Thief 4

I'm in the UK, which is definitely in the EU (regardless of what Daily Mail readers think), and it's on sale along with Tomb Raider.

Whether the individual stores (UK, France, Germany, Italy, Denmark etc) have individual pricing I don't know, but that might explain it.

I just spent the money on TR...
This game is in the position between "worth it" or "not that worth it".. The first parts of this game kind of awesome to play, especially if you're into stealth games. But it slowly gets boring along the journey.. But i still like the weapon stuff in this game.
I beat it finally. What a weak, annoying and poorly told story with an inexplicable ending. Sigh. It's also cute and fun how the pre-rendered videos often don't quite match up with what is happening in the game. They shouldn't even use pre-rendered vids.

No doubt there is DLC incoming to continue the nonsense.
Just played the first chapter on the ps3, was free on plus and damn this game had the atmosphere and the world so right! I am so tempted to stop playing and get it cheap on the ps4 instead. But I must say that even on the ps3 the game looks and sounds tight. Wow !

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Played some more on the ps3, the mood and characters feel so good. Was on sale on the ps4 and bought it ! It was too stuttery on the ps3. Can't wait to play it the atmosphere and the tone !

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