The Most Important Year ?

Magna Carta 1215

No wonder they then called english the 'lingua pura' afterwards. This eventually broke the back of feudalism.
pascal said:
As I said and other contributions like the flaps, the efficient use of petrol engines, etc..
And he did all that for fun, he abdicated all inventions rights and all money.

I think he actually agrees with you, because normally the US would have been the best whatsoever to him.

1 (+/- a couple of years) - Jesus born. Pretty big I guess.
~400 BC - The library of Alexandria was destroyed. The biggest setback for science through history.
Blitzkrieg said:
Humus what about the fall of the Roman empire as a set back to science and civilisation in general?

Well, in I guess, though I don't think we lost as much and not nearly as sudden as in Alexandria. Hard to put a specific year on it too as it went down during a quite long time.
Saw one program where they said the contents of the library werent so much lost as only dispersed. Apparently most invaders saw collections of manuscripts as valuable to be taken not destroyed...