The Last Guardian (Trico, Ico 3, Shadow of the Colossus sequel, etc.) [PS4]

Of course not, that was a joke. A reference to the "damn you all to hell" meme? Planet of the apes?
But you had 48 years to watch it! How large is your backlog of films to watch!
Gee man, I hadn't seen how old that movie was yet! Thanks for completely spoiling it's IMDB page for me now. Talk about a party pooper...
finished it today :(

it's a shame you can't save where you want, or choose chapters, if i want to see the end again i have to replay from the start again.

Anyway that was pretty awesome and moving, fresh air in this world of FPSes and racing games.
finished it today :(

it's a shame you can't save where you want, or choose chapters, if i want to see the end again i have to replay from the start again.

Anyway that was pretty awesome and moving, fresh air in this world of FPSes and racing games.
I rewatched all the cutscenes on youtube. Some have put basically their entire game there.
Looking forward to eventually playing it, though I'll wait until it's cheaper.

My guess is it's like a 7-10 hour game?

But how many years before another Ueda game? The guy has had 3 games in what, 20 years?
But 3 excellent games.

I don't know how many hours i spent, less than 15 hours as I got a trophy for that, i'd say between 10 and 15h, but i enjoyed every minute of it.

Yes you can watch playthroughs on youtube, but that's not the same !
Average game lenght is 11h. I think my playtgrough was a between 12 and 13h.

edit- nobody still has a Platinum trophy :D
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I know!!! I take what I can. :(
The Trico in the youtube video is not MY Trico, it's just someone else's pet.
The whole magic is moving around with him. Please dont watch the playthroughs. All the moments are about Trico in this game, discovering what he can do or does for you or etcetc......if those get spoiled, there is no game when u finally get to play it. The relation between them and little stuff this huge bugger does is just .........not there in any other game. the Interactivity part is the main element, otherwise its just like watching someone play with his pet, you never knwo what he is going through , you just see two guys playing.

I am really surprised how much story these guys have cooked up with just these characters and no real "story" per se. Cant wait for it to end and am most afraid of that very thing: that it will end ! I dont want it to !
The whole magic is moving around with him. Please dont watch the playthroughs. All the moments are about Trico in this game, discovering what he can do or does for you or etcetc......if those get spoiled, there is no game when u finally get to play it. The relation between them and little stuff this huge bugger does is just .........not there in any other game. the Interactivity part is the main element, otherwise its just like watching someone play with his pet, you never knwo what he is going through , you just see two guys playing.

I am really surprised how much story these guys have cooked up with just these characters and no real "story" per se. Cant wait for it to end and am most afraid of that very thing: that it will end ! I dont want it to !
Yeah of course don't go see the gameplay videos unless you already finished the game once... It's just that there are some important cut-scenes you'll really want to see again. They are obviously in the second half of the game, so restarting a new game means you have to play it through entirely.

I wouldn't be surprised Ueda did this on purpose, something like... you live this experience in one go, you can't go back in time, you can't correct mistakes, cherish it all while it's happening, no manual saves, no chapter select. :oops:
So i finished it and
I cried..... I mean literally, for minutes ! I havent cried like this, i mean without grief/pain, even in real life . When the post credits cutscene rolled, i cried again ! I am very surprised and taken aback at the power this game had on me. The max that had happened before this was that I had wet eyes at the end of MGS3, thats all. But here, I saw myself unable to control my tears. I don't totally get it yet, the emotion while I cried, but I know it was love ! I had no idea this could happen.

I am very moved by it, very doesn't suffice. A fantastic experience that will be real memory for life. A story I will passing on in my family. The most beautiful, powerful and human experience since The Last of Us. In fact, it compares to no other because of the manner in which it involves you. I have never been this moved.....not even in real life ! I ....... am at loss for words for what it did to me, it reached where fiction does not, i reacted in a way I have never reacted even in real life.....

The game is love.....its what we are made of ! Thank you all the people who made sure this did not die and was completed, this was an experience of a life time and glowing example which shows the power of our interactive medium ! It was beyond expectations, in fact it has raised expectations for this medium now !


The Last Guardian™_20161217133605.png
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