Does the Netfront browser have proprietary API for game devs ? If not, any browser that fits into the memory and CPU run-time characteristic should work. There is no serious need to maintain layout compatibility against Netfront. The website developers would prefer HTML5 compatibility instead.
Slight misunderstanding but that's a good point/question. New WEBKIT browsers and older generation browsers are so different that upgrades using tools out of one for the other are impossible.
As I believe you mentioned in another thread on this forum, the Netflix, MLB and HULU apps from the desktop give us clues as to what's being used, to repost:
These Applications are using routines in PS3 firmware 3.5 which results in smaller sizes for updates after Firmware 3.5.
Hulu app decreased in size 13 megs after the PS3 firmware 3.5 release.
MLB app decreased in size from 16 meg to 7.6 meg
The Netflix application was not released to Canada until after 3.5.
The HULU application states that it is available on other platforms (using the same license) that support ONLY HTML5.
Netflix director of Network development stated that NETFLIX was going to HTML5 and would have a dynamically updatable user interface.
HTML5 contains codecs (already in PS3 firmware before 3.5) to support video streaming as well as Javascript that has hooks to calls in HTML5. Tools in HTML5 can be called by other languages (native Apps), this includes javascript included in modern WEBKITs. Not included in WEBKIT is a DRM. (The reduction in size should not be related to using a HTML5 video codec in the PS3 as the same video stream has been supported by a PS3 Video Codec before 3.5.)
With an understanding of what HTML5 makes possible, the MLB application size of 7.6 megs, the functionality shown in the MLB application, the reduction in size of the applications after 3.5 and the statements in the articles I cite leads to the conclusion that
a partially active webkit (probably WEBGL) was in PS3 firmware update 3.5 and is now in the PS3.
It will now be easier to write WEB applications for the PS3. Third party WEB providers can write applications using HTML5 tools and they will be usable on all platforms that support HTML5 with little change; possibly with just a Sony provided wrapper.
Pre 3.5 the Sony wrapper probably contained Sony provided HTML5 like code custom written and/or ported from existing open source libraries.
Sony provided wrapper for applications on XMB written in C+
HTML5 code/calls provided by HULU or Netflix. This code can be used unchanged by ALL platforms; probably uses Javascript See below:
Custom PS3 routines to support HTML5 pre 3.5. This disappears as routines are supported by PS3 firmware
End wrapper
In addition, incorporated in HTML5 and new WEBKITs is the ability to download javascript code and save to a protected file on the hardware platform (in this case the PS3 Hard Disk). This allows dynamic updating and on-the-fly User Interface changes. The MLB application at 7.6 megs must use this feature. Netflix's "dynamically updateable" user interface must use this feature also.