The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt revealed

I didn't like playing gwent that much. Actually, I found it really boring.

Are there any story-driven quests that require me to play gwent? Should I force myself to play the card game?
I'm definitely not interested in playing it for the money, as I'm always limited by character level for the equipment I can buy/craft.
I did not play Gwent once and finished it.

Thanks god, the devs don't force you!
That change log is ridiculously great, but I'm still hoping for a DX12 patch.

Me too! Hopefully with 2nd DLC!

For those of you who don't have PDF reader, changelog has 13 pages of pure text written in size 12 or 14 font of changes and fixes!!! :)

My GOG Galaxy is already downloading 7.5GB worth of update to W3 which must contain DLC as well! Bring it on!
I hope the performances gains are not just visual downgrade.

But, I don't believe in DX12 for the W3 engine, too much work, and I guess most of the "technical" staff is working on Cyberpunk 2077 now ...
I wonder, with the size of the last patch, if a big part of HoS was already in it. I downloaded 6.4gb on steam with 1.10...
Mine was a 17GB download, and I have everything in plain English. Jeez..
Can't wait for it to unlock!

Unlock? I was talking about the patch, not the DLC.

BTW, performance now is a lot better.
In my 2*290X setup I get constant 60FPS VSynced at 2560*1600 + everything maxed out (including hairworks). The only thing not maxed out is the Hairworks AA.
Maybe for Crossfire setups only? Don't really notice any difference on my single 290.

I did notice some weird bug that causes you to be unable to attack. I don't know why but sometimes when I press the soft or hard attack buttons there is no reaction. It's quite obvious as sometimes there still isn't a response after pressing the button 3 or 4 times. Never noticed this before the latest patch but I had it like 3 or 4 times in the two hours that I played after installing the patch.
I came this fucking close to trowing my controller at the screen... Its a great game overall put sometimes it seems the devs did their best to make the game as fucking annoying as possible.

So here I am doing the swamp thing monster contract. I'm level 14, its supposed to be doable at level 12. Removed all mutegens etc because I want to get the even odds achievement. That is assuming achievements are by now actually working.

The point is, the environment is lame. Half of the time your sword is hitting at the floor or stones or whatever. Anything but the enemy. Ofcourse the enemy is also able to get like 4 consecutive hits on you. Fucking every time I launch a attack it counter attacks right away. Nothing that you can do. Its just lame and only designed to annoy the player, not to be fun. It's shit.

Anyway I think I'm just gonna lower the difficulty. Already got the blood and broken bones achievement anyway because of CD projekts awesome programming... Why should I even bother? its not like combat is particularly fun.
Did you turn on the enemy targeting (I think default is keyboard Z)? Targeting is pretty much the only way to successful hit an enemy in a tight space.
The patch is 10GB big but needs 16GB or so free to install. The expansion is 4GB big and needs 6GB to install.

Like the expansion already the patch seems to have fixed some of the breaks in quests that I had.
In 1 vs 1, yeah targetting is the way to go, but vs multiples oponents, "free fight" is good too, never have a problem hitting someone / something. I play with a 360 pad.
Fucking gwent so fucking unfair. Been trying for an hour but just cannot win. I've been almost everywhere in velen, bought ever card I found but in novigrad I cannot win. Some of these guys can play 20 cards in a round.

Yeah I could come back later
.. could. If this fucking game had some kind of memo system.

Oh and whoever came up with the idea not to sort items in alphabetical order needs to be sterilized to avoid conteminating the rest of the word.

Same with the asshat that decided that spectres don't have to respawn. Good fucking luck getting enough monster dust for gear...
If only I could lose in Gwent, what a refreshing experience that would be...:cool: The match against Shani in HoS actually offered some challenge and the DLC had quite a few spots where I could put my "Homerdog schooling Gwent skills" to some use. :)