Thief 4

From what I heard, PS4 at 1080p/30fps dips down in the low 20s, while the XB1 at 900p/30fps dips are rare, nothing below 27fps.
It was not fully made by DEHR guys, it was a separate team in Eidos Montreal that announced Thief two years before DEHR was out. That studio has 500 people now, more than enough for 2 separate teams [plus those rejects who made Tomb Raider MP mode].
Its the sames tudio, not the dame team. Some ppl are loving thie game.

As for Dishonored, yes thats a very good game. Bought the G oTY edition in the recent psn sale. But I was expecting this to be better as one can abuse superpowers in Dishonored and get away with anything. I was expecting theif to be more hardcore and punishing, a true-er stealth game.
I'm a bit dissappointed, i selected as one of my AMD never settle games and will likely never play it.
Anyone want to swap me a $10 US PSN code for my steam Thief key? :p
You already finished it!?

Sorry, I don't even have the game yet, it releases on the 28th for us. I was commenting on the line of thought here that Dishonored is a better game. I was expecting this to be a better stealth game as it has no super powers to get out of tricky situations. Apparently, its not as free form as Dishonored, though Dishonored also , like every other game, has a predefined set of entry and exit points to areas. So, I don't know what exactly isn't clicking here.

Need to chk the Machinima Review, they seem to love the game. THey really liked FFX!!! -Lightning Returns and I loved the demo too.

This doesn't look bad at all. What are the problems cited by ppl giving it a 6 ?

Bad A.I. Bad writing. Constant loading breaks. Immersion breaking trinket collecting (if the poor people in the game bothered to look into their own drawers and cupboards every now and again, they might have come to realize that they weren't all that poor all along), linear missions offering very few options for the player.
The game uses tessellation on walls and main characters on the PC version. There is some contact hardened shadows too. It also includes SSAA for the sake of challenge, without it the game would run on a locked 62fps (typical UE3) no matter what.
Runs excellent on Very High @ 1080p on my Radeon 6970. It's not exactly Crysis 3 though. I turned off SSAA and FXAA. I don't like FXAA. The SSAA of course has a major performance hit (it sort of stutters) so I said meh.

Gameplay is ok so far. Dishonored-ish of course. I finished a couple of missions. I enjoy these first person stealth/action games a lot and am pretty forgiving. I played some Thief 3 a few weeks ago and I'd say they studied that one a bit at least. I sense a lot more focused storytelling coming in with Thief 4 though.
Bad A.I. Bad writing. Constant loading breaks. Immersion breaking trinket collecting (if the poor people in the game bothered to look into their own drawers and cupboards every now and again, they might have come to realize that they weren't all that poor all along), linear missions offering very few options for the player.

So, the bad AI I saw in youtube walkthroughs exists on hard too? Or is it the standard case of a game made super easy for new gen gamers?

Constant loading is a legit complaint, I guess, Dishonored also suffers from that. As for loot on the street, thats forgiveable, Bioshock Infinite had money in trashcans and vigors lying all around with no explaination on why others don't drink them. No one complained !

Would have been so much easier to judge if we had a demo.
With modifiers on:


This game certainly shows a lot better when played competently. I had completely written it off after watching coverage on Giant Bomb; now watching this I'm interested again. Still not a fan of desaturated monochrome alleys populated by clones though.
So, the bad AI I saw in youtube walkthroughs exists on hard too? Or is it the standard case of a game made super easy for new gen gamers?

Constant loading is a legit complaint, I guess, Dishonored also suffers from that. As for loot on the street, thats forgiveable, Bioshock Infinite had money in trashcans and vigors lying all around with no explaination on why others don't drink them. No one complained !

Would have been so much easier to judge if we had a demo.

One particular aspect of a game being just as shitty in other games is a terrible excuse. Plenty of people complained, by the way (I wasn't a big fan of it either). B.I. also never made a big deal about the injustice of classism, whereas it's supposed to be one of the big narrative hooks in Thief. Yes, money in trashcans is a pretty silly gameplay concession no matter the circumstances, but it becomes doubly silly when you're trying to sell me on a place that's supposed to be so downtrodden people have to eat their own shoes.
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Yeah it doesn't look like we can expect that kind of sense from a big budget game. Thief feels like an implementation of a "proven formula" for the modern stealth FPS, including the make-no-sense money pickups everywhere. Easy to jump into if one has played anything recent.

The intro level with the female thief (name forgotten) was cringeworthy and the cinematic ending of it left me mostly confused. Still, I am curious about what is going on in this city.
One particular aspect of a game being just as shitty in other games is a terrible excuse. Plenty of people complained, by the way (I wasn't a big fan of it either). B.I. also never made a big deal about the injustice of classism, whereas it's supposed to be one of the big narrative hooks in Thief. Yes, money in trashcans is a pretty silly gameplay concession no matter the circumstances, but it becomes doubly silly when you're trying to sell me on a place that's supposed to be so downtrodden people have to eat their own shoes.

I am not justifying it :), i am just poinitng out the that games that reviewed well also had the same issue, so frankly they don't count in lowering the score. In fact, the absurdity of gold lying in streets was the first thing I noticed when i watched the first footage of Thief. Therea re some absurditities one has come to accept as part of gaming, I guess. They are still jarring as hell when they break the premise completely, like in Bio infinte.What I am trying to find is what exactly is it that is bringing the scores down. People ususally complain of such trivialities when the game itself is lacking in its ability to hook you. But in this case, i would like to know if it is simply down the current trend of wanting thrilling moments in games and a pure stealth game not providing it or os ot actually lacking in its core stealth gameplay?

The fact that dishonored also has too many loading screens but is excused but here it is being touted as a complaint makes me wonder if the game is not able to grip the player enough to make him forget about the loading.

Real B3D impressions will be more helpful than reviews in that regard, I presume. The fact that some youtubers that are Thief fans, like new one too brings a bit of hope.

If the AI is bad even on hard, then its a big issue. If the levels n missions themselvesa re uninteresting, then there's no point at all. The game does seem to provide alternate ways to do everything , I guess.
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I don't know, looks like POM and tessellation on main character are present in the PS4 version? Just too these from FB.


If the AI is bad even on hard, then its a big issue. If the levels n missions themselvesa re uninteresting, then there's no point at all. The game does seem to provide alternate ways to do everything , I guess.

When has upping the difficulty ever "improved" an A.I.? Ususally they get more numerous, hit harder and see further, but they'll stick get stuck on the environments.

Either way, there are plenty of reviews out there highlighting the many problems with the game in great detail. For what it's worth, I watched a 30 minute video on Polygon (I believe they gave it a 6) and decided for myself that I'm most likely going to have quite a bit of fun with it no matter the score. Ordered the game on Amazon a couple of minutes ago and I'm very much looking forward to it.
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