The non-standard game interfaces discussion thread (move, voice, vitality, etc.)

Sure, it makes sense in Canada. What about Spain? France? The Netherlands? Germany with its large contingent of English speakers?

Apparently accents is the major stumbling block. According to that link of scently's, MS had to specific support for UK English due to how radically different the accents can be versus US English.

As well, looks like MS PR doesn't even know what countries it'll be available in as the link was updated saying that Canada will, in fact, have English voice recognition.

So, we're back to my original theory that this is purely due to not wanting bad PR for the Voice Recognition in non-English speaking countries due to unacceptable recognition rate due to accents.

My guess is MS hope this resonates with the Japanesse and finally gves them some significant presence, so they prioritised Japan during development to try another spearhead into that market.

Which still has me scratching my head. Without Japanese developed games that would be more attractive to the Japanese market, I just don't see this changing the situation much. Then again the Dancing games might do well, but I'm still pretty skeptical that this will boost X360 adoption much in Japan.

Personally I think they would have been better served by localizing for Germany or France. Although perhaps Konami helped them with localization for Japan?

Apparently accents is the major stumbling block. According to that link of scently's, MS had to specific support for UK English due to how radically different the accents can be versus US English.

So, we're back to my original theory that this is purely due to not wanting bad PR for the Voice Recognition in non-English speaking countries due to unacceptable recognition rate due to accents.
I suppose that's true, that a bad experience in English is still a bad experience. But if MS seriously have cracked the thicker regional dialects of Britain (tink Oirland), than they should be able to cope with the majority of competant English speakers on the continent, plenty of whom have far subtler accents the strongest the Brits have to offer. Unless it is dealt with by an acccent-by-accent solution, which would be surprising.
Amidst PS Move news, it may be interesting to check out the top 20 most-loved Wii games:

Most loved, yes, meaning Nintendo owners that vote on their Wii channel for these things.

Best selling is more informative, or at least a good compliment:

The top 10 selling Wii games.
Wii Sports (66.19 million)[68]
Wii Play (27.38 million)[69]
Wii Fit (22.61 million)[69]
Mario Kart Wii (22.55 million)[69]
Wii Sports Resort (19.16 million)[68]
New Super Mario Bros. Wii (15.81 million)[68]
Wii Fit Plus (14.52 million)[68]
Super Smash Bros. Brawl (9.48 million)[69]
Super Mario Galaxy (8.84 million)[70]
Mario Party 8 (7.6 million)[71]
saw this today
looks like someone else is developing there own system!

The accelerometers in console capture systems typically cannot distinguish between full-blown strokes and the smaller flicks, he said.

Alternative console-based motion capture systems based around cameras were also unsuitable, he said, because their frame rates were typically too slow to capture the high-speed movements of participants.

"They only work at 30 frames per second; that would not capture the motion of a punch, it's too quick," he said.
Yes backs up what I mentioned, 30fps would not be fast enuf for fast motion games eg boxing.
Nice to have confirmation that I was right. 60fps might be enuf, but I think you'ld need 120fps
saw this today
looks like someone else is developing there own system!

Yes backs up what I mentioned, 30fps would not be fast enuf for fast motion games eg boxing.
Nice to have confirmation that I was right. 60fps might be enuf, but I think you'ld need 120fps

To me it sounds like most of the critique doesn't apply to move as much as they are leading one to believe.

First of all the camera is 60fps and second of all move makes tracking the bright ball really easy. Games like table tennis use location information to place the paddle rendering cheating with bare wrist movement impossible. Move controller is sampled nearly 300 times per second which makes it really accurate. Even if the camera didn't see fist moving the other sensors work well enough to capture small and bigger strikes. I also think move knows which way earth is giving additional information wii is lacking?(at least I remember cheating in wii golf game by putting with vertical ice fishing movement rather than with horizontal put motion which would be impossible on move if game is properly implemented).

As for kinect... the 30fps issue and lag has been discussed to death and the frosting is in gestures and casual gaming not in the hardcore audience.
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To me it sounds like most of the critique doesn't apply to move as much as they are leading one to believe.

I'd say it doesn't apply to Move at all. Richards has shown a few times that it is impossible to move fast enough, and he estimates it at five times faster than a human being can physically move his arm/hand. An even more obvious example is the free test interface for The Fight, where it shows your arms being tracked 1:1, following any movement you do (the actual game uses players with stats that balance strength and speed, so that is a 'modified' 1:1, which seems to confuse a lot of people). Since The Fight also even does stuff like track calories burnt over time I think, perhaps they are too much of a competitor, although since their system also includes other sensors like heart-rate, I guess it's not quite in the same market anyway. ;)

They're also hopelessly sexist. Everyone should know by now that women like boxing too. Heck we even have some very recent evidence:

Yeah, doesn't seem to match Move very well, which certainly seems capable. Maybe add some LEDs on chest and head if they want seriously accurate tracking, but if lighting is good, head tracking is already capable. TBH I think they just haven't (tried to) secure(d) a PS3 devkit, and so have to go it alone which means using a PC with the freeware motion tracking lib. I don't think Move is inherently incapable of pulling this off, and if they aren't measuring the LED size on the fists, or using sterescopic camera, they won't have depth sensing by the sounds of if.
This one is pretty cool (and fun):

Twinkle augmented reality interface promises to make your world a platformer:

this so-called "Twinkle" interface developed by some researchers Tokyo University and Keio University takes a different enough approach to still turn a few heads. That's done thanks to the combination of a pico projector and a camera, the former of which projects a character onto any surface, while the latter is used along with some image processing software to identify objects the character can interact with. That's further backed up by an accelerometer that detects movements the camera can't, and the researchers say that the system can not only recognize specific objects like the ones on the board pictured above, but everyday objects as well

Aron Greenberg says Kinect is "additive" to the hardcore. Very nice to hear.

However, Kinect won't change the landscape as much as some have assumed, he says. "As a platform all-up, I think you'll continue to see the majority of titles controller-based. The core of our business is blockbuster games, and that will not change. We see this as additive."

Also stuff in there about 3 million Kinect sales projection this holiday, hundreds of millions of Kinect marketing dollars, and other stuff, but I dont care about that :p
it should easily do 3m sales. I expect move to push just as many if not a bit more.

3m is not alot when you sit down and think about it . MS will move 4-5m systems world wide this holiday. The kinect bundles will make up a decent portion of that. Then you have stand alone sales. I think its a pretty good deal
it should easily do 3m sales. I expect move to push just as many if not a bit more.
I think the best peripherals, kinda like games, tend to do about 10% of the console install base. If that. EyeToy was one of the best selling peripherals ever and sold to less than 5% of PS2 owners. 3 million over Christmas of such an expensive peripheral would actually be a major achievement going by other devices! Although they are backing it with hundreds of millions of dollars of advertising, which means that MS will make no direct money from the first few million Kinects sold. But it shows they believe in it, in a way Sony didn't with EyeToy.
I think the best peripherals, kinda like games, tend to do about 10% of the console install base. If that. EyeToy was one of the best selling peripherals ever and sold to less than 5% of PS2 owners. 3 million over Christmas of such an expensive peripheral would actually be a major achievement going by other devices! Although they are backing it with hundreds of millions of dollars of advertising, which means that MS will make no direct money from the first few million Kinects sold. But it shows they believe in it, in a way Sony didn't with EyeToy.

Actually the best peripheral benchmark to aspire to is Wii Fit which has around a 50% attach rate. Considering the costing is relatively comparable it will be interesting to see how Kinect compares to something down it's alley. Sure it is more expensive that Wii Fit even, but then again it does promise to be a lot more useful.

I can see a few core gamers this Christmas thinking 250GB Xbox 360 = $299, Kinect 250GB= $399 but wireless mic = $49 therefore Kinect real cost = $50. The killer application is really that microphone for online multiplayer. Its probably better than the wireless.
Actually the best peripheral benchmark to aspire to is Wii Fit which has around a 50% attach rate.
That's a fringe case. You can't expect to sell the freak successes, just as no non-Halo or GT or CODMW game in development now can honestly expect to sell 10+ million units, even if these franchises can do. Looking at the statistical average having filtered out the high and low anamolies, a realistic, optimistic target IMO is 10%. That's not to say Kinect can't aspire for better, or achieve better, but a target of 3 million this Christmas alone is a very aggressive target.
The killer application is really that microphone for online multiplayer. Its probably better than the wireless.
Interesting point. I started PS3 voice chat using PSEye, no headset. Sadly they didn't filter any game audio so there was terrible feedback, and headsets was a step forward. Now we're looking at doing away with headsets again because MS actually appreciate what's needed with a standing mic for VC!
This peripheral discussion keeps coming up, but there are plenty of peripherals being overlooked. As mentioned The balance board but there is also the original DualShock. Even the EyeToy did much better than people think, if you just look at Europe.