Looks like it will be a timed exclusive, which was a no brainer. I wonder how much this cost MS to buy?
Wrong link. THat's to a killzone vid.
Looks like it will be a timed exclusive, which was a no brainer. I wonder how much this cost MS to buy?
As of now Respawn has repeatedly said they want T-Fall to be on all platforms. If MS buys them up, yes , then they could go exclusive. But aftr the Activion episode, i wonder they would want to bought, just saying.
I think the question is, Who owns the IP? Respawn or EA? Anyways, PC version is already announced and can be pre ordered.
I am not saying PC version means a PS4 version too. I was just saying one doesn't have to get a XBone for it, one can play on PC too. One won't really miss it for not getting an Xbone. Nothing to note/argue or hidden meaning in that sentence.
So, who owns the IP? If EA owns the IP, I am sure it will be on Tablets too (Just kidding)
It's ironic that the devs said they choose the Source engine because they wanted the PS3 version to run well, now they had exclusivity bought and they are stuck with an engine that isn't aging well. Why couldn't they make launch? No SP to speak of, no fancy dialog, voice acting; just levels and art? Compared to Ryse or KZ, they seem to have a much easier project, at least more limited.
Well, before they were pretty ambiguous when asked about being a temporal exclusive, now it's very clear it wont. Something must have happened. Probably MS couldn't afford more bad news.