The non-standard game interfaces discussion thread (move, voice, vitality, etc.)

I think that'll be the selling point. Kinect is for the family, something MS have finally got right with their gaming platform! Move doesn't appear to have that same appeal, certainly not that buzz. Sony didn't market it, even saying they are letting MS do the marketing and riding on the back of Kinect. Strange approach, deliberately being second place.

Yeah, it's already converted one of my closest friends who has always made fun of my game playing hobbies, especially consoles, into someone that is now asking if I can bring it over to her place to show her parents and in addition to give us a better area to play (won't bother anyone jumping at her place. :D).

I'm still somewhat in shock that she's actually now interested in gaming, and on the hated consoles no less. Amazing. Part of it is that she doesn't view games on Kinect as a waste of time, as she's also getting a decent cardio workout of them. And part of it is that for once she's actually having fun on a console (not fighting the controls).

There's still a learning curve, but it's a small one and one where it's actually as much fun to get it "wrong" as it is to get it "right". MS really did a good job on this. I mean when you can have almost as much fun NOT being able to play well as you do when playing well. That's going to draw in a lot of people.

I still remember one thing she said to me the week prior to Kinect launching. I was telling her that I was going to make her try it out with me. She said she was interested in what it could do so that was fine, but that I better not use it a lot and thus be a lot better than her when she tried it. Fast forward to tonight when we did some adventures together and she was, for the first time I could remember, laughing as much at messing up as she was after she got the hang of it. She HATES looking bad while doing something. :D Which is something that just makes her hate consoles even more (at least up to this point), and yes that includes the Wii.

I can't wait to show this to others. Hell, at the mail center where I have all UPS/Fedex packages delivered. When I unboxed Kinect, every single worker there stopped what they were doing to come over and ask me about Kinect. Quite a few of the customers in there did also. And everyone at the mail center made me promise to come back and tell them how it is. :D

It's the game selection, magical concept, and Oprah + Elen factor.

I don't know why your friend looks bad with Wii though. Now that I think about it, the flailing girl in the Kinect presentation didn't look particularly elegant when she demoed on stage too.
Kinect may be one of those examples where success comes mostly from the concept and great marketing than the accuracy and widerpractical capabilities of the device itself.

The concept alone is enough to attract a wide audience even if the type of genres and the quality of games that may be released on it arent the best. If I were a kid or someone who is newish to gaming the idea behind kinect would have sounded like an out of this world thing to me as well and I would have wanted it badly.

It repeats what the Wii managed to do, but this time in a whole new level.

Its going to be a huge success I am pretty sure and will threaten Sony and Nintendo hugely, unless Sony manages to market succesfully Move with the right family/casual software. Makes me wonder how they can use the PSEye camera to steal some kinect thunder.

But I kind of doubt it since MS has much more money to spend in Marketing and they are aces in identifying competitive advantages of others, improving on them, and beating them at their own game.

MS may very well be a strong participator in the core and casual market sumultaneously whereas Sony got stuck mostly on the core and Nintendo mostly on the casual. If things move as MS planned, Sony and Nintendo will have their butts handed to them unless they respond in some succesfull way
One things for certain, looking at the sales of the HD consoles before the new motion controls there seems to still be a huge number of 'gamers' still up for grabs...
What makes you say that? There are 80 million HD mainstream consoles out there. That has to cover most console gamers. Of the 120+ million PS2's, plenty of those were pretty casual with SingStar etc.

Id imagine the majority of the reviews are from gaming media though.
Yes. Gamers aren't taking to Kinect the same way non-gamers are.

Yeah, it's already converted one of my closest friends who has always made fun of my game playing hobbies, especially consoles, into someone that is now asking if I can bring it over to her place to show her parents and in addition to give us a better area to play (won't bother anyone jumping at her place. :D).

I'm still somewhat in shock that she's actually now interested in gaming, and on the hated consoles no less.
Sony should be kicking themselves for not capitalising on Eyetoy. The same reaction was had in 2003. Things like the original EyeToy Play Kung Foo were great fun calorie burners. No-one can stand on screen and not make silly martial-arts moves!

And looking on YouTube for example vids, I found EyeToy Virtua Fighter which I didn't even know existed, but looks excellent!

The concept of dance-combat is awesome! (not sure what the block mechanic is as the guy seems to never get hit no matter what he does!)

I'm angry at Sony for not developing this further. How come I could play these sorts of games on PS2 but there's squat like this on the more capable PS3?! Why aren't they developing similar?! What was the point in buying PSEye? the natural assumption was there'd be EyeToy Play HD titles, new and improved, but they provided nothing. They're going to pay the rpice now as MS steals their thunder, which is only fair, but I'm still lacking these sorts of games and it doesn't look like controllerless games will be supported much on PS3.
I'm angry at Sony for not developing this further. How come I could play these sorts of games on PS2 but there's squat like this on the more capable PS3?! Why aren't they developing similar?! What was the point in buying PSEye? the natural assumption was there'd be EyeToy Play HD titles, new and improved, but they provided nothing. They're going to pay the rpice now as MS steals their thunder, which is only fair, but I'm still lacking these sorts of games and it doesn't look like controllerless games will be supported much on PS3.

Yeah it really boggles the mind that they didn't continue to promote and evolve EyeToy as well as its titles. Granted, I had stopped using my PS2 by the time EyeToy launched on it so didn't get to experience them, but from what people on here say, it was a pretty compelling experience.

At least Sony appear to be very commited to Move this time around. But then I suppose a lot of people thought the same with EyeToy on PS2. So fingers crossed that they continue to evolve and enhance Move.

MS meanwhile has taken on that whole mantle and gone gangbusters with it. They also appear quite committed to it as they see it as potential cornerstone not only of computer gaming but also for PC, media set top boxes, and anywhere else MS has a presence. Although there's always the danger that they spread their resources too thin or focus too much on other platforms that they let the console version languish. So fingers crossed that they continue to keep focus on improving and diversifying the controllerless experience.

One thing that I can't help but wonder is to what extent MS' recent IP aquisitions will hinder Sony's ability to extend the capabilities of Move + PSEye. Will they be able to, for example, move to a 3D PSEye without requiring IP that MS may now control?

What makes you say that? There are 80 million HD mainstream consoles out there. That has to cover most console gamers. Of the 120+ million PS2's, plenty of those were pretty casual with SingStar etc.

Yes. Gamers aren't taking to Kinect the same way non-gamers are.

Sony should be kicking themselves for not capitalising on Eyetoy. The same reaction was had in 2003. Things like the original EyeToy Play Kung Foo were great fun calorie burners. No-one can stand on screen and not make silly martial-arts moves!
And looking on YouTube for example vids, I found EyeToy Virtua Fighter which I didn't even know existed, but looks excellent!
The concept of dance-combat is awesome! (not sure what the block mechanic is as the guy seems to never get hit no matter what he does!)

I'm angry at Sony for not developing this further. How come I could play these sorts of games on PS2 but there's squat like this on the more capable PS3?! Why aren't they developing similar?! What was the point in buying PSEye? the natural assumption was there'd be EyeToy Play HD titles, new and improved, but they provided nothing. They're going to pay the rpice now as MS steals their thunder, which is only fair, but I'm still lacking these sorts of games and it doesn't look like controllerless games will be supported much on PS3.
Maybe they stopped supporting EyeToy because it got old pretty fast.
At first the experience felt magical, but not long after, the sensation of seeing yourself on the telly doing some simple interactive tasks was just plain boring.
I guess the developers came short of ideas for new ways to utilise the cam too, so all the games were basically the same gameplay ideas recirculated with different graphics. Hit items, lean to steer, wave... etc. the ways to interact really were too limited for varied gamelplay.
One thing that I can't help but wonder is to what extent MS' recent IP aquisitions will hinder Sony's ability to extend the capabilities of Move + PSEye. Will they be able to, for example, move to a 3D PSEye without requiring IP that MS may now control?

I wouldn't be surprised if Sony chooses the path of controller enhanced motion gaming versus controller free, also I don't think full-body control is their goal, but instead head and hands.
My personal bet is, Sony will evolve the Move controller towards a glove-like controller with sensors and force feedback for every finger.
I think they already had a patent describing something like that.
That way they wouldn't need a Kinect like camera, a simple 2D cam like PS3Eye would be sufficient.
Maybe not for PS4, but PS5 maybe ;)
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They have Kung Fu Live coming for Eye so maybe that will be a new wave of games if it does ok.Would be cool if they were all cheap PSN titles too!
What makes you say that? There are 80 million HD mainstream consoles out there. That has to cover most console gamers. Of the 120+ million PS2's, plenty of those were pretty casual with SingStar etc.

By the sales figures of the two HD consoles every month. Before either of the Motion controllers were released the combined sales of the HD consoles were reaching something like 700k every month. Im not just talking about harcore gamers but also the types that only play the odd sports game or whatever.
Maybe they stopped supporting EyeToy because it got old pretty fast.
At first the experience felt magical, but not long after, the sensation of seeing yourself on the telly doing some simple interactive tasks was just plain boring.
I guess the developers came short of ideas for new ways to utilise the cam too, so all the games were basically the same gameplay ideas recirculated with different graphics. Hit items, lean to steer, wave... etc. the ways to interact really were too limited for varied gamelplay.


Dr Richard Marks and the rest of Sony's mouth pieces have been saying as much since they started talking openly about MOVE. I think the death of EyeToy was a combination of the fact that it came too late on PS2, everything yo boi rabitrabbit said above and the fact that Sony themselves don't see a future in a control interface that's fundamentally limited to casual games... Plus at the time of the PS2 the Wii wasn't out there selling gangbusters so you can't blame them for not thinking that PSEye would be the next big thing on PS3.

I also don't understand this whole, "Sony isn't marketing PSMove" sentiment... it's a bit foolsih considering the Coca-Cola deal they announced at last E3 as well as the subway promotions and all the regular media marketing they're doing. You only need to switch on your TV and open a magazine to see Sony's still marketing the MOVE.

I also think that they're smart not to try to outspend MS with their "500 gajillion dollarz marketing spend on Kinect". They can't realistically outspend MS in marketing MOVE, for starters the whole "hands-free gaming" thing isn't the something MOVE is designed around (however possible it is on PSEye).

I think for them focussing on the core gamer and letting the gaming press do their inevitable "Move vs. Kinect" hardware comparisons is a sensible idea and will keep MOVE in the minds of gamers as a "gamer's alternative to motion controls" as opposed to the very casual centric Kinect marketing.

I still stand by my prediction that MOVE will ultimately outsell Kinect... Specially once all the kinect launch hype dies down. So long as Sony keeps pushing to get meaningful 3rd party dev support as well as bringing their own A-game with their in-house titles, thus leveraging the talent of their "best in class" stable of in-house devs, then MOVE will continue to sell and sell well regardless of their level of marketing spend.

I for one would rather Sony & MS spent $500 million on actual game developement for their motion control devices in order to convice me to buy them rather than paying people to shout about how great they are... *sigh*
I know it's VGChartz - but since the Move came out the PS3 saw an inital boost of around 30% in sales and has stayed at that higher figure (it's worth noting that they also show a slight dip in Wii sales during the same period)

I totally agree about the eyetoy control getting "old", it's fun but not accurate enough - IMHO Kinect is ideal (bar the price IMHO) for what it's trying to do which is appeal to the more casual market (rather than be known as the console for 'hardcore' gamers). Sony on the other hand want to enhance all their gamers experiences and I think the Move does that for them also.
Maybe they stopped supporting EyeToy because it got old pretty fast.
At first the experience felt magical, but not long after, the sensation of seeing yourself on the telly doing some simple interactive tasks was just plain boring.
I guess the developers came short of ideas for new ways to utilise the cam too, so all the games were basically the same gameplay ideas recirculated with different graphics. Hit items, lean to steer, wave... etc. the ways to interact really were too limited for varied gamelplay.
Well, that's kinda true of conventional games too. Move left stick to move avatar. Press R1 to shoot/grab. Whoop-de-doo... :p That EyeToy may have lost its momentum is more due to lack of development and innovation. What Richard Marks has described was using PS2. They never developed PS3 titles, beyond that tantalising concept video of vapourware. Kung Fu live is appearing 3 years into PS3's life and is third party. Why didn't Sony provide background removal and body tracking from day one, based on all their experimental research? Look at how people are reacting to Kinect, and it's evident that they would have been reacting to PS3+PSEye with the same enthusiasm with stuff like a next-gen TekkenEye, 3 years ago. PS3 would have dominated the mass psyche offering Wii like wow in HD goodness with all sorts of technobabble to impress the technological illiterate.

What Sony have missed is the para-game market, first highlighted with Wii's fitness iamge, and now being capitalised on by Kinect. "Buy this and have fun while getting a good workout." Meanwhile Sony are providing lazy-ass core games for lazy-ass core gamers! :p Considering PlayStation used to be the brand to reach everyone, the console that turned gaming into something trendy, and camera based games were a part of that, what's gone wrong?When you loko at all the other odd niche titles Sony has been willing to support, (virtual Japanese flythrough screensaver?!), not supporting a niche of interactive, high-activity camera games that had demonstrated both remarkable uptake and untapped potential thanks to no significant US investment was just plain short sighted. If they thought the world was bored of and moved on from EyeToy, they were sorely mistaken.

Of all the PS2 games I played, the only ones I want to play again are BGDA2/CON which haven't seen particularly great next-gen versions, and some EyeToy goodness. It didn't work too well for me because of contrast issues, not so much a problem with next-gen tech if only Sony had supported it.
Well, that's kinda true of conventional games too. Move left stick to move avatar. Press R1 to shoot/grab. Whoop-de-doo... :p That EyeToy may have lost its momentum is more due to lack of development and innovation. What Richard Marks has described was using PS2. They never developed PS3 titles, beyond that tantalising concept video of vapourware. Kung Fu live is appearing 3 years into PS3's life and is third party. Why didn't Sony provide background removal and body tracking from day one, based on all their experimental research? Look at how people are reacting to Kinect, and it's evident that they would have been reacting to PS3+PSEye with the same enthusiasm with stuff like a next-gen TekkenEye, 3 years ago. PS3 would have dominated the mass psyche offering Wii like wow in HD goodness with all sorts of technobabble to impress the technological illiterate.

What Sony have missed is the para-game market, first highlighted with Wii's fitness iamge, and now being capitalised on by Kinect. "Buy this and have fun while getting a good workout." Meanwhile Sony are providing lazy-ass core games for lazy-ass core gamers! :p Considering PlayStation used to be the brand to reach everyone, the console that turned gaming into something trendy, and camera based games were a part of that, what's gone wrong?When you loko at all the other odd niche titles Sony has been willing to support, (virtual Japanese flythrough screensaver?!), not supporting a niche of interactive, high-activity camera games that had demonstrated both remarkable uptake and untapped potential thanks to no significant US investment was just plain short sighted. If they thought the world was bored of and moved on from EyeToy, they were sorely mistaken.

Of all the PS2 games I played, the only ones I want to play again are BGDA2/CON which haven't seen particularly great next-gen versions, and some EyeToy goodness. It didn't work too well for me because of contrast issues, not so much a problem with next-gen tech if only Sony had supported it.
I am pretty sure I have read somewhere a long time ago that Phil Harrison(I think during the time he left) wanted Sony to focus more on the casual oriented games similar to the EyeToy, Singstar and the likes, to try out some alternative control scheme methods but was frustrated that they ignored him. He was disappointed I believe that Nintendo took that opportunity while they could have stopped some of their thunder if they came up with something.

Anyone remember Eyedentity?? Another vaporware. And I also remember that Sony demonstrated some object recognition games during the PS3's first unveilings.

I think it was you or Joshua that was saying in 2007 or 2006 how Sony should have packed the PSEye with the console to make it a standard

Really sad indeed that they threw everything away
Anyone remember Eyedentity?? Another vaporware. And I also remember that Sony demonstrated some object recognition games during the PS3's first unveilings.
They had the virtual glasses in their bath demo, scooping water out of the bath.

I think it was you or Joshua that was saying in 2007 or 2006 how Sony should have packed the PSEye with the console to make it a standard.
I was always a proponent of a camera pack-in, and I wasn't alone. The added cost would have been well worth it with the right software. :(
I thought these two from Metacritic were interesting.Seems Kinect got worse reviews.


Luckily for us, the people we're aiming at generally don't read the gaming press, they make their purchase decisions on the more mundane amazon reviews. (Very similar to Wii games in that respect)

And if you look at the 2 and 1 star reviewers, you'll see they rate anything xbox 1 star, and anything PS3 5 stars, so they're really just trolls.
What makes you say that? There are 80 million HD mainstream consoles out there. That has to cover most console gamers. Of the 120+ million PS2's, plenty of those were pretty casual with SingStar etc.

Yes. Gamers aren't taking to Kinect the same way non-gamers are.

Sony should be kicking themselves for not capitalising on Eyetoy. The same reaction was had in 2003. Things like the original EyeToy Play Kung Foo were great fun calorie burners. No-one can stand on screen and not make silly martial-arts moves!

And looking on YouTube for example vids, I found EyeToy Virtua Fighter which I didn't even know existed, but looks excellent!

The concept of dance-combat is awesome! (not sure what the block mechanic is as the guy seems to never get hit no matter what he does!)

I'm angry at Sony for not developing this further. How come I could play these sorts of games on PS2 but there's squat like this on the more capable PS3?! Why aren't they developing similar?! What was the point in buying PSEye? the natural assumption was there'd be EyeToy Play HD titles, new and improved, but they provided nothing. They're going to pay the rpice now as MS steals their thunder, which is only fair, but I'm still lacking these sorts of games and it doesn't look like controllerless games will be supported much on PS3.

Actually, I don't mind them porting EyeToy games to PS3 !
And if you look at the 2 and 1 star reviewers, you'll see they rate anything xbox 1 star, and anything PS3 5 stars, so they're really just trolls.

The Move receives similarly favorable reviews on Amazon, so it's clear that Motion controls are generally liked and there's a good chance they'll do really well. However, if numbers are anything to go by, then while the Move there too gets a slightly better average review (51/6/1/0/1) there are a lot more people who reviewed Kinect, which means that Kinect is winning in the U.S. for now.

Beautiful Modeler is a software tool for gestural sculpting using a multi-touch controller such as an iPad. Each finger is used to control a single touch point in the model, with multiple layers working to build up 3D volume. As the controller is connected over the wireless network, it can be moved freely to change the viewing angle of the model.

After trying Beat Sketcher, I suspect the Move controller may be more intuitive to use, especially if Sony allow us to draw on a table surface.