my own. It was a false way to save some cash on my side :oops:
And teh funney: the first accident I had was with the police :!: and now the second with the company car. You won't see that in any movies :LOL:

Oh, and the best thing: the wrecker who picked me up got his mirror ripped off as a truck coming from the opposite direction swayed over into our lane! That was just hilarious, the same two policemen showed up with "Oh, so we meet again!", they just couldn't stop laughing... :LOL:

So actually, I had two accidents in one day...fwck.
Good to hear you're OK.

I don't mean to rub salt into your wounds, but something like that seems to be an essential part of BMW 3-series experience... Slippery roads and those cars have never mixed well, in any incarnation of the 3-series, and they really do get into a lot of crashes in bad weather. Years back, a reporter of a Finnish car magazine gave a good analogy in a test drive article - trying to keep them from sliding in bad conditions is like maneuvering on all fours on an icy tin roof, and when the slide starts, your chances are as good as in using your fingernails to stop your slide on the said roof.

Airbag is a wonderful invention.
Any accident you can walk away from where no one gets hurt is a good one.

Glad to hear you're ok XXX. Count yourself fortunate as hell; things can be replaced, people can't.
Glad you are OK and here to tell the tale mate.

We forget what metal dangerous death traps we drive on the roads sometime.

Edit: why is it your 2nd birthday?
_xxx_ said:
I drive (drove? :?: ) a BMW 320d, but yes, the safety is top-notch in both. It all comes from the same suppliers anyway, just in a different package.

It happened so damn fast, I found my glasses on the rear seat and haven't even noticed that I lost them as the airbag slapped me in the face. Just like getting a punch from a heavy-weight boxer :LOL:

EDIT: unfortunately, my insurance only covers my opponent's damages, not my own. It was a false way to save some cash on my side :oops:
oh figured you might a MB given your profile link.
too bad.
_xxx_ said:
I was about 70 kmh on a completely straight piece of the road which was unfortunately covered with fresh snow and an ice plate below it. Suddenly the car started sliding for no reason and I started spinning. I tried to catch it but had no chance. So I came with undiminished speed 90° to the road and the car in the opposite lane (driving about the same speed) got frontally hit with my rear left, about where the wheel is (which could be called a "middle wheel" now :( ). Ironically, it was one of my company's cars as well. Fortunately, nothing happened to the guy in there either.

:oops: Damn, glad you're okay. That really puts things into perspective of how quickly it can happen under those conditions. 70kmh doesn't sound all that much (we've had lots of snow a couple weeks ago, here in Switzerland) and on the long straights I used to be doing somewhere between 60-80kmh since it seemed fairly safe (no ice, just snow).

A few days later though, I was on the highway (Autobahn) and we had just had fresh snow (a lot) and you couldn't even be doing 60kmh because the roads were completely frozen. At some point, you'd be driving with less than 30kmh and could actually feel the car slowly drift sideways which is pretty scary, especially having cars so close and seeing crashes all 150 metres of cars that hit the side of the road or completely went off it. That really put things into perspective for me how dangerous icy road conditions can be and how quickly it can happen, especially when you're not expecting it.
Congratulations!... wait, this isn't one of those Birthday threads... well, congratulations on your survival!!
That accident of yours sounded like something from Burnout (a console game).
What was the first accident with the Police?
I too once lost control of my car on a bad weather, fortunately there wasn't incoming traffic just then otherwise me and my car wouldn't propably survived unscratched. The roads were slippery and there was slush in between the lanes, as I passed the slow car ahead of me the slush made me loos econtrol and I spinned to the opposite lane, the speed was only some 70 km/h, and I was able to steer the car to the soft snow on the side of the road. Had this happened some seconds later I propably would have ended undere the big truck coming towards.
It's always scary to think of yourself loosing control of your car, but when it happens and you survive without injuries, it's actually quite hilarious.
That's the problem with BMWs - rear-wheel drive makes them an absolute nightmare if there is even a little snow or ice.

My Dad drives a 320d and when it snows, we just don't bother going out in it and try instead to use my car (Audi) or Mum's (VW) both of which are front-wheel and therefore are no problem.
Mariner said:
That's the problem with BMWs - rear-wheel drive makes them an absolute nightmare if there is even a little snow or ice.

My Dad drives a 320d and when it snows, we just don't bother going out in it and try instead to use my car (Audi) or Mum's (VW) both of which are front-wheel and therefore are no problem.

Haven't got much to do with RWD specifically, though, here up north we're accustomed to a bit of slip'n'slide. Plenty of RWD cars do just fine.

The BMW's ARE notorious about their snow/ice handling around here, but it has to do with the pretty sophisticated rear suspension which is excellent in good tarmac conditions, not so great otherwise however as it get very unpredictable. RWD cars with solid rear axle suspension are more preferable(e.g. Volvo 240/740 et.c.) come winter-time.

BMW + snow on road= NOT GOOD tm

Rear wheel driven cars are a nightmare in the winter
i drive a bmw and and I 'try' to never drive if ithere is snow or ice on the road .

since my last accident on a iceplated road, i'm a bit afraid to drive in the winter.