Thief 4


Finally! Confirmed for next-gen consoles.

The comeback of a true gem, that has inspired other games, although only a few remember it!

According to this article, the game is set to be released sometime the next year for PS4 and PC, and it's planned to be released on other consoles, too.

By the way, I'm half way through the first game (Gold edition) and it's great!
Pictures look very... currentgen-ish, but I will wait for videos. No matter what, Im glad they are not abandoning the franchise.
Now I just hope they don't screw up the game like they did with the latest Hitman. I'm going to be so royally pissed off if they do. The Thief games were far too good to have it ruined like Hitman was.

Really hope they will keep the no kill policy for harder difficulties, also no scripting would be preferable.
I tryed playing the first game recently, and its a good exercise to see how some genres have evolved. As revolutionary as Thief was for its time, it looks very dinosaurish today. As much as people are dissatisfied with stealth games today, they have become much more sofisticated already. I guess its just hard to pull off.
This should be good. Let's just hope that Stephen Russel plays the Garret's role as he has been great in the previous games.
Im only midway in hitman, what do you find so bad?

Many of the missions are basically "on rails" compared to the previous games. Now, I don't dislike "on rails" games, I love COD's single player for example.

But I hate it in this case because as a fan of the series I was expecting a Hitman game. Not Hitman: Uncharted. OK, it's not quite as on rails as Uncharted is, but holy crap this definitely not HItman. After playing a bit over at a friends house, I decided this would be the first Hitman game I won't be playing.

I'm expecting large levels with freedom to approach things however you wish. Yes, my friend also said that later on you get some rather small levels that are almost like real Hitman gameplay, but as said, the levels are small, and everything feels so restricted. And those levels are very rare.

If they do the same thing to Thief, I swear I'm going to blow a fuse. I spent many an hour on Thief, and other than the stupid undead levels, they are still the pinnacle of stealth games to me. Although the first and second Splinter Cell come close, but that series has basically gone down the toilet as well.

Maybe a Thief sequel was just waiting for next-gen since there's so much more reliance on lighting models, which should be much better.

explosions, crumbling platforms, falling buildings....yes...its a 'new' game no doubt.

I like the look of the city , though, artistically, I love the monochrome look and everything about it, but just like other new games, it seems to be on autopilot and Garret speaks too much in the demos :mad:

I like the monochrome art style, but it needs more polygons on objects to feel awesome. Some vases and door textures which are right in ur face feel last gen. Being firtst person game over emphasises such shortcoming s anyways.

Still, very unique in a world full of the same games.
Hope don't unbalance it like hitman, and that the npc are not too stupid
if so, it's my definitive game
Theif is looking good the devs appear to have listened to the fans you can remove the hud, the prompts (no constant press X to open every time you look at a door) item highligting, the xp system, reaction icons for NPCs and most important of all no QTE's.
I wonder how that will go down in console land.